[HC] Righteous Fire Marauder (Ampiii lv. 89) Useless as of 0.11.0!

I use a 6l in my offhand, you can use either a well rolled 5l or a white 6l (any weapon) to start off with.
HC - Ampiii Bow Marauder
HC - Ampv Righteous Fire Marauder
I had such a horrific time leveling to get this build (and also in SC), whilst I don't blame you for what you've provided in your guide it certainly would be help to people wanting to try this build out. With this in mind I think it would be a good idea to provide more depth into your leveling section of the guide, it's all pretty self explanatory at the higher levels, but in the lower sections it's really not a fun build to get to.

Using EK, I was well below on dex to be able to keep that leveled up and until recently that has sat at rock bottom value as the path you take to level will not take you through any dex nodes. I eventually fell into an ice nova build in which I took elemental equilibrium and effectively debuffed for the other members of the group in docks etc.

Another thing that is missing from the guide which would have helped me greatly is what you should expect from the build, I.E. why isn't the build possible from the start? what is needed to make the build sucessful, what the build plays like at higher levels, how you can expect the build to perform at top levels, how you micromanage your pots in order to remain effective.

As it currently stands I apply RF and I lose health, I've picked up all the regen bar the nodes associated with charges. If I want to heal I can do so with a long duration health pot and it means I heal slowly. If I want a large burst of health I need to use a ruby pot as it removes the damage caused by RF and then I get all my regen with none of the damage caused by RF for 4.x seconds.

Either I'm not getting how the build works but I had the distinct impression that RF would not kill me very slowly over time, but that I would be able to hit a point (outside of charge regen) that I would regen more than I would lose and then the fun began at that point.

Far be it from my place to explain to people how this build works fundamentally (I do not possess the experience you do), however, I think it would be helpful if you were able to explain your build in depth using a video or update the overall thread to address these points above as it was information I had gather myself as I gained experience on the mechanical details of the build.

Excuse the above Amp if it sounds ungrateful or bitchy in nature, above all else I really appreciate the information provided and find the build is now (Divinarius+RotP+all regen nodes) fantastic. It's an absolute pleasure to play and I only expect more fun to come from mapping with this character.

A question if I may. Why would anyone consider taking Saffrell's over RotP as they are roughly the same price and RotP has more max fire resist? I was to understand that even lacking the extra 3% max resist would make it increasingly difficult to maintain RF without the need for excessive potting and also negating further passive regen when a pot is used.

Another question is why have you specced out of Elemental Equilibrium in your updated spec? Is it for group play?

Thanks Amp

Last edited by Actionpigeon#5422 on Apr 23, 2013, 7:31:28 PM
Using EK, I was well below on dex to be able to keep that leveled up and until recently that has sat at rock bottom value as the path you take to level will not take you through any dex nodes.

Etups EK Mar also has a hard time with stats early...

...if you have an Astramentis, you have all the stats you need, and up to 25% Spell damage with Iron Will.

Either I'm not getting how the build works but I had the distinct impression that RF would not kill me very slowly over time, but that I would be able to hit a point (outside of charge regen) that I would regen more than I would lose and then the fun began at that point.
You need lvl 68 for lvl 20 Purity+Vitality
So 8-9k hp should be your goal without Kaom's

8-9k hp without Kaom's ? LoL. I'm not having Kaom and I have in my opinion pretty decent stuff and still have 6300hp. Additionally -3 chaos ress, rest resistances at least 40% overcap and about 90% overcap on fire (which I think is usefull when something cast flammability on me on elemental weakness map)...and 13500 armour on level 82 (will be around 17k on 84.). Got inner force and iron reflex cause I think its much much more viable to posses very high armour than 400 extra hp (again - not having Kaom). Got 5L glorious with FP on it and it has now 1550dmg with gmp on lvl 17. I was using ice nova+elemental equilibrium but I consider it way more dangerous in certain situations so I swapped to FP when level 78.
I think this is very enjoyable build with great defence and offence...and it looks cute :D
Thank's Ampii, your guide was very very helpfull.
IGN: _Pabulon_
Last edited by Pabulon#1380 on Apr 23, 2013, 8:29:20 PM
Allright Currently Lvl 57 debating on skipping Iron Reflexes what do you guys think? Also what about Beserking to lvl up untill you hit 68+?
Here is my build currently, Have 2 points to spend atm. Not sure what to head for next. I have a feeling the 52% more armor or picking up IR.
Current Passive
IGN Kalaxis Or Maximusaureliuss
Last edited by Skillzz#2342 on Apr 24, 2013, 12:00:45 AM
Skillzz wrote:
Allright Currently Lvl 57 debating on skipping Iron Reflexes what do you guys think? Also what about Beserking to lvl up untill you hit 68+?
Here is my build currently, Have 2 points to spend atm. Not sure what to head for next. I have a feeling the 52% more armor or picking up IR.

I think there is nothing to talk about untill you reach level 65. I leveled my RF using shit like Lightirng Strike/Ground Slam/Cleave. RF starts on that level (65) and on that point your build should look like Ampii's, what you do before - its your own business.
IGN: _Pabulon_
I'm finally able to run RF, and I'm super excited. Just finished trading for all the necessary gear changes for my respec yesterday, so once I get home and buy a GMP/chrom my chest, I will finally be able to roll out.

