Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.

SL4Y3R wrote:
Bullying other members with name calling

I know, right? How dreadful! Here's some more obnoxious quotes from that big ol' meanie:

SL4Y3R wrote:
Quit saying GREEN players. It's idiotic.

SL4Y3R wrote:
I just find it incredibly simple minded

SL4Y3R wrote:
You're still acting like a child

Oh, wait, I.. think I hit a wrong button...
GREENS vs. REDS: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/246#p811501
The Prisoner's Dilemma: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/262#p813428
Lethal_papercut's discussion with Chris: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/235#p806542
Xaxyx wrote:

Aixius wrote:
Who, pray tell, are these legions of players that you would so arbitrarily label? Some posters in this thread? That's surely a nice paragraph describing the absolute worst people imaginable, but it's just words without weight: you want people to read your posts and associate everything bad with the word "RED", and you want people to associate the word "RED" with FFA loot. Bravo, I'm sure I'll be reading about your genius in political science texts for years to come.

Golly, thank you. Your approval means worlds. If anything, you're doing me the greatest service I could possibly imagine, by demonstrating, over and over again, the mindset of the average RED. In this manner, I hope to illustrate to the devs just what sort of person they're catering to, what sort of person they're being associated with. Many judge others by the company they keep. How might such individuals judge those persons who keep yours?

Calling you out on your propaganda makes me a bad person, huh? How nice it must be for you to compartmentalize humanity into two boxes. Again, you reek of American politics, where everyone has to be D or R, left or right, good or bad.

Chris Rock said it well enough:

The whole country’s got a fucked up mentality. We all got a gang mentality. Republicans are fucking idiots. Democrats are fucking idiots. Conservatives are idiots and liberals are idiots… No normal decent person is one thing. OK!?! I got some shit I’m conservative about, I got some shit I’m liberal about.

Your attempts to label anyone who supports FFA loot as "RED" and basically "the worst humanity has to offer" is a sad attempt at manipulation.
Aixius wrote:
Calling you out on your propaganda makes me a bad person, huh? How nice it must be for you to compartmentalize humanity into two boxes. Again, you reek of American politics, where everyone has to be D or R, left or right, good or bad.

Hey, if the shoe fits. Unless, of course, you can demonstrate that you *don't* conform to the depiction of REDS as provided? That you are some sort of magical, Easter bunny exception? The compassionate RED, who cares ever so deeply for the feelings of the newbie he's ripping off? *wipes away a single tear*

Chris Rock said it well enough:

Ah yes, Chris Rock, the penultimate philosopher of our time. As long as we're exchanging random, entertaining political quotes from comedians, here's George Carlin:

"The difference between left and right of center...originated in the French parliament. The people left of center were liberals; the people right of center were conservatives. Broadly speaking. And generally speaking, people on...the right of center, are interested in property values, property, property rights. The rights and the rights of property. And generally speaking again – it's all generalized – the left-of-center people are more concerned with humans and human beings and human concerns; to the care of humans, not the care and worry about property rights. That's generally been true."

Your attempts to label anyone who supports FFA loot as "RED" and basically "the worst humanity has to offer" is a sad attempt at manipulation.

Gee, that's strange. I don't recall asserting that REDS were worse than GREENS. Why ever would you make that assumption? You're not somehow implying that REDS have some sort of lesser moral fiber, an inferior worldview, are you? That the two stances should be compared, and when doing so, that GREENS are somehow demonstrably superior? What could possibly have led you to draw such a conclusion? What would ever lead you presume that the GREEN way is BETTER than the RED way?
GREENS vs. REDS: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/246#p811501
The Prisoner's Dilemma: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/262#p813428
Lethal_papercut's discussion with Chris: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/235#p806542
/off topic

entertaining political quotes from comedians, here's George Carlin:

George Carlin fucking rules.

/on topic
GGG - Why you no?
SL4Y3R wrote:
TehHammer wrote:
I love watching Xaxyx make people look like infants. *sips coffee*
I could refresh this page all day.

SMRD still exists in the ladder, for what it's worth.


Bullying other members with name calling, not actual making ANY points or advancing this thread in any shape or form, starting some sort of red vs green thing (like politics or race...), talking about the devs by saying, ". I wouldn't trust these guys with a copy of Notepad.exe."

Yeah, great guy...... Glad he's' in this community. What a visionary.

I read his posts. I skip yours.
Xaxyx wrote:

Gee, that's strange. I don't recall asserting that REDS were worse than GREENS. Why ever would you make that assumption? You're not somehow implying that REDS have some sort of lesser moral fiber, an inferior worldview, are you? That the two stances should be compared, and when doing so, that GREENS are somehow demonstrably superior? What could possibly have led you to draw such a conclusion? What would ever lead you presume that the GREEN way is BETTER than the RED way?

How indeed... could it be *gasp* possible that you're leading us on?!
Last edited by ifarmpandas#7993 on Jan 10, 2013, 12:40:51 PM
ifarmpandas wrote:
How indeed... could it be *gasp* possible that you're leading us on?!

Who... me?! *blinks innocently*
GREENS vs. REDS: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/246#p811501
The Prisoner's Dilemma: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/262#p813428
Lethal_papercut's discussion with Chris: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/235#p806542
I don't post very often but I gotta say that Xaxyx has the right god damn perspective on all this. Green ftw
Xaxyx wrote:
Aixius wrote:
Chris Rock said it well enough:

Ah yes, Chris Rock, the penultimate philosopher of our time. As long as we're exchanging random, entertaining political quotes from comedians, here's George Carlin:

"The difference between left and right of center...originated in the French parliament. The people left of center were liberals; the people right of center were conservatives. Broadly speaking. And generally speaking, people on...the right of center, are interested in property values, property, property rights. The rights and the rights of property. And generally speaking again – it's all generalized – the left-of-center people are more concerned with humans and human beings and human concerns; to the care of humans, not the care and worry about property rights. That's generally been true."

Ah, but the Chris Rock quote had a message (which was in bold); the George Carlin quote is just explaining a historical origin. A perfect example of how you speak much but say little.

Xaxyx wrote:
Aixius wrote:
Your attempts to label anyone who supports FFA loot as "RED" and basically "the worst humanity has to offer" is a sad attempt at manipulation.

Gee, that's strange. I don't recall asserting that REDS were worse than GREENS. Why ever would you make that assumption? You're not somehow implying that REDS have some sort of lesser moral fiber, an inferior worldview, are you? That the two stances should be compared, and when doing so, that GREENS are somehow demonstrably superior? What could possibly have led you to draw such a conclusion? What would ever lead you presume that the GREEN way is BETTER than the RED way?

You create a description of the least-desirable kind of person imaginable, arbitrarily attribute that description to people who like FFA loot, and your argument is that you didn't 'technically' say those people were worse than the "other" group of people for whom you gave sunny description? Seriously? That is your response?

You implied that "REDS" were worse than "GREENS" when you made up your little system - which is all it is: a made-up system. I wouldn't assert that "REDS" are anything because the term "RED" has no value except to you, because you arbitrarily assigned the value in the first place with your various negative descriptions.
I just wanted to say I quite like how the looting is currently setup.

Most people are fairly nice anyways and leave items on the ground that they wouldn't have any immediate use for anyway.

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