Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
Giving players the option to avoid a feature isn't necessarily in their best interest.

...this is about setting the tone of an island of exiles.

Democracy is not always the most important thing; if it was, most of us would have 6L already.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
Instanced players lose, because they're missing out on a narrative mechanic.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
...there's an illusion of choice.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
The correct solution was (and is) a Reddit-style player rating system to punish ninjas.

Ten_of_Swords wrote:
If these options are truly here to stay then IMO we need a FFA only league.
Loot tension only works properly when it’s forced equally on everyone participating.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
Narrative mechanics make you feel like you're what the game says you are.
When you play Call of Duty you're supposed to feel like a soldier.
In Fallout 3 you're supposed to feel like a scavenger; same in Bioshock, but with extra mutagenics.
In Path of Exile, you're supposed to feel like an exile, a criminal forsaken to a continent full of forsaken criminals.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
Back when I used the phrase "illusion of choice," that isn't what I really meant.
What I really meant is "an option to eliminate options."
Because that's what permanent allocation is: a way to remove morality entirely from the system, destroying choice.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
What the "loot options" proponents fail to understand is that they are the enemies of choice, not the friends of it.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
A choice on whether or not to destroy choices -- with a clear bias towards destroying them -- is not an invitation to choose. It's an invitation to prevent choice, an invitation to determinism.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
I believe the correct choice at this point is to remove "loot options" while simultaneously implementing a Reddit-style "karma" voting system for accounts (obviously bot protection would be implemented)

nynyny wrote:
PA doesnt offer you another option, it forces the remaining people who prefer SA into accepting it.

Quoted for even-even-more-monumental-ffa-lovers-stupidity.

Ten_of_Swords wrote:
0-5% FFA games and often ONLY permanent allocation games on the lists already.

derbefrier wrote:
what i find funny is after all the bitching and moaning about not having permanent allocation of loot 8 out of 10 parties I see on the board use the default loot allocation, one is FFA and the other is permanent allocation.

As usual, ffa-lovers only see what they like ...

Ten_of_Swords wrote:
Lazy players only benefit from permanent allocation, in the other modes they actually help the players doing the work by bumping up the drop rate at least.

Dude, this is happening REGARDLESS of the loot-system used.

Ten_of_Swords wrote:
Stop trying to shut down the discussion with this "its all over go home" B.S.

Haha, funny how the wheel turned ;)
Last edited by mobutu#5362 on Jun 17, 2013, 3:57:11 AM
mobutu wrote:
Quoted for even-even-more-monumental-ffa-lovers-stupidity.
Troll, stop trolling, and actually discuss. Try forming a paragraph with more than one sentence in it. See if you can actually argue for a cause, rather than merely mocking those who do. Or just keep on being a coward. Your choice.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Sickness wrote:
Vooodu wrote:

Its easy to prove me wrong is it? Funny, D2 being the greatest and most played ARPG of all DAMN time says other wise.

You know absoutely nothing about logic, evidence and empirical data.

Let me just point out a few thing:

Im sorry but NoOOooO. I didn't even bother reading past that point because you complete go against your crock of "logic, evidence and empirical data".

D2 = Greatest ARPG of all time. Deal with it and shaaad up.

No point arguing that point. It just is. But well know you love to whine.. So whine on brah.

You may have helped change GGG mindset for the worse part. But D2 is set in stone. Its a legend. So, again. Deal with it.

Last edited by Vooodu#7002 on Jun 17, 2013, 12:45:04 PM
Vooodu wrote:
Sickness wrote:
Vooodu wrote:

Its easy to prove me wrong is it? Funny, D2 being the greatest and most played ARPG of all DAMN time says other wise.

You know absoutely nothing about logic, evidence and empirical data.

Let me just point out a few thing:

Im sorry but NoOOooO. I didn't even bother reading past that point because you complete go against your crock of "logic, evidence and empirical data".

D2 = Greatest ARPG of all time. Deal with it and shaaad up.

No point arguing that point. It just is. But well know you love to whine.. So whine on brah.

You may have helped change GGG mindset for the worse part. But D2 is set in stone. Its a legend. So, again. Deal with it.

While I agree that D2 is the greatest ARPG of all time I will say emphatically that it had NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH THE LOOT SYSTEM. That is why your 'point' is of zero relevance.
Nearly 1000 pages of posts on this topic. Clearly a hot topic.

My input: I hate hate hate any loot system that doesn't permanently auto-allocate loot amongst party members.

This whole "you have 2 seconds until anyone can pick that thing up" is stupid. I'm not sure what the devs are going for, but it's not my style.

Loot options are a BIG DEAL. Unfortunately it's the one blight I have with this game. At the moment, I'd rather play solo than in a group.

GGG, please add a permanent loot system like what's in Torchlight 2.
Last edited by Flambe#4621 on Jun 17, 2013, 1:59:23 PM
Vooodu wrote:

Im sorry but NoOOooO. I didn't even bother reading past that point because you complete go against your crock of "logic, evidence and empirical data".

You should have read it all.

Vooodu wrote:

D2 = Greatest ARPG of all time. Deal with it and shaaad up.

No point arguing that point. It just is.

You are like some hardcore religious freak or some brainwashed cultist.

Saying stuff like "deal with it and shaaad up. No point arguing that point. It just is." is why the game is changing away from what you want it to be. The devs read the threads and see that people like you can't even make a coherent argument, so ofcourse they will do the opposite. Thank you though!

Here is the funny thing. D2 is the greatest ARPG of all time. That is my opinion. And if you somehow would quantify greatness and compare every ARPG I still think it would be the greatest ARPG of all time. But I'm not gonna pretent to KNOW that. I'm not gonna state my guesses and opinions as facts. You shouldn't either, if you ever want to be taken serious.

Vooodu wrote:

You may have helped change GGG mindset for the worse part.

I will keep doing so. And aslong as you continue to act like an absolute retard you can do nothing about it. Infact, you are just helping us!
I like D2 as much as the next guy, however I want to make it clear where I stand.

D2 = Awesome game, Very important to the genre.

PoE = Greatest ARPG that has ever been made.
Standard Forever
Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Jun 17, 2013, 3:34:04 PM
Bayern des samma mia
Bayern des samma mia

Don't you understand, now that we have MORE options we really have LESS options. How can you not see that by increasing our options you are really giving us LESS?????!!!!!1~one


Seriously though, the new loot options are fantastic.

I have tried all 3 options in multiple parties and had them fill up no matter what the ruleset is. Thank you GGG for listening! I really don't understand why people are unhappy about this change as it is a win-win situation for everyone and it is the first time I have been able to play in a full on FFA party since closed beta.

Rock on!

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