Common Suggestions and Feedback (with Dev Responses)

I know I'm going to get a lot of hate and flame for this, but please change the currency system back to single currency please.

Or at least make it in to something less complex. 3 currency ( 10 bronze = 1 silver 10 silver = 1 gold) for example.

The current currency system gives me headache, and it's almost unplayable for me.
Po8os wrote:
Why an exile must be stopped to cast a spell and not while is running? If it is something that you can easily fix it, it would be a huge advancement of the game.

They could add a new set of gems that are spells and attacks casted whilst moving.

couldnt we have a limited Tradechat, where you can just send 1 message per minute or 30secs?

Just right now its pretty annoying, everyone is spamming all the time and often these super annoying double-tripple posts. Makes it impossible to read in time what u might need.

best regards
Can you make it so when you are changing zones you become invulnerable/untargetable like in Titan's Quest? You can easily lose a hardcore character while you are looking at the loading screen.
kibrorgat wrote:
Can you make it so when you are changing zones you become invulnerable/untargetable like in Titan's Quest? You can easily lose a hardcore character while you are looking at the loading screen.

As long as you dont move after switching a Zone u are immune to all damage for 20 (?) seconds. Thats already part of the current version of PoE.
suggestion: passives that grant IIR/IIQ (set or %, set would be advised.)
also, have the devs said why we cannot link our steam without deleting my account...? it would be nice if i could do that... i have some cash on steam i could use...
1° More stat info :

- A list of all the passive stat acquired should be seen in the passive tree screen, or/and on the website passive tree.

- Detail on all stat, how much from each stat is from stuff or passive : If i have more than 75% res fire i would like to know that and remove or change an item or a passive point.

- Having an UI option that would allow item comparison instead of pressing «alt»

2° Inventory managment :

- A button that would automatically sort the inventory, with all the stuff we need to gather to have some descent vendor recipe, such feature would make everyone happy i guess.

- Sell and buy interface in the same screen, just put the selling interface under the buying one.

3° Others :

- specify the time spent on a character with the /age command
I would appreciate it if you add this to the main post.
(Optional Latency filter/Region lock)
Oldschool gamer that likes to game and chat
is this still being maintained? i would like to make a suggestion about this suggestions thread, if it is:
please separate the 'addressed' issues from the 'unresolved' ones. things like having no trade window and the extra gore effect and all that jazz are no longer relevant as they have been addressed/implemented.

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