[3.25] Looping League Starter - Heartbound Autobomber

Is there any way to stop loop safely? Sometimes it desyncs and I want to try to restart it fresh, but I die before I can activate determ on weapon swap.
Juminoh wrote:
HienKurenaiz wrote:
Hey Juminoh, playing your build right now and i am really not familiar with loop builds. Can you take a look at my build? Problem is that I only sit at one zombie at a time most of the time. If I start the loop 90% of the time it breaks even at 4 srs and 1 zombie. If I take a sufficient hit it will go up to 2 zombies and 7 srs for a time, but eventually go back to 4/1.
Tried a lot of things already, got a lower armour kitavas thirst, got a new belt (old one had some armour on it) and catalysed one of the heartbound loops (I am playing in private league and noxious catalysts are hard to come by), got a 20/20 less duration... after some testing i realized that the success rate of the loop starting is better when I turn grace off, so it seems to be a mana problem? What do you suggest? It is basically the same prerequisites as in your league starter pob.
PoB as follows if you want to take the time: https://pobb.in/k1Dxl_VnU5Ta

Same problem, I have the same setup, with 102% recoup, still dying, is the Life Mastery 50% low life required?

EDIT: managed to make it work, I need to spawn 1 skull, weapon swap and immediately turn pretrified blood ON, then I use 1 charge of my Life Potion, then I wait a bit, and use another. If I use both potion charges immediately, I die. I still die randomly sometimes

Strange, might be also be due to a slow loop start due to gem order? Profile is private though so can't check

I got some levels and better items and now it works more reliably (still need to pot on area transition to be safe), I noticed there are 3 sync points, slow, medium, and fast. I can very rarely get a fast loop, only somtimes while mapping, never managed to start a fast loop on my own. maybe because my boots and gloves sockets are swapped? My profile is now public, if you can take you look
Last edited by HienKurenaiz on Jul 31, 2024, 3:25:20 PM
I don't get the point of this build. Super jank, constantly dying to random slaps that hit me JUST below my loop so i instantly kill myself. Dies to grounds, dies to curses. When does it start to feel good??
Might be worth warning about maps with reduced recovery rate, not sure if having something like 120% life recouped makes a difference, but I have 102% recoup and I die in maps with 20% less recovery rate.
Last edited by HienKurenaiz on Jul 31, 2024, 9:38:50 PM
hcupz wrote:
Hi Juminoh, I’m currently lv 82 with 2 divines and want to transition from cold dot to autobomber. Do you have the level 75 pob for the transition?

Here you go! https://pobb.in/R5VHkY6iziXX. I'd probably get whispers of doom with the extra points (or the power charges if you have void batteries already). Might be worth to go annihaliting light instead of void batteries right now though given the economy.
pinktie wrote:
I don't get the point of this build. Super jank, constantly dying to random slaps that hit me JUST below my loop so i instantly kill myself. Dies to grounds, dies to curses. When does it start to feel good??

Level 78 is pretty low level and it should feel more comfortable once you get a few more levels, I'd probably run some white/yellow maps until you get into the mid 80s
pinktie wrote:
Is there any way to stop loop safely? Sometimes it desyncs and I want to try to restart it fresh, but I die before I can activate determ on weapon swap.

A shield with lots of armor in offhand is the easiest way to restart the loop (Dawnbreaker with a good armor roll is what I use).
Last edited by Juminoh on Aug 1, 2024, 8:04:05 AM
Juminoh wrote:
HienKurenaiz wrote:

Strange, might be also be due to a slow loop start due to gem order? Profile is private though so can't check

I got some levels and better items and now it works more reliably (still need to pot on area transition to be safe), I noticed there are 3 sync points, slow, medium, and fast. I can very rarely get a fast loop, only somtimes while mapping, never managed to start a fast loop on my own. maybe because my boots and gloves sockets are swapped? My profile is now public, if you can take you look

Issue is probably lack of reservation efficiency combined with srs in a really low priority socket right now (behind Eye of Winter and both curses). Definitely recommend a few more levels (running a few safe yellow/early red maps can be a bit dull but it'll be worth it in the long run and will let you level more safely in higher tiers). Gear looks good for the most part, I'd consider getting a Stygian Vise (mana recoup on jewel is nice and can use crafted cooldown recovery).
Last edited by Juminoh on Aug 1, 2024, 7:59:55 AM
zerganand wrote:
what for those aura nodes? Grace? https://i.imgur.com/jNTOyHc.png

Really just for the small node for reservation efficiency (can even skip the large node, especially after the grace nerf). You'll want to replace with reservation efficiency from jewels or enlighten eventually though.
Vendetta wrote:
As a ward loop expert I am planning on doing things a little bit better and post results...

Currently only level 70 cuz yea game time is scarce but I will try to add my 5 leagues knowledge of wardloop into this

That'd be great! Let me know what you come up with!

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