[1.1.1] Dual Dagger CI. Restored for 1.1 and viable even after Vaal Pact nerf.

Quic I would not suggest trying this build in a new economy because it is very gear dependant and you can be a lot more effective with a gem based damage on a ranged char there until market wil get some items to sell. But when anarchy started some ppl started this build and were successful. Ask them about their experience with it in the fresh league.

enjie1337 You just play the game and they will eventually reach lvl 20. Also there's a vendor recipe if you don't know : lvl 20 gem +gcp = lvl 1 gem with 20 quality.
Last edited by Xavyer on Aug 8, 2013, 3:23:40 AM
Level 65 at the moment and still loving this build.

I've cleared up to Barracks in act 3 - just farming a bit of Docks to bring my level up a bit.

What level and roughly what stats would you recommend before I attempt Piety - or is that something that comes much later (70+)?

Cheers :))
It's not like this is HC, just get the nearest level to not loose exp if you die and go kill her.
Xavyer wrote:
It's not like this is HC, just get the nearest level to not loose exp if you die and go kill her.


there are always party for him.

here lvl 66 and me too still loving this build! finish merc with 1800ES lol.

so rly fun build, I love to PULVERIZE all the zombies on fleeshrine lol.

just the endurance cry..I'm not using it a lot..almost never.

when we need to use it? on big groups of mobs?
Scarso94 you use it when you feel you being hurt too much. this include for example elem weakness maps, reflect maps, vulnerability maps. This certanly not include parafest that fellshrine is. :)

Guys i made a new char recently - Infernal mantle fire caster shadow. Check him out, leave a feedback. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/495646
Last edited by Xavyer on Aug 11, 2013, 2:14:18 AM
ok ty :)

"a lvl 17 Fireball is 3.8K tooltip"

WTH!! I have 4k at 66 rotfl
Scarso94 Better leave comments on firebuild it it's thread. Do you have 4K on a 66 level with GMP that halves damage?
nono i meant 4k with dual dagger.
This has been a pretty fun build, but pretty rough on the bank account. At 63 now and really looking forward to a weapon/helm upgrade once I hit 64. Was a bit stuck on General in Merciless, but a suggestion to use Viper Strike from another thread (apologies if it's buried in here somewhere) really saved some headache for his ridiculous ES.

Rough parts have of course been getting the proper colors on a 5L ES chest because of the ridiculous RNG on ES item sockets and of course the cost.

Highlights being once you get to a particular gear plateau you simply demolish everything in your path is a crazy small amount of time.
IGN: _Maltheus (CI/Crit Dagger Shadow) - Anarchy
xavyer a 190dps dagger how much cost more or less? all wants 1ex minimun....:|

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