Alteration Orb Farmers Unite! : Join Alteration Orb Union Local # 7 Today!

This is a call to arms for the lower middle class in POE.

We must stand up for ourselves in these uncertain economic times.
POE is rampant with inflation and Exalted Orb/GCP snobbery.

But we have a voice!

Here is how you know you need to be an Alteration Orb Union member:

* Do you farm the hell out of blues and yellows with the sole intention of turning them into Alteration Orbs so that you can then sell your Alterations for Chaos and above on the trade channel?

*Do you use the vendor to upgrade your Alterations to Jewelers or Fusing Orbs in hopes of having even a little more economic muscle than Alterations?

*Do you scan the trade channel waiting for someone to say "WTB Alts 20:1 Chaos" and then hand over your hours of farming just so you can have a couple of the Big Boys orbs in your pocket because you cant seem to make it any other way?

If you answered yes to any of the above criteria, then it is time to join up and put your foot down.
Orbs of Alteration (the mother of Jewelers and Fusings) must not be moved from a 16:1 ratio with Chaos Orbs... period. The market is trying to push that ratio to 20:1, and that is unacceptable. Free market works with checks and balances, and when other players profits trump your labor, then there is an unhealthy trading atmosphere.

The value of Alteration Orbs will be held firm REGARDLESS of what the arbitrary currency exchange rate websites tell us they are supposed to be worth.

Let the other players debate how many Chaos it takes to make a GCP or Exalt, that is their problem... they are like day traders on Wall Street so let them be... As for Alts, it takes the same amount of damn time to make them as it always does and it always will, it is our LABOR.

Here is a couple of things all Alt farmers know:

1) you are in constant short supply of dumb ol' Scrolls of Wisdom. That means every few runs of IDing things, we have to make a few runs to make 10 Transmutation Orbs so we can vendor them into 40 Wisdoms so we can get back to the business of creating Alterations.

2) We basically get 0.8 to 1.3 Alteration per Portal back to town (Heaven help you if you don't have a Portal skill gem). Sometimes we can get lucky and get 2 Alts if we have the right yellows.

So when we sell our Alts for 20 for 1 Chaos we have done a minimum of 20 Portals back to town after finding enough of the right kind of gear to vendor, and that is not including the time we Portal back to town just to do runs to CREATE the Wisdom Scroll tools we need to create Alts in the first place. If you factor in Wisdom Scroll creation, we gather and port to town about 25-30 times just to get our one Chaos (at current rates). That is why it must stay at 16:1.

Our Customers

Now lets look at the other side of the equation... our customers who buy Alts by the stack. Who are they, and what do they need Alts so much for?

Well... they are not using them to get the rolls they need on their blue gear, I can tell you that. They use them to tweak their maps of course. Alts are a luxury item for them. Could they make their own Alts to do their map tweaking? Sure they could, but most of them won't. They are not going to take hours and hours making Alt Orbs when they would rather be running maps to find their freaky gear.

Just like a millionaire will most likely not be mowing their own lawn or washing their car by hand in the driveway, high rollers are not going to be making their own Alts. That is where WE come in.

In conclusion: Currency Exchange rate websites are fine for the business of determining exchange rates Chaos and above, but they have NO BUSINESS in the trenches where we live telling us how much OUR Alteration Orbs are worth... none at all. Its not like they are down in the coal mines with us making the damn things.

Stick with 16:1 for Chaos.
Stick with 16:1 for Chaos.
Stick with 16:1 for Chaos.

Don't cheese out in the Trade Channel when potential customers refer you to the damn "exchange rate" websites and try to bully you out of your Alts. If we all do not wimp out... then they will still buy our Alts at a decent price for both parties. They were happy last week to pay 16:1 and they can do so from now on too.

Viva la Alteration Orb Union Local #7!
Alteration Orb Union Local #7
Equal parts Cocteau Twins & Gang Starr
Last edited by PlNK on Mar 29, 2013, 1:42:59 AM
Last bumped on Jan 19, 2018, 4:53:20 PM
I'm middle class and I buy and sell my alts for 20 and always have been. If I need cash quick. I sell em for 20:1. If I need to use alts for my maps I buy em for 20:1
7/10 would read again.
This is so fighting the windmills like. In 7 years from now we will have 22:1, no doubt about that.
Ahh you poor poor alteration farmers. I'll shed a tear for you before I make my next 20:1 trade
bye bye PoE
Last edited by Selky62 on Mar 25, 2013, 5:05:50 AM
Free market. The price of alts are to be driven down down down and staying down.
POE is a constantly evolving game, so expect balance changes, buffs and nerfs STILL!
Free market. The price of alts are to be driven down down down and staying down.

imo they should go up. takes a billion to get maze
I bought 100 alteration orbs for 1 chaos the other day.

The rest of the 'end-game' content will be available along with a heap of new stuff when the game launches in a few months time. From what I've seen it's going to be awesome. - Michael_GGG
mariox1011 wrote:
Free market. The price of alts are to be driven down down down and staying down.

imo they should go up. takes a billion to get maze

Erm, you understand economics? Yes driven down, to 30-40 per chaos. I think that's what you meant by 'up', which you actually meant to drive the price down (relative to higher level currencies).

Also time to drive prices of jewellers and fusings down. Down down down and staying down!
POE is a constantly evolving game, so expect balance changes, buffs and nerfs STILL!
Last edited by THEHORNEDRAT on Mar 25, 2013, 5:17:44 AM

Also time to drive prices of jewellers and fusings down. Down down down and staying down!


the ONLY players that responded were the ones who want us to work for even crappier wages.

That is typical. It is the same in real life as well. The first to show up when the WalMart employees were trying to unionize were the management trying to bust them up.

Of course the buyers of Alts are gonna run in with some type of "run along.... nothing to see here"
Alteration Orb Union Local #7
Equal parts Cocteau Twins & Gang Starr

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