Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.
" It may become a good reason if the majority enjoy that particular playstyle. You know, for the sake of GGG making a buck, keeping their audience... but, its only in time that we will see the impact of this. Last edited by Thalandor#0885 on Jan 8, 2013, 7:22:32 PM
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Good way to look at it. Appease casuals in order to get their money and throw it at stuff for the hardcores. Really, with the built-in compartmentalization Leagues already provide, the relevant options deserve to be added. It benefits everyone.
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" PK's would cast aoe or timed spells like hydra and take their own portal to town and then hostile you in town and the remaining spell would kill you. it was refereed to as TPPK'ing and it was primarily done with scripts. I spent plenty of time dodging them, hardly ruined the game though. (yes I played HC ladder) I have no clue what that has to do with the loot system. FFA loot worked fine in d2 until pickit came along. |
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While I enjoy the game, the looting system really puts me off. I enjoy playing in groups but there is so much scumbag behavior when it comes to looting it make me sick.
People will stand on items allocated to you so you can't click the item, they will drop items from their inventory on the ground to clutter or they will wait for an item to time out & snatch it up if you don't rush toward the item immediately. This creates an unpleasant sense of frustration, urgency and competitive atmosphere for largely PVE experience. I hate having to worry or fret over my party mates screwing me over. Nor do I enjoy rushing for every drop like Gollum from Lord of the Rings. Precioussssssssss tp scroll! Would like a personalized allocated loot system to be implemented. The loot which drops for me should be able to be picked up and visible to me only. Such as in Guild Wars or Diablo 3. I don't play to be stressed out. And I don't want to group with a looming specter of being cheated out of a drop allocated to me by greediness or douchebaggery. The current loot system in Path of Exile promotes nothing but negative behavior. Every man's conscience is vile and depraved. You can not rely on it to be your guide when it's you who must keep it satisfied. Last edited by Fencers#4435 on Jan 8, 2013, 9:45:26 PM
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" Ya, and off the top of my head I responded to all of that which I did not see as good reasons for anything. I will spare you the spoiler. " You should really be able to read between the lines by now. We have been discussing this for long enough you should know what I mean without me having to spell it out everytime. Of course I am referring to public games. I do play with friends as I have said many times. We are forced when it comes to public games, and one of my main points is that there is no good reason to do that. Making an agreement with people I have just met does not work. I posted my last experience doing that recently. Its only something I would do if I don't give a crap about finding loot, which isn't very often. " I have put forth plenty of effort and now I am here still leaving my feedback. The existing system is made for a different kind of player. I feel it could easily be made for far more players then just one kind (on default). Your encouraging people to try to control what people do in your parties as well. In my system there is less frustration and hardly anyone ever gets booted. Standard Forever
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" 1. Why should one form of playstyle be the only way the game is designed around? Whats the point? Some people play in short bursts where they are also doing other things at home. This makes coop in public games suck because you can't focus 100% all of the time. 2. As has been said over and over. Focusing does not remotely guarentee you the loot with your name on it. I miss loot with my name EVERY time I pug, even when I focus as much as I possibly can. The timer is inadequate which is why you guys see so many no posts/threads by players who say "Please extend the timer some it is too short". Standard Forever
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The time to pick up loot for ranged heroes is ridiculously low. It discourages partying in a game so reliant on it in the later stages. The end result is if a desirable item drops the whole (public) party stops doing meaningful tasks, pops their granite flask and jumps on it.
Why do you want the game to have such a cheap mechanic to be “cut-throat”? If you want to game to be engaging, deadly and challenging then do it. Make monsters strong, make it hard to tank high hitting monsters, but don’t add a meaningless mechanic which disadvantages team play. I would suggest the time range should be something like 5 to 8 seconds depending on distance. |
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" On.point 1. You know why. It's the very basis of the meta game. We are exiles. We can screw each other over, or become friends. It's up to you (the player) to decide which side of the fence you wish to be on. Further, is it really so much of a trouble for people to form an alliance with others? This is the definitive basis for guilds. Those people which share a common goal group together, and perform much better in the long run than those who don't. Those short sighted "ninjas". Can end up in pubs with ninjas if many of those not looking for that type of play, play with others that have the same goal. |
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" What about this: - "Crunch"* leagues with longer loot timers for people who came to PoE to play a game. - "Fluff"* leagues for people who came to PoE to roleplay living like exiles. Everyone's happy? *These terms aren't meant to be dismissive, it's just what tabletop hobbyists tend to use when discussing gameplay rules versus background themes. |
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" !!!I want the game to be hard not cheap!!! IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
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