Common Suggestions and Feedback (with Dev Responses)

Heres a lengthy one from me.


- Add Item gambling (this can reduce the inflation of Orbs and Scrolls)
- Add sort items button in inventory (like Titan Quest)
- Add Traps (Besides exploding pots. Not to be confused with Skill based Traps)
- Add more tutorial tooltips for newbies, people still don't know how to identify, how linking and support gems work or how to put an item in chat
- Add more build to find items like Facebreaker
- Add new Minion Skill Gems like Wolfs/Raves/Bears etcs
- Add Shape-shifter Skill Gems (Eg. turn into a Werewolf with increased Melee damage and attack speed but can't use spells)
- Random events in the field (mini-quests). The reward can be random.
- Structured Arena PvP needs to be more obvious because people don't really know about it since its segregated between different towns and acts. Maybe have a whole area dedicated to it on the waypoint map just before the Act 1 tab or under the Social Tab or even a whole new menu altogether. Teleporting to this 'PvP arena' can only be done in town so people are not doing it to get a free TP.
- Add Master looter, and Round Robin (need, greed, pass) loot options for party's.
- Add secret areas


- Add Footprints
- Add more Animations to the NPC's in town.


- Add dialogue to the big boss fights like Merveil, even if this dialogue comes from our own characters. Just to give it abit of lead up.

Misc, UI and Options

- Allow us to buy cosmetic items from within the game instead of taking us to the PoE Website
- Make it more clear what Blessed Orbs do
- Game needs Type character name to delete protection, to avoid accidentally deleting another character
- Low end friendly graphics options (Bilinear, Low options aswell as we only have Med and High)
- Change Anti-Aliasing naming to x2, x4, x8 (instead of level 1,2,3)
- Sound options like 5.1, Stereo, Mono, Headphones
- More account security like similar Steamguard or SMS to prevent theft
- More item filters instead of just white only
- Disable mouse acceleration option (Windows always has it on by default)
- Frame limiter options
- Refresh Rate option
- Gamma and brightness controls
- Animation controls (Low, Med, High)
- Shader controls (Low, Med, High)
- Environmental graphics controls (Low, Med, High)
- Reflection controls (Low, Med, High)
- Sampling controls (Super sampling, Native, Sub-Native etc)
- UI Audio slider
- Master Volume slider
- Selecting audio output devices
- Allow us to zoom out further back
- Text chat window needs to be realizable
- Text chat font needs to be changeable
- Text chat shouldn't delete text if we close it to open up inventory (when we want to link something)
- Make it so other players minions don't show when we hover our mouse over them. Maybe give them a a white outline to show they are friendly.


- Oaks first dialogue didn't have sound for me, but the second dialogue did

Store and Micro-transactions

- Additional speach banks of each of the characters.
- Custom forum avatars
- Sell the soundtrack online and physically
- Sell physical posters and maps
- Sell apparel like T-Shirts, mousepads, mugs and other physical items
- Character models themselves should be customizable (like hair options, face options, sex change).
- Allow for character names to be two to three words long
- Guild system. No gameplay benefit. Free to join a guild, but costs coin to start one
- In game name color or a icon next to our names. This doesn't make our text different color, just the name before the text.
- Maybe add random pet crates that give access to random pets including the more expensive ones
- Add more Emotes. Like /cry, /happy, /celebrate etc
- Bundles. Have bundles for pets, dances or even a tiered bundle packs (so a 200 point pack gets you 3 stash tabs, 1 dance and a pet as an example)

I'm sure most of what I'm posting has been mentioned before, but nonetheless.
Got up to level 60 so far so I feel like I'm at a point where I am allowed to comment on the game

-Item level should be more accessible, just put it on the item to be honest.

-Some sort of trading post would do wonders. I do not say we should get an AH. Right now the problem is that the trade chat is simply being spammed with people repeatedly listing their 300 yellows and other assorted stuff and it's really hard to find something you're looking for. The forum isn't much better as threads are often labeled "megastore" or something else that's not really indicative of what's actually being sold. Just think of the TP as a kind of pinboard, much like the notice board for groups where you could simply put down a "I have <x>, looking for <y>" notice. I'm sure you'll find a way to improve the situation without hurting the integrity of the game.