I was leveling in HC until I met an extremely stupid desync+player error/stupidity in Vaal Ruins around lvl 50, so I am just continuing in Default (as was my goal, since I know dying to my stupidity or desync was inevitable, sue me :P)

I leveled as Elemental Cleave. Grabbing Resolute Technique, and going up into Templar for Catalyze/Celestial Walker first, then grabbing the 2 8+8+12% Life Nodes near middle as well as the 18% Resists near the 0.4% Regen nodes (Needed them early on for lack of gear, didn't get the .4% till respec to RF.) Then made my way into Duelist tree, grabbing Master of Arena (Which combined with Amplify gave my Cleave insane AoE range) 50% Armor nodes, and the life/life regen, got the Acceleration node for Aspd and +Dex (To increase Ele Cleave dps, and allow me to equip better 1h Swords. The goal is to eventually get Leather and Steel around lvl 70+)

From there I went down to Golem's Blood (Skipping the 0.4% again, until respec to RF), Diamond Skin (Merciless minus Resists are kinda harsh while leveling), then to Iron Reflexes. Iron Reflexes is a must imo, for anyone on the fence. Running a Blood Magic + Reduced Mana Grace barely tickles your HP, yet gives you nearly double the Armor. And also doubles your gearing options, which is useful for going an RF Spellcaster that uses FP/EK, since Eva or Ar/Eva gear might be easier to Chrom for right colors. And IR also allows you to take full advantage of your Dex stat, which would otherwise be wasted. (I have the added bonus of IR turning my Alpha's -> Armor, which is DELICIOUS!:) )

So while leveling as a sub-optimal Ele Cleave build, with self-found gear, I had ~3k HP, 1.8k Cleave DPS (4L helm from vendor, Cleave+EleDmg+BM+LL), 2.7k Dual Strike DPS, and 80+% All Resists, -51%Chaos on Merciless. Not bad I'd say...

For respec, I only needed to refund like 5-6 Passive Points, which you get from Quest Rewards anyway. I'm still leveling my [horrible] 7% quality FP, which will take FOREVER (Might just buy a pre-leveled 10%Quality or something..), but by my math my dps with RF+FP will be:
1.5k Burn DPS from RF, ~2.2k FP+GMP DPS.

(I had originally intended to get Astramentis, but Ampiii as well as some other people mentioned that it'd be a waste and be cheaper to get a ring/onyx with +Int. So that's what I did, and was able to afford an Alpha's w/ the currency I saved not getting Astra. ^.^
Really happy about this, as it is my favorite helm in the game. And allows me to run RF earlier than lvl 69. And once GGG adds the in-game skin for it, I'll be 'over the moon', pardon the pun :P)

tl;dr: WOOT RF Baby!!~ I've been planning this build before I even heard of Ampiii, but him/his guide has been extremely helpful in my process. So thanks a lot Amp! ^.^

My notable gears:

(I got unlucky w/ Chrom'ing helm, took me 90 Chroms to get it what I wanted.. >_<
Replace Anger w/ Vitality, first use Grace w/ BM in Vitality socket, then switch Vitality in. Getting 4 reduced mana +2lvl Auras, w/ Grace on life, using only 4 sockets.

Will Chrom chest when I get home, looking for RRRBG, FP+GMP+IronWill+BM+LL. Ring for the +Int to run FP, IIR, and Cold Dmg% to scale w/ RF multiplier)

On a side note, my RF radius is A LOT bigger than I expected it to be. It is HUGE! o_0

PS. Ampiii, does being burned by RF make you immune to Frozen/Chilled, since I noticed you don't have a Flask for that it made me curious?
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Apr 24, 2013, 10:31:20 AM
Using Life Leech from Spells, I'm able to farm now with RF.

-2383.5 DPS total with Freeze Pulse...and it's only lvl 14:)

Purity is about 40% of the way to lvl 17...which will make life a TON easier.

Currently lvling these skills in my weapon swap out of curiosity.
-Shock Nova
-Ice Nova
-Tempest Shield

---I'll be able to run Tempest if I spend the 3 points for the reduced mana reserved.
Just wondering, how much testing have you done with support gems on it? Something lke say fire pen doesnt work on rf?
IGN - xNoClass
Pabulon wrote:
Skillzz wrote:
Allright Currently Lvl 57 debating on skipping Iron Reflexes what do you guys think? Also what about Beserking to lvl up untill you hit 68+?
Here is my build currently, Have 2 points to spend atm. Not sure what to head for next. I have a feeling the 52% more armor or picking up IR.

I think there is nothing to talk about untill you reach level 65. I leveled my RF using shit like Lightirng Strike/Ground Slam/Cleave. RF starts on that level (65) and on that point your build should look like Ampii's, what you do before - its your own business.

Well I am trying to decide what is going to be best for me to get to 65+ and what will benefit me the most. Also I know before he tweaked his build he did have Iron reflexes before, so for someone stating they wont have a koams would it be better off getting that.
IGN Kalaxis Or Maximusaureliuss

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