[1.1.1] Dual Dagger CI. Restored for 1.1 and viable even after Vaal Pact nerf.

lol yea you got lucky dude , ive yet to have even a gcp drop for me , i might just group with ppl and get carried lol
Many nice concepts and good inspiration here - currently making a life based crit dagger shadow in anarchy and I have one big concern/question. In all builds I read here power charge on crit seems to be the preferred choice before multistrike and I can't for the life of me understand why. Disregarding the mechanics of MS even with 5 charges the listed dps is still way behind the setup with MS instead.

Believe me I would really like to use PCoC but having troubles justifying it to myself as the dps just drops too much - even though it's more fun with crits and with Gifts from above it's crucial for effective magic finding. Hopefully this will be a non issue soon when I get a 6L Carcass jack instead of 5L but still...
IGN Standard: HolyPatman
IGN Anarchy: UnholyPatman
PCoC gives you +300% crit chance. With 9 base crit dagger this is 27% flat curse. The more crit multiplier you have the bigger dps increase is 27% crit chance. Your curse increase your crit damage. the bigger your crit chance the more effective your curse. Also your surviviability bebefits greatly if you oneshot enemis or stune/freeze with the first strike and finish with the second. Finaly having ONE MORE red socket on a pure ES chest will be a very big problem. Try getting BRRRRG on a 6L Vaal Regalia :)
Last edited by Xavyer on Jun 19, 2013, 5:48:53 PM
on standard, after600+ chroms i gave up on rrrgbx. in all those chroms i only got rrgbxx twice

on anarchy i went with an 400+es/800+ev chest because we are forced to get unwavering and iron reflexes is right there.
Anarchy ign - FlashGordon_ or duelmanakh
Last edited by manakh on Jun 19, 2013, 6:50:56 PM
Are you able to use multistrike instead of melee on full life or is melee on full life more effective?
IGN GiggleShits
I believe for bosses and in high level content, melee in full life is more useful.

I'm trying this build with a few changes (more defensive) on Onslaught and until this point, seems viable. Thanks a lot man.
Ours is the Fury
So I'm following this guide pretty close (lvl 48) right now. I'm not comfortable going CI at 50. Any success or disaster stories?
success or disaster is based off of if you can afford the gear needed for the switch. i waited until 62 because the chest piece i bought for ci was a 62 req. just required more refund points and a couple regrets. i just got several more health nodes and farmed ledge and felshrine. also i was playing with another person, which somewhat helped
Anarchy ign - FlashGordon_ or duelmanakh
Last edited by manakh on Jun 20, 2013, 12:21:46 AM
An idea for players with limited resources. Until you can afford 5L/6L chest you can compensate one gem slot by removing PCoC and puting it into Double Strike+Multistrkie+PCoC+Increased Crit Chance. This second skill won't do much damage but it will unleash 6 very fast attacks that will get your Power Charges up. I do not recomend this as a permanent setup because doing this in the heat of battle will be dangerous, but if you as a player can pull this off and keep your charges up with it, you will be able to have the power of my 6L on a 5L chest.
Last edited by Xavyer on Jun 20, 2013, 3:34:08 AM
How good is Daresso's Salute amulet? It gives 60% increased melee damage and reduces energy shield by half. Have you considered this ammy yet?

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