[1.1.1] Dual Dagger CI. Restored for 1.1 and viable even after Vaal Pact nerf.
" Dequda: I'm not sure you understand how DPS is calculated. I had a lot of trouble with this when trying to buy daggers in trade chat. DPS = ((min damage + max damage) / 2) * (attacks/sec) So the DPS of your Mightflay daggers are 137.4 and 130.2. I am new to this build and to the game in general, so I can't comment on what will improve your character. But I can tell you I was able to get a 180 DPS dagger for 6 chaos after a couple days of searching, which Xavyer says will help your leech and survivability. --------- On to my own problems: NO ONE will sell me a q15+ Melee Splash! What is the current price? I'm trying to level one myself and use the vendor recipe, but obviously that is not a short term solution. |
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For having mana for all auras you need mana everywhere you can. You calculating DPS wrong. DPS is not max damage. see the poster above for the formula. You ignoring my faq and my gearing priority section and then you tell that guide is not working for you. Well as you are not following it i doubt it's the guide to blame. Maybe you just dont need a guide. I have nothing more to add, can only wish you luck. wcparker I really do not know the prices for Q Melee Splash now. I bough mine on a day they were added to the game. they might drop in price a bit as some ppl will switch to reave. Last edited by Xavyer#5154 on Aug 22, 2013, 11:06:27 AM
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So far I've really liked this character so far, but Merciless Oak is giving me a really hard time right now. To be honest, I don't have a clue how to beat him at the moment...
Even made another level, 62 now, still waiting for a party that could help with my little problem. Since 62 opened up new possibilities I made a couple bids for a 5L 600-700 ES armor, but is this really the only reason? 2.5k ES at the moment, and this is far from enough :( Edit: Nevermind, I was just plain stupid. Added another Granite Flask and everything was easy. Silly me :( Last edited by failchen#0825 on Aug 22, 2013, 11:36:28 AM
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If you doing everything right you do not need granite flasks against oak because if you have high eniugh crit and good crit daggers you just frrezelock him to death. Last edited by Xavyer#5154 on Aug 22, 2013, 4:02:41 PM
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can this build use reave?
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" I ll save him some trouble and quote him,since he gave a detailed answer to this quetion on the previous page.Since my cousin started a dual weilder,i was searching for a post here from Xavyer about it,becuase he is much more experienced with dual weilding than i am. Xavyer: "http://www.twitch.tv/xavyerdevir/c/2791576 Video with trying out Reave. Reave is only lvl 9. Supported by lvl 20: Melee dmg, Melee Dmg on Full Life, Multistrike, Increased Crit Damage and PCoC. Compared to Dual Strike+Melee Splash i lost around 30% dps because Reave alternate weapons, so it is really best with a shield. Also anything you do besides walking resets Reave aoe radius, so no whirling blades/curses during a fight. It is conus aoe in front of you and this really annoys me when i get surrounded. On a plus side you can hold shift and aoe from across almost a screen like how cleavers do when you have all 8 charges up. Bottom line: I will be using Reave on a 1h+shield char. I will not be using it on this build as it restrict 'whirl in-> curse-> oneshot the room-> repeat' crazy style of mine. And i don't like loosing 1/4 of my dps. " https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/417287 - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow Last edited by Poutsos#0458 on Aug 24, 2013, 3:18:52 PM
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Привет! Сейчас вот такой гир:
Есть 80 фьюзингов + хаосы, регалы, регреты, гцп. В общем где-то 150 фьюзингов, если все в них перевести, это примерно 1.5 экзалтеда. Что купить из этого в первую очередь, подскажи: 1. Рейнбострайды 2. Альфу 3. Даггер с 8+% критом? На 68-71 картах чувствую себя довольно неплохо, но бывает фриз бесит. Сам думал покупать альфу, но с ней щита будет не 3200 как сейчас, а примерно 2600, поэтому думал сначала прикупить рейнбострайды. Или все же сначала даггер сменить? ДПС без аур 9к, с аурами и чарджами 17к, резисты 78 (юзаю пьюрити). IGN: FatalStep, rush_MIFisto, Robin_Bad_, LeBlancer Last edited by Legus666#1957 on Aug 23, 2013, 9:57:00 AM
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Покупай альфу, потом кинжал, ботинки не спасут отца русской демократии. Лучше купи Q15 blood rage - это +3% лича С альфой будет меньше ес конечно, но зато будет больше армора. Last edited by Xavyer#5154 on Aug 23, 2013, 10:05:02 AM
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Can you give me some advice? I'm enjoying this build quite a bit, but I don't know that I have the wealth to get into maps. I'm trying to decide whether this build would give me better returns with mediocre gear:
You don't have to follow the link. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/490957/page/1 The key differences with your build are: No Power Charges 1 Dagger and Shield Reave+Multistrike instead of Dual Strike+Splash And that's basically it. My thought was that a poorly geared character might fair better with that setup, gaining some safety and only needing to buy one nice dagger. Do you agree or do you think your build would do better at any gear level? When I have better gear it would be pretty trivial to switch back to your build. Last edited by Darth_Ithead#4842 on Aug 23, 2013, 12:23:35 PM
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I started playing build a little while ago and just hit 35. It's really fun and easy to play so far, working on getting gear and stuff for better links but I'm facerolling through Normal right now. Thanks to the OP for creating this and everyone who helped him twink it.
Current Gear (Crappy)
1177.6DPS on Dual with Hatred 89% Chance to Hit 984DPS on Flicker BeautifulCritures - 62 Crit Dagger
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