-I'm not sure if it's a bug or if the timer on loot in parties just isn't working right but I've notice a lot of people being able to ninja items away despite the timer still running. I realize this is a big topic and opinions vary - I don't want the "competition" feel to go away completely either, I just think fixing that and adding like an extra flat second to picking up loot would do a lot.

-More actual straight up offensive spells. Lightning and fire really suffer right now. This game blows your mind the first time you look at the skill forest as you go "so many choices" - but then the actual gems offer so little variety. A bit disappointing. I've no doubt you're working on adding more though.

-Custom chat channels and tabs. It would be awesome if you'd let us make our own chat channels. A simple /join /leave system would be neat, I know multiple communities that would appreciate this.
--Speaking of the chat, please let us resize the chat window and/or possibly resize the font as well.
---Speaking of resizing stuff, let us resize the map, move it around.

-Summoners in parties are extremely annoying, as is partying in general. There are way too many flashy effects, I'll say it straight: I can't see sh*t. Hard to tell what's an enemy and what isn't when you have summoners in the party, but even without them a full party can be a damn constant firework. I know it's not easy to find a solution to this, but it's extremely exhausting to party for me and quite some others right now.

-A suggestion that's not really about the game itself: Consider having sales akin to Steam and other games for your cash shop. I'll leave it to you (obviously) to do the math and see whether it'd be worth it, but from what I know having a sale has always been a beneficial thing - quantity of sales makes up for the lower prices I'm sure.

-Lastly, can we have a unique item focused on totem characters? Would be neat.

Assuming anyone bothered to read this, thanks!
Greatly enjoying the game so far (when I'm not disconnecting right at the boss fight), but I'm sure a lot can be done to make it even better.
Last edited by zankioh#2265 on Feb 1, 2013, 9:18:47 PM
UI changes

Most simple and important

Add in game clock, and setting for timezone or get it from system time. Time past fast then you playing, in PoE really fast.

Kinda helpfull

Add tips at initial load screen (to main menu), it takes a while for game to load - why not read tips.

Add "minimal effects" option which will help to not drown into colorful skill madness of 6 player party.

Add "hide (reduce) other player minions/pets" - screen already crowded with awesomness, any more is overkill, summoners build is like - "oh hey look how big my gang are".
(IMHO) Need increase the damage of all NPC except bosses
The Game is well awesome and personally I'm enjoying it alot.

I would like to be able to pan out further and maybe see more of the map (maybe have a "grey area around the chr to hideany creatures objects ect, but have the lay of the land visable like, with the option of improving sight range)

also would like to be able to choose weather you want to be a male or female Chr would be good too, just a couple of thoughts
I would really appreciate minion life bars that's similar to party life bars but much smaller and on the right side. This way I can manage my minions better and when to refresh them. Thanks!
If you're already allowing transactions via web browsers, how about a mobile app to this same purpose. I think this wouldn't be so harsh.

This improvement is already amazing, make it life-changing.

Thank you :)
IGN: iPot
Increase the incentive for high/very high levels, for example by giving 2 passive skill points after level 80 and 3 after level 90. If players have to spend so much time and effort to go to those levels, they should be rewarded accordingly.

so this is my first constructive post on the forum (apart from begging for beta keys :) )

After some discussion with friends we agreed that the worst problem of the game is in weird/clunky chat system.

Firstly What would I like to see ( if someone cared about my opinion) is implementing some easy to use hotkeys to switch between people I whisper.

Secondly I would like to see another more spontaneous shortcuts to change between chat channels.

Maybe it is some relict from D2 , but why % , # and other weird symbols, why there cannot be just easy
/p - for party
/g - general
or use numbers whatever.

another reason to use this easy letter is, that many players are not En/US ( you don't say :D ) so we do not use English keyboard and when we want to type percentage, or grid we have to switch keyboards - it is just annoying . It is not like i cannot play the game but with this little touches game feels much more polished.

I hope someone will read this


Again great work I am enjoying the game :)
best regards

(sorry for english I am not from English speaking country )
The skeletons and zombies created by players does not need to be highlighted with the mouse cursor on the screen. Only the icon in the upper left corner is enough to indicate the remaining minions. The highlighting of the minions negatively affect the visualization of enemies. My suggestion is that you need to cancel the highlight of the minions on the screen and keep them icon. Thanks

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