Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.
The current loot system is exploitable and invites abuse at the expense of new players. You can talk about how this game is supposed to feel gritty all you want but a constant flow of new players using co-op will be the life blood of this game. I am really hopping that GGG is working on loot options and are having a good laugh while they are reading this thread.
Personally I do not want instanced/permanently assigned loot in this game. I like the core mechanics behind the Timer system but it does have flaws that should be addressed prior to OB. Here are some options that I feel would improve the co-op experience. 1.Add 2-3 seconds to the base timer while reducing the max distance timer by 1 second. This change would benefit tanks and melee DPS builds more. Players at max range will still see an additional 1-2 seconds for loot. This change will provide all players a greater time to react while not impacting overall pace of looting. 2.Adjust the timer length based upon the rarity of the monster which dropped the item. White monsters and chests keep the current timer. Blue monsters increase base timer by 2 seconds, Rare by 3 seconds, Unique bosses should have permanently assigned loot. This will help with the frustration after boss/rare battles where multiple items drop and specific builds (tank) are only able to one item while some builds (minion) are able to grab more. 3.Adjust the timer based upon how many surviving monsters are within 50’ of dropped items. For every 10 white monsters increase base timer by 1 second. For every 5 blue monster increase by 1 second. For every rare monster increase by 1 second. For every unique boss increase by 5 seconds. This will help with boss battles that have supporting mobs like the Weaver or the Church Dungeon. 4.Adjust the timer based upon the rarity of item dropped. Rare items increase base timer by 1-2 seconds, unique items increase base timer 3-4 seconds, similar setup for currency. Players only care about items >= rare and currency >=Jewelers. Give use more time to react to the items that we care about. 5.Include a loot log and allow us to permanently ban players from our groups. If no changes are made to the core loot mechanics players will be expected to enforce loot rules that they feel comfortable with. In order to kick and block trouble players we will need to tools. 6.Add loot options to default/hardcore leagues while restricting option in ladder leagues. This will allow GGG to create a hardcore, cut throat, FFA (timer) loot league. This will benefit new players and casuals while providing hardcore players a chance to play in a FFA environment. IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
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" See, you still keep the elitist actitude. That´s the problem. You think i came here without reading nothing, knowing nothing, and you take that from nowhere. You don´t know me, where i came, what i have played, if i was a former quake pro, if i was in some guild in WoW who did some world firsts, if i played D2 like there is no tomorrow, if i made a good ammount of money in D3, and right now i don´t have much time to play video-games. . . Im just saying you can´t act like that, just cause you don´t know someone you can´t look down to that unknow.. And i allready told you. I understand your point of view! I got it the first time you said you have a bunch of awesome guys who share loot, dont ninja stuff, and all that good stuff. I got it, ok? And i told you i envy you for that. But you are right wen you say the more people would come the less gonna like the loot system. Because what you have right now, a pool of like 2k-3k online players? And the majority of it dont like the system. And not because the people "dont understand it", they understand it, it´s not rocket science, but most of players aren´t good fortune as you to have such awesome partys all the way. And i have a question from you, do you really ( i mean for real) think the game gonna be ruined if the loot system was changed? Please, a sincere answer. Thanks. |
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I do
And how do you know the majority of players don't like it? |
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"- subjective opinion. There are plenty of similar games without this mechanic, it's hardly necessary. "- subjective opinion. Mine is that they are shooting their sales in the foot, and because of this so-called wise decision, will wind up getting far less sales because of all the griefing that will result. "- again, subjective opinion. Some of us actually talk to others while playing. Sharing is hardly 'essential'. "- and there you go, proving Cyryc's point. Non-FFA'ers are asking for an OPTION. This means that people that don't enjoy FFA won't have to play that way. Thus, one could conclude that the reason you want FFA in is to FORCE those who don't want it to have to play that way. Why? So you have a chance at more loot to grab? In a very grind heavy game the death penalty equates to...more grinding.
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" One hundred and ninety nine pages of people saying that they don’t like it…. IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
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" And how many pages are of you me and Stryker? |
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" And in the same spirit. You are trying to force the devs to add something to the game that they obviously don't want. Why? |
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The super hardcore players think that since they have been playing longer/more hours that their opinion somehow means more. I see some issues with this. That means that its ok for a mass amount of players to start playing the game and dislike the mechanic for a long time. The people who really hate FFA might simply leave the game because they want a coop experience and aren't interested in single player.
Lets not assume that the longer you play the game the more you will like FFA. Thats simply not the case for a lot of players. Everyone's opinion matters even if they are new. Saying that the game would be ruined is also being really dramatic. I don't like the game as much as I would with looting options but its certainly not ruined. If there were looting options you can always play the cutthroat leagues to play FFA. It will still be around even if its not as popular. They act like FFA is somehow core to the entire game which is extremely laughable considering how many players completely avoid the mechanic as much as possible. How many people actually use it competitively? How many public games are there right now? Legacy had absolutely none yesterday, even with a smaller population I found that to be sad. People who like to be social are going to be social regardless of the looting mechanic. Standard Forever
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" A sizable portion is SRMD, Styker, you and I debating in circles… but there are many more unique posts in this thread against the current loot system than for. Also the non-scientific poll thread had more people voting for a change than for keeping current. So based upon posting history in the threads and player behavior in game I feel confident with saying that the majority of players don’t like the current system. IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client Last edited by wrathmar#4456 on Dec 20, 2012, 10:26:38 AM
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" Probably not as many as you think. I did go back and forth a little when I first started but I later usually made sure that new players were always posting so it wasn't just me. On average there were plenty of new to the thread people who were hopping in to say their opinion and didn't continue posting. Just because a few of us posted a lot doesn't mean there weren't plenty of players saying that they don't like it. Also, this is far from the only thread. Since I have been here I have posted in many many threads on the subject that went over 20 pages. I remember nearly all of those threads to be predominately against FFA. " Not even true. The devs haven't responded at all since I have been here except to say that they are listening to the feedback. If they attempted to close the issue then I wouldn't post on this anymore. Simple as that. Fun fact: This thread had 130 pages before I ever arrived. Standard Forever Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Dec 20, 2012, 10:28:07 AM
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