Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.

Ten_of_Swords wrote:
I Got in touch with all my old d2 buddies and invited them to my vent channel for the release of d3. out of about 25 people I tried to reach, about 10 showed most and the rest saying they might buy it if we tell em its good. A week later about 6 of us left running public games independently and we all went our own ways... there was no advantage to grouping up anymore like there was in d2. maybe two weeks after that everyone was back to other games or just gone.

Was it the difference in the loot system? I think so, nobody complained about it but it was not fun (d3) on that we all agreed. It seems to me that when you remove the advantages for people to depend on each other and work together it hurts gameplay - people wont bother doing it just because its more fun, people always take the easy way out. Loot options are an easy way out, plain and simple, it wont be long before permanent allocation is all that's used in public games and PoE will play much more like D3 then D2 at that point. And why not? its less risk and same reward, I have played it plenty recently.
Wow, that's a good point.

With permanent loot allocation in this game, if GGG adjusted the group bonuses such that it had no significant advantages over solo, virtually no one would group at all.

Unfortunately, that's what happens when you work to transform Multiplayer into Solo+. Which, of course, is exactly what everyone was clamoring for.

Under the old system, all the QQ about solo clearing through areas easier... that was actually okay. Groups had advantages and disadvantages that you couldn't just equalize with a formula. Now? Eradicate differences in kind, leave only differences in scale, and everything just becomes numbers in a spreadsheet.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 17, 2013, 10:31:11 PM
Ten_of_Swords wrote:

Just ridiculous? (I never claimed that it was "solely" the looting systems fault, just top of the list) I don't see how you can argue otherwise, it was simply the biggest change in play style between the two, and you discount it as irrelevant?

People who enjoyed FFA may not have liked the new system in D3. That doesn't mean looting was the reason that most players thought D3 was a failure. There's a long list of reasons people didn't like D3 and looting was hardly near the top. Looting wasn't even on the list for people like myself. We loved the change, it was the best part of the game. I was in the D3 forums a lot for a long time even after I left and I never saw any threads about looting. I saw a mega crap ton about itemization, customization, AH, storyline etc etc

You can have your opinion but yet I find that idea completely ridiculous.
Standard Forever
Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Jun 17, 2013, 11:40:51 PM
Ten_of_Swords wrote:
iamstryker wrote:
The claim being made was that the failure of D3 was solely on the looting system. That is ridiculous.

Then what was it? oh yea, you believe its something to do with the stat system right? or was it the auction house? I have always thought it was the loot system. It killed the need for any social interaction and removed friendly competition between party members. I read many articles about this change after d3 was released, I remember reading people argue it a year ago in this very thread.

Then you have always been wrong!
Maybe my google skills are lacking, but I could only find one complain about instanced loot on these forms for the first month after D3s release. You should try it yourself though, for science!

I defended D3 alot on these forums so I saw and replied to all the different complaints and instanced loot was probably the thing that most could agree was actually good.

Ten_of_Swords wrote:

Just ridiculous? (I never claimed that it was "solely" the looting systems fault, just top of the list) I don't see how you can argue otherwise, it was simply the biggest change in play style between the two, and you discount it as irrelevant?

What now?! Instanced loot the biggest change in playstyle? That is just so ridiculous that I don't even know what to say.

Ten_of_Swords wrote:

so maybe I'm biased

Yes, you are extremely biased.

Ten_of_Swords wrote:

I Got in touch with all my old d2 buddies and invited them to my vent channel for the release of d3. out of about 25 people I tried to reach, about 10 showed most and the rest saying they might buy it if we tell em its good. A week later about 6 of us left running public games independently and we all went our own ways... there was no advantage to grouping up anymore like there was in d2. maybe two weeks after that everyone was back to other games or just gone.

Was it the difference in the loot system? I think so, nobody complained about it but it was not fun (d3) on that we all agreed. It seems to me that when you remove the advantages for people to depend on each other and work together it hurts gameplay - people wont bother doing it just because its more fun, people always take the easy way out. Loot options are an easy way out, plain and simple, it wont be long before permanent allocation is all that's used in public games and PoE will play much more like D3 then D2 at that point. And why not? its less risk and same reward.

