Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.
" Lets say im a human being (which i am), i have the capability to simulate situations in my mind. Now if i got 80% of ALL loot when i played with friend, when i was melee and my friend was ranged. That would mean that the same would happen in a public game. Also how high is chance that i can ask this and get a "yes": "Hey can i have those rares you picked up? i kinda need them." to a random pub player? |
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" How do you prove that players that were once FFA'ers are now "Instance for life lolololo"? When there was a huge out cry as to how crappy D3 was? By your posts I see an earlier post of mine about demographics will be correct though. "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!" Henry Ford
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" If your on board with the timer being extended then you are far different than the guys like Slayer in this thread. " I may have missed part of this discussion but being a D2 player does not mean that your an FFAer. I liked D2 a lot but I never liked its FFA loot system. I don't think D2's popularity had ANYTHING to do with it being FFA. Standard Forever Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Jan 9, 2013, 11:46:29 PM
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" You're forgetting that they can't always pick up their own loot. You will get loot, just not always in your name. Again, I agree the timer needs to be about a second or two longer. "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!" Henry Ford
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" A couple of seconds? Try 30+ seconds. The issue is still FFA loot. And that everyone sees loot+timer and dives in headless into enemies that are half dead and dies in the process. Or there could be a League, non-penalized with Instanced/Infinite loot timer. And people woudnt need to dive headless into enemies to loot items... Now if recall correctly, there is a microtransaction option to make ones own leagues. Or atleast it will be in the shop later it seems. Last edited by Planetsurvival#1516 on Jan 9, 2013, 11:49:46 PM
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" To me, this thread is the proof. I'm assuming each person here has played both. Everyone seems invested enough in the genre to fight tooth and nail for what they enjoy, they probably played a lot of thing.And, more people have been falling onside of a compromise than not. Example: " That's some straight up GREEN right there. We're on the same team now. I don't remember what the demographics comment was. But we're bros now, so I will confess that it's true. |
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" Depends. If it were me, you'd get them. I tend to play pubs for fun/entertainment. I usually dont care about the loot at all. If I get what I'm going for, cool. If not, meh. I'd rather have fun playing the game, than worry about some pixels. There's always more lootz around the corner. To get upset (or pissed) about losing some now(while in a pub), seems trivial. Like I've said, I join pubs for fun. If I go in with nothing, and come out with nothing in my stash, that's fine. Cause I bet I had a fun time playing with others anyways. Last edited by SL4Y3R#7487 on Jan 9, 2013, 11:48:57 PM
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As i typed in a previous post and ill clarify:
What can I Spend Points on? As a test of our microtransaction system, we’re initially offering two small purchases: Extra Stash Tab (30 Points): Your quota of stash tabs is increased in all leagues. The number of stash tabs is not reset when we enter Open Beta. Extra Character Slot (30 Points) At Open Beta, we will have a range of different microtransactions for sale, including many of the following: Public stash tabs (viewable to other players for trade purposes) Cosmetic pets Alternate skill effects Special animations (for example, taunts or PvP victory animations) Special paid leagues (with custom game rules) Guild storage Alternate item skins and visual effects Special cosmetic item properties such as “extra gore” Item dyes (this is from the PoE website, copy pasted) Last edited by Planetsurvival#1516 on Jan 9, 2013, 11:53:33 PM
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" I don't mind talking about the slippery slope argument. Its a good argument to bring up because we of course don't want the devs changing every little thing that people complain about. However.... 1) This is by far the biggest issue in the game. No other issue has so many people bringing it up every week, especially early feedback from new players. I expect even more after the 23rd. 2) There are solutions to this issue that will arguably have little impact on the game as a whole. Compared to playing single player (which the game is supposedly designed around) it will have absolutely NO impact. 3) The other issues have far more reaching consequences for everyone (including single player). Full respecs change a big part of the game as a whole. I don't think that another option to the looting system is anything like that. 4) The devs appear to be pretty level headed. I am still shocked that they get this kind of feedback and have the iron will to ignore it until they feel like saying something. I have no worries that they have the ability to keep the game how they want to have it. Standard Forever Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Jan 9, 2013, 11:54:10 PM
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" Its true that playing D2 didn't make you a FFA'er, but it did make it so you were used to the concept of it. Most who started with D2 were new to the system and adapted, others were from D1. D2's system was child's play party wise compared to D1. They implemented the timer because of this, its just a couple seconds short. There needs to be risks and rewards for not always getting your own loot or trying to get someone else's. Getting kicked from a party for going against the parties wishes being one of them. The ability to kick people from parties, which is akin to kicking them from instances is a huge boon this game has. "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!" Henry Ford
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