Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.

I thought I read somewhere on this site that they might allow you to change the time on the loot before it gets FFA? Was I dreaming this or what? :3
yoshichan wrote:
I thought I read somewhere on this site that they might allow you to change the time on the loot before it gets FFA? Was I dreaming this or what? :3

They were thinking of allowing the players to change the Desync->disconnect time IIRC.

Planetsurvival wrote:
FFA looting, i dont want *my loot* getting stolen

Big misconception here. It is not your loot until it is in your inventory. When loot has your name on it you have the privilege to pick it up first if you are fast enough, nothing more.
Disregard witches, aquire currency.
Xaxyx wrote:
Here's another thought for your consideration, would-be defenders of tense, cut-throat douchebaggery. First, I'll arbitrarily invent wholly nonsensical categories, and just as arbitrarily lump large groups of people into these categories:

Let GREENS be players who prefer an environment of fairly distributed loot, wherein the system itself allocates said loot, thus preventing any sort of intra-party drama and struggle over loot allocation.

Let REDS be players who receive a deep, vast, nipple-tingling thrill at the idea of players in a "party" all fawning and clawing over every single piece of gear that hits the ground in a carnivorous fray of greed and drool.

Let's also arbitrarily posit that all GREEN players of this game are disgusted at the idea of ever finding themselves in a party with a RED. Thus, all GREENS can and will simply play solo games to avoid any such circumstance.

However, GREENS would in fact adventure in groups if they could be guaranteed that they would never find themselves in a RED situation -- such as allowing them the option of creating GREEN-ruleset games, or creating and/or joining a GREEN-ruleset league.

Given all of this arbitrariness, I posit a question to you, you fine, upstanding REDS of PoE:

WHAT in the HELL would you CARE?! How would YOUR play experience be detracted in the slightest if we GREENS could all scurry off and hide in our own, GREEN-only games, as opposed to what we do now, which is to scurry off and hide in our own, solo games?

Before you came along, this thread was at best a civil discussion, at worst some bad arguments. You are.not helping in the slightest make your case. If anything, you're making yourself look like, "douchebaggery".

Grow up, and have a civil discussion like an adult. Or go someplace else.

dust7 wrote:
Big misconception here. It is not your loot until it is in your inventory. When loot has your name on it you have the privilege to pick it up first if you are fast enough, nothing more.

Big misconception here. If I'm playing by myself, and an item falls onto the ground, it's mine. I can pick it up, drop it again, run circles around it, drive down to the drug store and back, and look, it's still my loot. It's never, ever yours. Never.

So what's being asked here is: if we extend that model to wherein EACH player has HIS loot fall to the ground SOLELY for him -- JUST LIKE WE CAN DO RIGHT NOW IN A SOLO GAME (just like we can do right now in a solo game [right now!]) -- but in a group setting, how many baby Jesus rabbits will die?
GREENS vs. REDS: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/246#p811501
The Prisoner's Dilemma: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/262#p813428
Lethal_papercut's discussion with Chris: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/235#p806542
SL4Y3R wrote:
Grow up, and have a civil discussion like an adult. Or go someplace else.

Answer the question, or admit that you can't.
GREENS vs. REDS: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/246#p811501
The Prisoner's Dilemma: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/262#p813428
Lethal_papercut's discussion with Chris: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/235#p806542
Xaxyx, I feel that the problem with everyone getting their own loot would be that the market would become inflated. Unless you mean that only one person would get x loot from y enemy, and the rest would see nothing at all (and it would randomize each monster you kill).
Xaxyx wrote:
dust7 wrote:
Big misconception here. It is not your loot until it is in your inventory. When loot has your name on it you have the privilege to pick it up first if you are fast enough, nothing more.

Big misconception here. If I'm playing by myself, and an item falls onto the ground, it's mine. I can pick it up, drop it again, run circles around it, drive down to the drug store and back, and look, it's still my loot. It's never, ever yours. Never.

So what's being asked here is: if we extend that model to wherein EACH player has HIS loot fall to the ground SOLELY for him -- JUST LIKE WE CAN DO RIGHT NOW IN A SOLO GAME (just like we can do right now in a solo game [right now!]) -- but in a group setting, how many baby Jesus rabbits will die?

I can proof that it's not your loot until it is in your inventory when you play in a party: because someone else can pick it up.
Disregard witches, aquire currency.
yoshichan wrote:
Xaxyx, I feel that the problem with everyone getting their own loot would be that the market would become inflated. Unless you mean that only one person would get x loot from y enemy, and the rest would see nothing at all (and it would randomize each monster you kill).

Technically, the loot that drops would be divided. And each player would see less than they would solo.
FFA loot is the worst kind of loot system ever designed.
Loot drops, everyone runs like scolded rats to the loot and clicks hoping to get the item.
How is it *fun* or even *encouraging public parties*?

Answer: Its not.

Its not in any way beneficial for a community to think like this:
"These people will steal *my loot* pff i dont care about partying up then".

Suggested solution:
Just have a setting in some way to disable/enable instanced loot.
It wont hurt the game at all, and it wont effect the "FFA Elitists" at all.
Let the "FFA elitists" play in their own bubble, not hurting the *fun* for the rest of us people that doesnt like FFA looting...
Last edited by Planetsurvival#1516 on Jan 9, 2013, 2:58:55 PM

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