Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.

JoannaDark wrote:
I can see the future ...

In Town Party Poster Boards ...

-A1 Merv - Greens only pls
-A2 Leveling - GFTO Greens
-Team Ninja - Reds Only

and so forth.

I don't know how things will pan out obviously, but I don't think this scenario is likely given the current circumstances (e.g. looting seemingly staying as-is, given that nothing has happened yet).

The public groups will be played by the "reds" and the rest will stick to solo, or maybe play with friends. To be honest I doubt even that will last however, generally speaking. I can only speak for myself of course, but I really don't see any value of the "loot tension" that the devs seem to be so fond of.

Regardless of how hell-bent the devs are to embrace FFA loot, it can always be 100% avoided by simply considering PoE a single player game. Which apparently, and appropriately, is what PoE has been designed to be.
I dont think i should really have to clarify this, but for anyone who didnt get it, that post was entirely a joke.
GGG - Why you no?
PandaMan wrote:
Xaxyx wrote:
Aixius wrote:
Apparently you are easily fascinated. Your posts are laden with this trash, which is all I need to post

And thus you make my point for me. Thanks again! I couldn't ask for a better friend. Don't quit on us now. You're doing so well.

i.e the most stereotypical of bully responses: when challenged, they lash out viciously, attacking, foaming at the mouth, refusing to even consider for the slightest instant that they might be in the wrong.

Looks like we have very different definitions of "lashing out", "vicious", and "foaming at the mouth".

Interesting that I have not made any attempt to label groups of people to make my points, isn't it? Interesting that I have not had to compartmentalize the community into two boxes to make sense of everything. That's all this RED/GREEN thing is: oversimplification. People like assigning labels so that they can point their fingers in a general direction and say/do whatever they want, using the label as justification. Most forms of discrimination make use of that concept.
wrathmar wrote:
Wanting to play in a red environment is not inherently bad, just like wanting to play in a green environment is not inherently bad. They are two different play styles and the game population will be able to support both.

What’s bad is Red players forcing Green players to play in their desired environment. In this situation the Red player gets extra loot and the Green player becomes frustrated. Default will be where most players hang out long term. FORCING a play style upon a large segment of the player base is a very bad idea and will hurt the game in the long run. FFA should be an option that IRL friends and Red players can enjoy without frustrating Green players

At some point in this debate most Red players have posted in agreement to some small yet meaningful change to the current system. D2 was a great game but it had many flaws including FFA loot.

I have to warn you that you're acting very purple right now.....why can't we all just blue/silver/magenta ?
Aixius wrote:
Looks like we have very different definitions of "lashing out", "vicious", and "foaming at the mouth".

So it would seem. Remind me not to go dog shopping with you.

Interesting that I have not made any attempt to label groups of people to make my points, isn't it? Interesting that I have not had to compartmentalize the community into two boxes to make sense of everything.

Hmm. No, not really. Not even a little. Sorry. I'll let you know when you become interesting.

That's all this RED/GREEN thing is: oversimplification. People like assigning labels so that they can point their fingers in a general direction and say/do whatever they want, using the label as justification. Most forms of discrimination make use of that concept.

And here I thought labels were just shorter ways of saying things. Silly me:


a short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, intellectual movement, etc.

Dictionary.com Unabridged

GREENS vs. REDS: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/246#p811501
The Prisoner's Dilemma: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/262#p813428
Lethal_papercut's discussion with Chris: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/235#p806542
Does anyone here realize how unbelievably simple it is to make friends and add them to your list?

Some quick suggestions:

1)Play solo, build up some wealth so you are not in a position you need every drop
2)Make a new char and look for group games – preferably 1-2 other people (easier to see whoes taking what)
3)Do not take other peoples drops. Share, be nice - chat - make a joke. Let idiots take stuff, then avoid them or kick them or ask them to stop politely… whatever
4)When they don’t take your drop when it’s something valuable, add them to your friends list 99% of the time they will happily accept

After a while, you will have dozens of people on your list that respect you.

Also, what’s wrong with all you “anti-ffa” loot protesters exchanging information and all playing nice with each other?

Xaxyx wrote:
wrathmar wrote:
Wanting to play in a red environment is not inherently bad, just like wanting to play in a green environment is not inherently bad. They are two different play styles and the game population will be able to support both.

