[1.1.1] Dual Dagger CI. Restored for 1.1 and viable even after Vaal Pact nerf.
It's a pretty mediocre build to be honest. Running dual strike means you need 2 daggers, which sure, add abit of damage overall, but is just pure overkill: you 1 shot everything with lightning strike or whatever aoe you want to use with just 1 dagger. I'd much rather take the 600 ES from a shield (which gets turned into 2,4k ES) and become much tankier. Also, the fact that you can AoE from a range makes it even more insane. You said you "facetank" brutus. this is wrong. He didnt use his smash on you, and you still nearly got 1 shot. In any party, you couldn't even get close to him.
Also, the AoE range on dual strike melee splash is so small, it makes for a terrible clear speed. I can't understand how the hell this is supposed to be viable for group play, and even for solo. The only reason you're not constantly dying is because you have a retardedly good chest piece (which most people will not have) and 2 great daggers. Anybody attempting this build will be sitting at 2k ES and dying instantly. All of this for bad to mediocre clear speed? I don't know how funny it is to play it, to me it doesn't seem fun at all compared to invalesco's or nugiyen's build. I'd never trade alot of survivability for less damage because you're using an aweful aoe skill, but hey, if it's fun for you, then great, because what matters is that you have fun :) |
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Group play in PoE is a freakin joke ( imho ), group's design here is so poor .... only solo classes, yay !
This build soloes like everything with a good clearspeed, and just owns bosses because of perma freezes. If you had followed the build from the start, you would know that it has begun with another chestpiece that allowed him to farm really well and to be able to save up 18 exalted orbs to buy this one. If he wanted more ES, he could get better boots, Dream fragments and a 300+ES helmet too. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Jun 20, 2013, 1:18:34 PM
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" Second dagger vs shield is 30% dps vs 30% ES. Each select what they like. I like dps. Brutus 'almost killing me'? My build works differently then your ls build. If i don't get oneshot i do ONE hit and go back to full life. So i don't bother when my es drops low because it stays low for 0.3 sec between my hits. Also saying that he didn't used his smash agains me is a plain lie from you as you can clearly see the blood wave passing through me on the video. I clear maps in around 5 min solo. Usually i play duo with a buddy. I really despise party of 6 and never play it. Feel free to show video of how you clear colonade faster solo. Two other videos in first post were filmed with 2 exlated 5L chest. My ES jumps there, yet i do not die and do kill piety with her insade damage in 5 seconds on a 9 exalted budget. My 2 'insane' daggers have a whooping 210 dps. Ask around how insane is 210 dps on a 1h weapon. I do respect ppl like Invalesco that make something positive for ppl and i do recommend his build in my thread to ppl who wish to go dagger+shield. I don't respect ppl who twist facts, lie and try to force his twisted version of reality on others. I'm trying to help ppl here, you are trying to provoke a flame war. In other words gtfo of my thread, there won't be any more food for your trollish nature from me. Last edited by Xavyer#5154 on Jun 20, 2013, 2:54:50 PM
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Bro, I'm following your build, then I realized that there are two ways to make passive tree, one using "unwavering Stance" and another "Conduit". The only reason is because of stuns? or do something else motivates using ward "unwavering Stance"? because, i think this "Conduit" it's better for me... or am I mistaken?
IGN: Kyoph
Shadow, lvl 44 - (Dual Dagger) - (not yet CI e-e) ...Never give up, no matter the difficulty... ;) |
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Im enjoying your build, but im currently having a hard time at lvl 52-53 !
I guess ill go invalesco's build dagger + shield until i get lvl 60, then ill go back to your build :D ! |
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" Unwavering Stance variant is for Anarchy that does not have Eye of Chayula or for players that have great amulet they wish to wear instead of Eye of Chayula. |
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" You say "Anarchy League" right? But it is possible to get the amulet there? IGN: Kyoph
Shadow, lvl 44 - (Dual Dagger) - (not yet CI e-e) ...Never give up, no matter the difficulty... ;) |
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" Anarchy League do not have uniq Amulet that give you stun immunity. That's why you need to go to Unwaveling Stance if you play on Anarchy League. If you play on Standart League you have 2 choises get Unwaveling Stance and use any amulet you like or get Eye of Chayula Amulet and put your 8 points you would have spent for Unwaveling Stance elsewhere. Unless you have a reaaly great amulet it's better to save points and go Eye Of chayula on Standart. " As long as you have fun - do what you think is right for you at the moment. If you show your current build state and gear i may give some advices. Last edited by Xavyer#5154 on Jun 20, 2013, 3:39:23 PM
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Look man, I'm just saying my opinion, sorry if it affected you. I didn't see him smashing, I will just believe you because I will not check the video again. Sorry if you consider that a lie instead of a mistake. But the matter of fact is that the build is mediocre. And with this I mean you will die, alot. There are plenty of builds out there that are capable of higher clear speed (sporker, FPer, LA, even EK, Explosive Arrow, hell, even cleave can have a higher clear speed), 5 minutes for a solo map is average. And those builds don't get 1 shot by any random rare with substantial physical + increased crit damage.
Arguing that you instantly regen to full hp is pointless. You can't regen if you get 1 shot. Even with the insane chest piece, you nearly get 1 shot in an EASY map. Imagine a map, which alot of people run: Increased monster damage with, say... vulnerability, or minus max resists, or added lightning. basically, any double damage mods. How on earth will you survive a leap slammer? Your daggers are pretty good for a new league. Your daggers would grant you more dps if you were running lightning strike or cyclone. Because you use such a poor AoE skill, they don't grant you anymore dps, aoewise. Single target, yep. Now, if I somehow offended you for criticizing your mediocre build, well I'm sorry, but the forum threads here are made specifically for people to post their opinions, and congratulate people for posting good builds, and warning people who want to try bad builds, because there are a bazillion of aweful builds in this forum. If it makes you feel better, you can check my guides, and go full ape shit on them, because if your point is valid, great, you might have made someone rethink running my build. I hope I did regarding yours :) Edit: decided to edit to add one thing: This build is viable if you manage to find at least 1100 ES on helm/chest/boots all together. With that, it should be ok for a high damage build, although I would always use dagger + shield instead of dual strike. By no means good, for reasons described above, but at least you should have taken care of your 1 shotting issues. Last edited by lunaticloser#4213 on Jun 20, 2013, 3:52:06 PM
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" Got friend, but it harms on something? IGN: Kyoph
Shadow, lvl 44 - (Dual Dagger) - (not yet CI e-e) ...Never give up, no matter the difficulty... ;) |
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