quitting cause of crafting
Always a loss to the community when someone leaves, especially a high level one.
The old fusing orb RNG bangs the final nail in someone else's coffin. It does that very well, almost too well. |
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" call of duty is for the pvp aspect, poe was for the pve aspect. both games offer good co op. |
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" Well, he is in the ladder you aren't so why the fuck are you even posting in here? You don't have the slightest idea what OP even talks about. Last edited by TylerRand#4488 on May 15, 2013, 5:09:14 PM
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Perhaps some of you should read the beta manifesto a little more often.
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" Yes. Perhaps you should recheck it yourself. I don't think him spending a stack of whetstones per fusing attempt is going to help him out that much. This shit Chris is talking about has to do with linking white items. He was going for a Quill Rain. Or perhaps you are secretly suggesting that he start with a white Short Bow, 6L as cost effectively as possible by using whetstones, then chance it until it becomes Quill Rain? (note: we don't even know if using whetstones will even be a net advantage even for white items since 1 stack of whetstones = 1 fusing already in value) Last edited by HopTortoise#6758 on May 15, 2013, 5:17:18 PM
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" Yeah cos the proposed quality fusion method is the perfect answer to everyone's woes right? It's horrible. |
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I like the casinos analogy, this is how I view the current "crafting" (lol?) system.
But in casinos you have fun gambling because despite you know you'll loose all the money you also get winning streaks, you don't loose your money in one go, your money goes up and down and you have fun doing it. In the end you pay to have fun for an amount of time, that's what casinos are (and not a way to become rich). Casinos also have a legal obligation to limit the expected loss on the games they offer. In path of exile the problem is there is no intermediate state, you need to hit the jackpot to have fun or progress and there is no fun trying to get there. Did you try to chaos/alch/alt something usefull? well it is harder and harder to upgrade your gear this way and absolutely no fun doing this. All the currency is lost and there is no reward, the new item is either garbage or you hit the jackpot. There is absolutely no use of currency during progression, you'll end up loosing all of it without getting what you need in the time you need it. You may also destroy your gear with fusings or chromatics. And this is for above average items, if you try for end game gear it is impossible. You are forced to trade and the currency becomes well... a currency ^^ At first I thought is was a clever system to sink the orbs but now I think this is just garbage gambling. This an other reasons make me seriously consider to quit the game, yet another player yes. As an example, I tried to craft a better wand for my EK build. I picked up a good white wand with 19% spell dmg and tried to alter it, then after 200-300 alts I tried with chaos on another wand (10-15 or so). I needed spell damage and faster casting. In the end I gave up and bought one for 4-5 chaos with all i needed + some other not too bad mods: yep, this is the wand I use for my lvl 84 witch. I got it around lvl 80 and tried to get something like this since lvl 55-60 ... But I tried again and again with the wand and alts just by curiosity, to see if I may end up with something good... And I did, but the cost and time is not worth it and not rewarding. I got this: regaled it and got crap but that was expected. Each time I vendor crap rares I think this could have been a chaos orb result. I don't chaos my armor anymore because I'm afraid I'll get something worse. And I should consider myself very lucky in my drops (shavronne and all other stuffs) but I'm not ready to jump to the 6 link, 74+ maps wagon with the current system. And I hate trading, it doesnt help. Instead of playing I'll calculate the odds to get something similar or better than lioneye's glare (the most absurd unique for me, totally in contradiction with the rare>uniques thing) |
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I think if items kept a tract sheet of the orbs invested in them, and then the odds went up based off the amount of orbs accumulated on an item it would be a little more user friendly but still gamblers style.
After 1000 fusing orbs invested the item has double the odds of 6 linking or something like that. it would be cool to see a the stats of all the orbs invested on particular items as a seller or buyer also |
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" Whenever someone brings up what the majority feels about the shitty crafting system/shitty rng based map content/multiboxing, there will always be a handful of idiots that feel if themselves and the other 100 idiots that agree with them are happy then all is good. What they don't realize is that the majority of endgame players have already moved on, and small company run F2P games can't survive without the majority. I hope that they're happy when there's only 100 people still playing this game, and it can't sustain itself. Last edited by nGio#1658 on May 15, 2013, 5:47:01 PM
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Vendor trashing has become a bigger issue. I'm hardly filling up my stash tabs anymore, I use to always be on the boundary of: "shall I buy more,... no I already bought so many. Maybe I should go the lat route because I want some shinies too on my character."
I use to grab all gear that would be good and could fit on alts and could help leveling characters. I still do that, but it hardly happens anymore, there are just so many bad rolls (thank you new mod rolls). I'm sitting on my currency stockpiling it up so I can try and trade, but it seems that currency is dropping in value harder than I can gather it (bots, do I need to thank those)? Mind you, I play HC only. CB was great for alt leveling, OB was slower, currently it has become a grind fest. I can understand the end game being a grind fest and I have chosen at lvl 80 during the 2nd month of OB too not be part of the end game, due to the grind (15 initial map pool that went down to 3, with several failed dock runs in between trying to increase the pool). I chose to run new characters and currently anything but the flavor build types is grindy. Even flavor build alts are grinding. Basically playing my high lvl toon at lower difficulties farming items for other characters. At some point you like to see progression and a random system isn't good for that, if it can roll bad or worse outcomes. I've never been too concerned about the fusing issue, since I quit the open beta endgame, I never had much need for a 6 link. No endgame no need for more clear speed. With recent loot experiences I can relate better to the fusing woes. I hope that the system is brought back more to what it was in CB, in terms of progressing and item mods. We know fusing are worked on and the endgame will become more interesting, but I have big concerns for new players trying out this game. Going to pull in diablo 3, which also had massive grind halts when inferno and pre inferno was very hard. However you can toss around the skills and "change you build" to experience the grind in a different way. If you force new characters to get stuck around cruel (notice the amount of dock farming at lvl 50) it becomes a very long haul to try something else. I dare to even say that, this could ruin the official game launch within the 1st 2 weeks, party progression mandatory for new players, relying on new drops and no leveling gear in stock? Unlike the endgame this issue won't gather much attention, with only handful of new players trying the game out and most settled players using gear stockpiles for alts and ofc the fact that the player base is dwindling. I think it might have been better if, despite the payment MicroT's, the real league would start at game launch and things are reset or deleted just like CB, with a hardcap at lvl 90 or so. This forces players to play the game less and actually test it more. With rerunning and learning about the game being more important factors, the game would receive better feedback. There would be still "endgame" feedback, but with a hardcap in place the experience of the endgame not being complete would be also more obvious and lead to less frustration or disappointment from the community. Just some lose thoughts, can't change time back. Love to read that OP will give the game another chance in the future. Having taken a PoE hiatus myself, I can assure you that it is nice game to come back to and replay (as long as you got some stuff in stash :P ) Last edited by Ozgwald#5068 on May 15, 2013, 6:04:22 PM
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