(28th April) Hardcore Cut-throat Event!

There will be a 90 minute hardcore cut-throat event at 10am-11.30am Sunday April 29 NZ time. Here is a timezone converter.

This event is public, so there are no passwords and we're completely happy with you live-streaming it, etc.

It's a hardcore league and will move characters and items back to the hardcore league afterwards.

The top players of each class (who are still alive at the end of the event) ranked by experience will receive:
  • #1: 3 Gemcutter's Prisms and a Demigod's Presence (Unique Amulet)
  • #2: 2 Gemcutter's Prisms
  • #3: 1 Gemcutter's Prism

  • JoeChip (Exmorda)
  • Zeris (Zeris)
  • MelonLemon (IBIizzardI)

  • PappaJack (Pappaboy)
  • zriL (zriL)
  • YHatin (jasonrolfe)

  • aaaBesrodio (Andy6000)
  • Rangeris (DarPhoenix)
  • Meheria (mouz)

  • MrF (IMDisappoint)
  • Cutethroat (aimlessgun)
  • DirtyOldMen (Coldet)

  • bisk (deuceof9)
  • DiE_Heks (Tainton)
  • NotSorry (Metronomy)

The top players overall (who are still alive at the end of the event) ranked by player-kills of unique accounts will receive:
  • #1: 3 Gemcutter's Prisms - Vul (Bullycide)
  • #2: 2 Gemcutter's Prisms - Meheria (mouz)
  • #3: 1 Gemcutter's Prism - Dueslist (Majjamis)

Note that player kills only measure people on different accounts. This means that you can't farm kills by killing your friend over and over, or getting your friend to create new characters. In the future, we'll have some rules in place to restrict players from ganking people who are far under their level.

Player kills count killing-blows only.

Rules are:
  • This is a separate short-duration league that has its own stash (as usual). At the end of the event, characters and stashed items will be moved to Hardcore.
  • There's a PvP damage multiplier on levels below 15 because players start with a lot more life than they do damage. This multiplier will be adjusted substantially based on feedback from this event and others.
  • Players are hostile by default to players who are not in their party.
  • You can ctrl+click on the entrance to an area to use the Instance Management screen to manually enter any other player's instance of an area.
  • The maximum party size is still 6.
  • Cut-throat instances can hold a maximum of 12 players. This means that a full party is not safe because another party can invade them.
  • This test is a hardcore league. When you die, in addition to losing your character, you lose the normal experience penalty for your difficulty plus 10% of your current level. You also drop all inventory and equipped items. Your flasks, skill gems (even ones in your inventory) and quest items are not dropped.
  • If you were killed by another player, your lost experience is awarded to them.
  • If you attempt to abruptly leave the game in a non-town instance, you have to wait 5 seconds and are unable to move or use flasks.
  • The grace period of invulnerability upon entering an area is 10 seconds. This should start once the player is mostly done loading.
  • Non-partied players only show up on the map if they're nearby.
  • When someone enters your area, it just says "Someone" has entered, not who they are.

Note that the above rules are the same as last week's event. We haven't modified cut-throat yet to take into account the feedback from last week. Testing a hardcore event like this one should be interesting though!
Last edited by Sam#3734 on Apr 29, 2012, 6:45:16 PM
sounds good
Шось? (IGN: Owner)
It is 90 mins not three hours as stated above.
RIP Bolto
Covert wrote:
It is 90 mins not three hours as stated above.

Fixed, thanks!
Samantha wrote:

This test is a hardcore league. When you die, in addition to losing your character, you lose the normal experience penalty for your difficulty plus 10% of your current level. You also drop all inventory and equipped items. Your flasks, skill gems (even ones in your inventory) and quest items are not dropped.

So, im curious about this...If you lose your character, what does it matter if you lose experience and gear. Its all gone anyway right?
hardcore cut-throat

Shit just got real
Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat Server Test, and Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat League Event!
This is going to be fun!
One question, is your kill for your account or your character, say you get 20account kills on your first character then die and make a new character and get 10account kills do you have 30accounts kills or only the 10account kills from the latest character?
Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat Server Test, and Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat League Event!
I would say it is per character as you have to be alive at the end of the event.
RIP Bolto
Djohm23 wrote:
Samantha wrote:

This test is a hardcore league. When you die, in addition to losing your character, you lose the normal experience penalty for your difficulty plus 10% of your current level. You also drop all inventory and equipped items. Your flasks, skill gems (even ones in your inventory) and quest items are not dropped.

So, im curious about this...If you lose your character, what does it matter if you lose experience and gear. Its all gone anyway right?

If you die during the event, your character is then moved to the default league.

NotSorry wrote:
One question, is your kill for your account or your character, say you get 20account kills on your first character then die and make a new character and get 10account kills do you have 30accounts kills or only the 10account kills from the latest character?

Kills are credited towards the character used. If you die then create a new character, your kill total is reset to zero.

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