[1.1.1] Dual Dagger CI. Restored for 1.1 and viable even after Vaal Pact nerf.


Reached level 50 yesterday and respecced.

I followed the gearing guide to the letter & even exceeded the requirements in most areas. At the moment I only have 1 new dagger though (the other is still Mightflay). Tooltip DPS is 2k with a 5L chest but non-Q gems.

I have two problems - the first was that I took Iron Reflexes at the same time as Unwavering Stance (otherwise all my ER goes to waste?), so I don't have enough points to get to Infused Shield (from CI).

Despite this, my pDR is only around 20% with ~900 ES. Resists are maxed, though.

I actually took the point out of CI for now so I have an HP buffer - big strikes were causing problems. I think it was a mistake to try and be "clever" and should have stuck with the guide - I'm not really sure what to do now apart from wait until 54 when I can afford to get all the energy shield bonuses. I will be getting a new dagger today (hopefully) but Blood Rage keeps me topped up OK mostly at the moment.

Any advice? Gear is below - gems arrangement isn't the best at the moment I'll admit :D

My Gear

Last edited by turzyx on Aug 2, 2013, 8:27:18 AM
turzyx,You have problems because you are a rare kind of masochist my friend :). How can you run lvl 50 WITHOUT ANY AURAS????? You need to have Hatred+Grace+Discipline ON! LIKE ALWAYS ON! Don't you dare to move from waypoint until you put them on.
Last edited by Xavyer on Aug 2, 2013, 10:32:48 AM
Considering Im starting naked on anarchy server, what do you suggest for the first 20 levels, as in leveling skills/gear? :) I'm butt naked :D
IGN: Interloper
Infiltrator Freezeing pulse gem if you don't get any good drops, or cleave with 2 swords if you will get some ok dps weapons drops for you.
IGN: Interloper
you have probably explain it already but i'm still asking :
how do power charge work ?
i have "power charge on crit" on my dual strike attack, 2 loosy daggers on me, a few skill point on power charge like "critical mass", but i never seem to have power charge
is it because my daggers are shit ?

IGN : Astraee / Callip / Selenaee
Xavyer wrote:
turzyx,You have problems because you are a rare kind of masochist my friend :). How can you run lvl 50 WITHOUT ANY AURAS????? You need to have Hatred+Grace+Discipline ON! LIKE ALWAYS ON! Don't you dare to move from waypoint until you put them on.


Thank you for the advice. I will let you know how it goes :))))
Been playing this for a while now. Great build & great guide, so thanks for sharing.

I made a few changes after the last patch where they nerfed ES and changed the dex / IR thing, I couldn't handle having just 3 - 3.5k ES. The path from vaal pact down to the bottom is 2 extra points, but I gain strength instead of dex, and for the 2 extra points I picked up +1 max endurance charge and the duration.


I also swapped my alpha howl for a ES that on that patch, and started to use a dream fragment, taking steel skin to keep my defense up.

Biggest problem I have is reflect maps & getting cursed with vulnerability, or triple shock stacked, they seem to mess me up pretty bad.

Besides not being able to get 3 red slots on my chest, and still needed better daggers ( they seem scarce on Anarchy ) this is defiantly the most fun I've with any build yet on PoE. Good stuff Xavyer.

My items

If you ask how to afford gear its by farming, converting alterations to fusings at vendor

What is this exact recipe? I have tried to look it up and I can't find it anywhere.
Orbitalx wrote:
If you ask how to afford gear its by farming, converting alterations to fusings at vendor

What is this exact recipe? I have tried to look it up and I can't find it anywhere.

alterations to jewelers - 1:2
jewelers to fusings 4:1
8 alts for 1 fuse
IGN = pibDeath

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