I agree, of course, on principle. But the devs -- Chris in particular -- seemingly do not. Again, to play devil's advocate, here's my understanding of his stance. (Side note: I don't speak for Chris; this is just what I believe I've gleaned from his posts and emails.)

Chris, it seems, doesn't want players to be able to play in a comfortable group environment. Chris seems to feel that playing in a group environment has so many advantages, so many inherent bonuses, that these must necessarily be compensated for by introducing some additional factor of danger. Rather than attempting to leverage game mechanics to construct an appropriate compensation for this seeming issue, Chris has instead seemingly chosen to let players manufacture that level of threat themselves, by exposing the loot to natural greed.

Thus, Chris seems to be using greed as a counterbalance to grouping benefits. He uses that word, specifically, explicitly. Greed. To counterbalance game mechanics. That would seem to be his philosophy, his will. Thus, the question of letting some players avoid FFA loot is practically a non-starter. Petitioning for the removal of FFA loot, in his eyes, I might surmise, is paramount to asking for the game to be easier. And I'm sure we can all gather what the response to that might be.

At this juncture, my thoughts lean toward offering Chris an alternative solution to weakening and/or counterbalancing group benefits.

They have 13 days to release. In a perfect world I would like to see them adjust the balance in groups and adjust the loot system so players can focus on the new dangers of co-op. I would prefer to play in a challenging environment.

I find the current loot system frustrating and alienating to large portion of the player base. It is also highly susceptible to hacking/scripting/exploits. It does have positives but I feel that changing it is inevitable.
IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
The thing i find odd, is how FFA loot system is being used all over the place. This system is not FFA. Not pure in the sense. Its more a hybrid of FFA and instanced.

I think half the people complaining about the timer, wouldnt be complaining at all, if it simply want there from the get go. I could be wrong, but its like i said before. The timer just adds an extra level of insult to the injury.

Dont get me wrong, i seriously just dont care what they do with the loot system, because im a solo farmer. Not because i want all the loot, just because thats the way i am. Over a decade plaing D2 @ 98% solo only, its just what i enjoy.

I just think the timer addsa level of psychological damage to the whole affair, in regards to those that play groups.

GGG - Why you no?
EgypZee wrote:
Also, what’s wrong with all you “anti-ffa” loot protesters exchanging information and all playing nice with each other?

A reasonable question. Here's some reasonable responses.

Firstly, I don't want to have to make the effort to create and track an endless list of Good Guy Greg players. Label me lazy if you'd like (careful with that label gun, though... I heard things.) But I came to PoE to play the game, not to police it. Yes, we *could* form a giant Green Gang wherein we all exchange information about this nice guy or that colossal douchebag. And then look up on our giant lists of doom every time some player joins or quits our games. And have interviews whenever someone wants to join our pseudo-guild. And so on, and so forth. But why? Why must that be necessary? What are gaining with such a system?

Secondly, what's wrong with all us "anti-ffa" loot protesters just playing in games that don't have FFA loot? What's the harm to you, the would-be pro-FFA sort? How is your gaming experience lessened? Keep in mind: GREEN players are already just playing solo, just to avoid FFA loot games. All introducing Non-FFA group play would do is allow us to play together. You still would see neither hide nor hair of us. Your gaming experience would be utterly unaffected.

Keep this in mind, too: GREENS have no problem with FFA loot on principle. It's being *forced to experience* FFA loot to which we object. You want an FFA loot game? Go for it! You sure as hell need neither my permission nor my approval. All we ask for is the same apathy in turn.
GREENS vs. REDS: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/246#p811501
The Prisoner's Dilemma: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/262#p813428
Lethal_papercut's discussion with Chris: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/235#p806542
Xaxyx wrote:
Secondly, what's wrong with all us "anti-ffa" loot protesters just playing in games that don't have FFA loot? What's the harm to you, the would-be pro-FFA sort? How is your gaming experience lessened?

I'm guessing it boils down to two primary reasons:

1. Developer white-knighting.
2. The realization that introducing instanced loot would make public FFA-loot games only a slightly more common occurrence than Elvis riding a unicorn, thereby depriving them of their ninja-looting fix.

I'm sorry if this comes off as provocative, but it's my honest guess.

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