PoE Performance Issues still present. Need a word harsher than abysmal.

I was surprised when i modified particles shader to discard pixels, the fps was much better, almost 60-100 fps, but the spikes still existed, it was atleast playable on docks.
logokas wrote:
However, it is being treated as a retail product, with updates having a major focus on content, rather than testing and bugfixing. If I was trying to sell you a banana smoothie, but I hand you a banana juice instead, and claim it is fine because I'm still learning, but still ask you to spend money on it, is that okay, too?

You do realize that the teams responsible for content are probably not the same people responsible for the engine bugs or desync bugs (which are also probably not the same as each other).

In software development shops like this, Content Designers are basically artists. Some of whom have a little technical ability as well. They develop the new art and the new stats, input them into a tool designed to create content, and voila! You have new content patch. Separately, you have Tools Developers who are responsible for making those tools the artists use to import their new content, tweak stats, etc. Then you have your Engine programmers, Net programmers, etc. They are responsible for different areas within the client code or server code. All of these people are generally different people and usually on different teams associated with their "section" of the product.

So just because they keep releasing content, doesn't mean they don't have people working on the bugs and other problems.

logokas wrote:
So go ahead and hate me for throwing sticks and stones at your precious and 'perfect' game that has nothing wrong with it, if that's what you feel you should do. And if/when the day rolls by that your HC character dies to one of these bugs, when we're well into 2014 and out of beta, remember that I was here, trying to get it fixed, and also, that I Told You This Would Happen.

I never said this game was perfect. In fact, I think I've said pretty much the opposite. I agree with you there are problems. But I disagree that they're looking at it. Because I think they know about the problem and HAVE been working on attempting to reproduce it and fix it, even to go as far as hiring someone new who specializes in that area to help them out. Who cares WHEN it happens? Seriously? If this were a "released" game and the problem had been around for a year, then you certainly have reason to bitch and complain. This is test software. It is not expected to work for everyone. That's the point of testing.
Drakier wrote:

You do realize that the teams responsible for content are probably not the same people responsible for the engine bugs or desync bugs (which are also probably not the same as each other).

In software development shops like this, Content Designers are basically artists. Some of whom have a little technical ability as well. They develop the new art and the new stats, input them into a tool designed to create content, and voila! You have new content patch. Separately, you have Tools Developers who are responsible for making those tools the artists use to import their new content, tweak stats, etc. Then you have your Engine programmers, Net programmers, etc. They are responsible for different areas within the client code or server code. All of these people are generally different people and usually on different teams associated with their "section" of the product.

So just because they keep releasing content, doesn't mean they don't have people working on the bugs and other problems.

If they have enough manpower to put people on dedicated tasks, how have they not fixed these bugs yet? You keep missing the point here. These issues have been known as far back as March 2012! If there was one guy who'se only job was to make the engine and bugfix it, he has had one whole year to find the issue and fix it, considering that from the engine standpoint, the game has not changed all that much since 2012. And if this is true, then that guy should be fired. But you're just speculating.

Drakier wrote:

I never said this game was perfect. In fact, I think I've said pretty much the opposite. I agree with you there are problems. But I disagree that they're looking at it. Because I think they know about the problem and HAVE been working on attempting to reproduce it and fix it, even to go as far as hiring someone new who specializes in that area to help them out. Who cares WHEN it happens? Seriously? If this were a "released" game and the problem had been around for a year, then you certainly have reason to bitch and complain. This is test software. It is not expected to work for everyone. That's the point of testing.

There you go again with the "lol its beta" excuse and "who cares". This is exactly the kind of attitude that's going to end up leaving these bugs into the final product.

I wouldn't even have made this thread if I hadn't seen the issues a year ago. I came back, tried the game out, and realized that, wow, these bugs are STILL here, do they not know about it or something?

And then when I go on the forum, I find a massive thread that reads "GGG when will you finally fix AMD spikes", which, to me, indicates that I'm not the only one aware of these issues, and that many of these people are in fact, fed up?

Having a public beta is a double edged sword. Yes, you get lots of crowdsourced testers who can help you find imperfections and improve upon them. However, these people are already customers, because you provide a microtransaction store, and they are also seeing your development methods.

So here's some numbers. Lets be generous and say there's 3 million accounts registered.

How many of these are active anymore?

There is a fairly large demographic that tried PoE out and said, nah, not for me, I prefer Diablo 3. So they're gone.

Then there's the people who also said, nah, Torchlight 2 is better.

