This a Bot

Chris wrote:
Kabraxis wrote:
So basiccaly in this thread we have:

1. Exploit that now is revealed and everybody talking about 'how to bot in Poe" without any consequequences.

2. Person who finds this exploit decide to abuse it with custom AutoIT scripts to meke good items, he was caught and.... nothing?

3. We know about this exploit only bacause someone decides not to abouse it but report it (OP of this thread).

No bans? No Warnings? Nothing?
Dev response? "we will fix this".
Not even "this is strictly prohibited" ?

This is an issue that we've known about since we added the recipe - we just didn't prioritise the (annoyingly hard) suppression of the socket display.

We haven't yet decided a formal policy on how to deal with people abusing exploits in Open Beta, but we're probably not permabanning people during Closed Beta unless they repeatedly disrupt the game service by crashing servers. Once we enter Open Beta and the policy changes, we'll make sure that people understand the consequences.

My current thinking is that while it's likely we will have a zero-tolerance policy to any form of clientside modification (and will ban instantly for it), if we leave the game exploitable by simple tools such as AutoIt then we deserve all the problems that happen...

I really like this response, especially your last sentence. All he was doing was using current game mechanics, and using the only way possible to go through all his items to its fullest. If devs have something like this in game that requires someone to spend literally 1000 hours and careful spreadsheets and logging and tracking of items to achieve what the mechanic would give htem then I would really be worried, thats for you kadraxis that thinks the mechanic should stay, it would be ridiculous.

As for perma banning him for that if it happened in open beta, I'd disagree, too grey an area unless your terms were uber specific. Besides you admitted a game shouldn't be able to be abused by something simple like autoit, some games allow simple programs like that, that really don't offer much advantage, just ease play, similar to how buying extra stash tabs eases play.
WhiteBoy88 wrote:
The real issue at hand isn't that this was done. Reasonable people can see that finding such things in beta is preferable to finding them after release.

The real issue is reporting. The person doing this should report it as an exploitable mechanic. If it was not reported, but was exploited, then there is an issue of integrity. People who will abuse the game in beta with no intention of reporting will do the same after beta.

Devs were already well aware of the socket mechanic issue. why report that which has already been reported?
WhiteBoy88 wrote:
The real issue at hand isn't that this was done. Reasonable people can see that finding such things in beta is preferable to finding them after release.

The real issue is reporting. The person doing this should report it as an exploitable mechanic. If it was not reported, but was exploited, then there is an issue of integrity. People who will abuse the game in beta with no intention of reporting will do the same after beta.
It was reported, a thread that stated the entire thesis behind it was already linked. It was mentioned before that in threads and also in general chat multiple times. It wasn't a matter of reporting.
Last edited by Alisia261#7396 on Jul 17, 2012, 1:00:32 PM
'sides, we don't take kindly to snitches!

Wait, wrong community :/
Devs were already well aware of the socket mechanic issue. why report that which has already been reported?
Alisia261 wrote:
It was reported, a thread that stated the entire thesis behind it was already linked. It was mentioned before that in threads and also in general chat multiple times. It wasn't a matter of reporting.
I'm talking about this kind of thing in general, not specifically this case.

Still, there is an issue of integrity. It would have been one thing if he was doing it to experiment and report his results, but if he had no plans to report anything then he was doing it purely to cheat. Cheating in a closed beta is a special kind of pathetic.
Closed Beta/Alpha Tester back after a 10-year hiatus.
First in the credits!
WhiteBoy88 wrote:
I'm talking about this kind of thing in general, not specifically this case.

Still, there is an issue of integrity. It would have been one thing if he was doing it to experiment and report his results, but if he had no plans to report anything then he was doing it purely to cheat. Cheating in a closed beta is a special kind of pathetic.

Simple you think its cheating, but where does it say that in tos?
I was doing it more for research than anything. Did I take advantage of it? Sure, but my current gear isn't related to it at all. You get a feel for the Jeweler's and Fusing ratios pretty quickly when you log the results of thousands of "rolls" in a couple of hours. 6L odds are ridiculous, btw. 1 6L in what probably amounted to half a million rolls (divide by 306 to get how many 6S were rolled thus opportunities for 6L and you'll see ~1500 chances and just the 1 result). I'd have to gather all of my logging and analyze it for an exact count, but half a million is probably fairly close.
How Fusings Work:

IGN: TheHammer
Well despite all the QQ on this forum, we CAN now say thanks to TehHammer for pointing this out. Everyone needs to take a chill pill.
Simple you think its cheating, but where does it say that in tos?
Don't get all politically correct about it. Anyone with an iota of common sense can reason that using a script to play the game for you is cheating.
Closed Beta/Alpha Tester back after a 10-year hiatus.
First in the credits!
WhiteBoy88 wrote:
Simple you think its cheating, but where does it say that in tos?
Don't get all politically correct about it. Anyone with an iota of common sense can reason that using a script to play the game for you is cheating.
Magic World Online, Angels Online and Shattered Dimension Online all allow bots, and GodsWar Online comes with an "AFK mode" that is essentially a pre-programmed bot.

Once again, just because YOU think something is "cheating" or "exploiting" isn't worth 2 shits.
TehHammer is not a crime!

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