(28th April) Hardcore Cut-throat Event!

The damage bonus on Phase run when used in conjunction with skills like Dual Strike just offer way too much damage. Getting killed in one hit is never fun.

Chris can you give numbers on just how many people played in each of the last 3 CT tests?
Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat Server Test, and Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat League Event!
Last edited by NotSorry#0178 on Apr 28, 2012, 8:05:51 PM
I didn't kill that many people :O

Well anyone want my GCP's on hc? I'm not playing HC :)
unsane wrote:

I could swear sometimes the "Someone has joined" doesn't show up. I have global off so 0 messages besides when i join and leave instances and when i or gems level up. Yet i somehow still get surprised by a red x on a minimap and no join message. Anyone else notice this, or i'm just blind? I can't confirm since every time that happens i die.

Maybe they were there before you entered. It happened to me, I left my instance because of some gankers. Then I came back through the entrance of the area (not with the portal) without making a new instance, there were already people, but not the same as the first time. They probably entered my instance when it was empty.

Also I had to restart Mud Flat because an invader seemingly messed up with the glyphs in my instance, I couldn't destroy the nests and there was no glyph around them.
Build of the week #2 : http://tinyurl.com/ce75gf4
Last edited by zriL#4590 on Apr 28, 2012, 8:11:33 PM
mouz wrote:
I didn't kill that many people :O

Well anyone want my GCP's on hc? I'm not playing HC :)
You know you can just kill yourself and it will be sent to default. But I dont want mine either lols..
What do you mean they will be sent to default? That seems kinda weird :D

SO my dead HC characters can be played on default?

Just checked it :D damn I didn't know
Last edited by mouz#5696 on Apr 28, 2012, 8:14:12 PM
mouz wrote:
What do you mean they will be sent to default? That seems kinda weird :D
If your character dies in HC then they revive in the default league. So chars in the HC league have never died but default league can die as many times as you want
mouz wrote:
What do you mean they will be sent to default? That seems kinda weird :D

SO my dead HC characters can be played on default?

hardcore characters that die aren't permanently lost. They just get sent back down to default league. DFA if you will.
I feel HC CT really needs a much larger player base to support anything longer than 90mins, and some form of protection against higher levels while still allowing them to pvp with other people around their level so aren't useless after a death 20-30mins in.
Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat Server Test, and Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat League Event!
Last edited by NotSorry#0178 on Apr 28, 2012, 8:14:56 PM
Chris wrote:
Well, that was interesting :)

I need feedback on this hardcore cut-throat format. How does it compare to non-hardcore for these short durations?

I think if the format is to remain Hardcore then you need to do away with prizes for highest experience completely.

Only have prizes for Kills and actually increase the incentive to come back for more even at low level by giving prizes to the first 5 or 6 of each class in kills of course.

You would however need to put a level limit of sort where a lvl 10 cannot kill a level 5 unless that level 5 is part of a party.

I'm BACK :)
if you die in hc your char will get converted to default.

how many kills top 3?

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