Then there's the people who suffered performance issues, who said yeah okay, this is clearly not finished yet, I'll maybe come back to this later. Maybe.

Then there's people like me, who DO come back, albeit probably somewhat of a minority, and what they see, is that problems still haven't been fixed, and release date is only a few months from now. So, naturally, they have to conclude that the game isn't worth playing because the developers haven't got their priorities straight. So they're gone as well.

Four chunks of people, plus the usual come and go folk who tend to play 'flavor of the month'.

How many of those 3 million people have stayed with PoE as their favorite dungeon crawler from the whole market, do NOT have performance issues, or play with them regardless, and haven't gotten bored of the game yet?

In reality, 3 million may be cut down to just a single million, maybe even less, of active players. And suddenly, the minorities you deem irrelevant and not worth development time, rather big indeed.

Also, if people need to use hacks to make the game playable, then something is very wrong indeed with the development practices.
I mean no offence to anyone, but there is my opinion about the game in points.

1. POE is GGG first game.
2. Chris stated that they are developing it for 6 years.
(Maybe if you sum it up, 6 years will become 2 years or less)
3. We know nothing about their programming background.
4. Not preloading resources in fast paced game is a fuck up, unless you are the Carmack.
5. Not much graphical options in game, especially no particles and decals options.
6. Won't even comment on desync, there was small fix, but nobody have seen it.
7. We are forced to play in Parties at late game, due to expensive solo maps crafting, low map drops, faster exp and higher survivability.

8. Overall, the gameplay, crafting, gfx, sound and other things are very good and quality.

I hope, every game issue will be fixed till the release.
Now i'll just wait for fixes and collect some money to buy a Supercomputer.
ThePassenger wrote:
I mean no offence to anyone, but there is my opinion about the game in points.

1. POE is GGG first game.
2. Chris stated that they are developing it for 6 years.
(Maybe if you sum it up, 6 years will become 2 years or less)
3. We know nothing about their programming background.
4. Not preloading resources in fast paced game is a fuck up, unless you are the Carmack.
5. Not much graphical options in game, especially no particles and decals options.
6. Won't even comment on desync, there was small fix, but nobody have seen it.
7. We are forced to play in Parties at late game, due to expensive solo maps crafting, low map drops, faster exp and higher survivability.

8. Overall, the gameplay, crafting, gfx, sound and other things are very good and quality.

I hope, every game issue will be fixed till the release.
Now i'll just wait for fixes and collect some money to buy a Supercomputer.

This is first game for GGG so I expect there will be problems. Chris and I think some of the other guys finished computer science on some University. Chris is programmer. So they surely have some knowledge about coding etc. (fix me if I am wrong)

Preloading resources is good idea and it should be implemented. (I would like to see Carmack as their lead engine developer LOL )

I finially got to ACT 3 and on some maps my FPS goes really down (mainly warehosue and marketplace). Anybody else has this problems?
IGN : Mettiu
nvm, just crashed again - forget the positiv stuff i wrote here xD
IGN: Darkrox (not my main, just for easy contact)
~ Yes i'm the Darkrox from Runes of Magic - World's #1 Guild Pravum 2009 - 2011 ~
Last edited by Darkrox#0968 on Jun 23, 2013, 3:57:43 AM
No post from GGG since page 4.

Still don't know if the bug I made this thread for has been reproduced, or if it's even being looked at.

And still nothing regarding the AMD spike bug.

I will not be posting in this thread any longer, and depending on the results within the next 2 weeks, will no longer be watching the thread, either. And probably uninstall the game.
I think that's what they are hoping for: that nobody bothers posting anymore, so the problem "disappears".
Many companies are doing it this way.
IGN: Darkrox (not my main, just for easy contact)
~ Yes i'm the Darkrox from Runes of Magic - World's #1 Guild Pravum 2009 - 2011 ~
I would sincerely hope they are continuing to investigate the issue, there are simply too many threads with similar subject matter to ignore. It is, however, unfortunate that we've had nothing by way of updated feedback. I'm pretty sure, if they wanted additional information/tests run, those with issues would be more than happy to get involved.

Only four months to release...
Im having a similar issue where out of nowhere my frames drop down to 7 per second and then after what appears to be a random amount of time that I am completely unable to control it will start running fine again. I've tried turning everything down and I've tried turning everything up. According to can i run this my computer far exceeds the requirements to play. I would also like to note that this problem is fairly new to me as I did not have it before I took a break from the game about 30 days before onslaught started.

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