I don't see how your anecdote even begin to make an argument for FFA loot.
Here is something I can construct from your post though:
FFA loot is harder -> people take the easy way out -> people play solo -> people quit the game.
Sickness wrote:
I will keep doing so. And aslong as you continue to act like an absolute retard you can do nothing about it. Infact, you are just helping us!

OH please you have called me a retard like a 100 times in this thread. If you honestly think I ever cared what you thought about me then the only retard around here is your stupid ass.

Seriously.. OK im a big huge retard.. Get over it.

Non-permanent allocations for loot aren't harder for everyone. The allocation type doesn't make the average loot per player go down.

Grouping is already easier for everyone. It would take a lot of ninja action to make a player so loot-blocked that they're not better off from partying. Thus:

"FFA" (actually short allocation) loot is harder -> people try playing solo -> people remember group bonuses are awesome -> people go back to playing group even if they don't like the loot allocation

...which, by the way, is pretty much exactly what things were like before the change; huzzah for maps. Hopefully, though, we can implement changes that make it less about penalizing solo map runs and more about properly finding the right group to run with.

Speaking of less blind choices, an alternate idea for my karma system: Instead of having it be vote-based, it could be based purely on how often you actually take items allocated to other players.
You would get +1 blue (good) karma every time the loot allocation timer expires for a party member; distance would be irrelevant, because we don't want people backtracking to be withing loot pickup radius to karma themselves. However, every time you picked up an item previously allocated to someone else, you'd get -1 blue karma and +1 red (bad) karma; although the timer would be gone, the name would remain so that you'd be aware of what you're doing. Both karma scores would be displayed wherever the party member's name is displayed (on attempting to join the party, party status bars, etc); below it would be a 1-to-x ratio (ex 4/122, 1:31). Party leaders would get to see the player's name, class and karma before accepting him into the party, and party leaders could kick people out of the party.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 18, 2013, 12:21:09 AM
Ten_of_Swords wrote:
When I look back at the many years I spent playing d2 what really kept me going was the community and friends I made [...] they would not have been there without the harsh environment of FFA loot.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
remember group bonuses are awesome

Group bonuses mean absolutely nothing to people who don't enjoy FFA. No small incentive will entice people to play something that they dont think is fun.
Standard Forever
iamstryker wrote:
Group bonuses mean absolutely nothing to people who don't enjoy FFA. No small incentive will entice people to play something that they dont think is fun.
That's why it's not small. Right now a member of a six-man group enjoys 3.5 times the non-map loot per map vs solo (after splitting loot, also splitting map cost), equal maps per map, and 71% faster killspeed/XP gain (but not movement speed). Right now the only drawback is portal consumption.

Although having your maps ninja'd was pretty devastating (no margin for error there), under the old short-allocation system you could have had 2/3 of your allocated non-map loot never reach you and still get more loot per map and gain levels much faster by joining a party. (Which is part of the reason why I thought all the "I'm sick of ninjas" talk wouldn't ever amount to anything.)
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 18, 2013, 3:40:28 AM
loot per player is maximized when playing solo. it's 100%
when in 6 player party, loot per player becomes: 100+50*5 = 350/6 = 58.33%
any party member who is getting more than 58.33%, is getting it at the expense of another party member who is getting less than 58.33%. hence the term ninja

also, try playing solo with 150-180% increased item quantity, see how many drops you get.
Last edited by mobutu#5362 on Jun 18, 2013, 3:44:29 AM
mobutu wrote:
loot per player is maximized when playing solo. it's 100%
when in 6 player party, loot per player becomes: 100+50*5 = 350/6 = 58.33%

also, try playing solo with 150-180% increased item quantity, see how many drops you get.
I said per map. Solo you front the entire map cost; in a six-man it averages to 1/6 a map per run. 350/6/(1/6) = 350.

Also, the party IIQ bonus was and still is multiplicative. Seriously, it's so absurd I can't believe I'm not making it up. 775% effective IIQ? Possible.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 18, 2013, 3:43:23 AM

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