0.10.4 Patch Notes
so wait, I use ice spear a lot and snipe monsters. I wont get loot from them now? That seems ridiculous to me.
Rampage IGN: RIP_Stannis_Baratheon
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" I don't understand really why u do feel so butthurt for such simple questions, that weren't directed even at you. Please grow up, and understand that i don't need your "smart" help to find workarounds. The questions are directed to developers to understand EXACTLY and without any doubt how the mechanics were changed, which i repeat, it's NOT CLEAR in the details. I see you still resort to "change ur build noobz" argument. you still miss the point that we are not looking for a workaround, but for mechanic details answer. And you don't understand that you can't give an answer, because you don't know them as we don't know them. What you did is just to divert the question to offtopic and non important things. Who cares what is the chance if i break a vase more than 13 meters away, if its 1 or its 70%, as long as it's more than 0% my question is important. Last edited by sirianstar#2747 on Mar 20, 2013, 12:26:51 PM
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" The only other thing that needs to be said is that you're wrong. Solo play is easy, team play is easy. One rewards more than the other. Some people can only solo because of graphical lag caused by certain skills/archetypes. |
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" Lol'ed. Partying will never be better than multiboxing cause there are 6 individuals that share the extra 250% IIQ and different people is dealing the KB with different IIQ/IIR and the loot is distributed between 6 people. (or the ninja who take everything that's shiny) But in multiboxing its only 1 person that has 6 chars, but 1 with loads of IIQ/IIR that make the KB, and he will gain increased/better amount of loot no matter what, and did I mention that all loot is HIS? so I can't see how a multiboxer does get punished in any way?!?!?! Cheaters/abusers are always going to whine no matter what, even if GGG nerf something that's not even intended. Last edited by Trancemaster#3979 on Mar 20, 2013, 12:42:19 PM
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What about changing the system that tags a party member to increase loot quantity like this
IF (the character is present both on boss trigger AND boss death death ) OR (does a substantial amount of damage on the boss i.e. more then 10%) THEN tagged = true; END IF The first check can remain not to bias party members that dont do high dmg output in a large party The second check can ensure players get loot on sparks that destroy vases 10 screens away, this can not easily be exploited by multiboxers, and if they can let their other characters make 10% dmg each, they earn the extra loot. The only thing that remains an issue then is for example mobs that destroy vases that are outside of the screen but this can be considered a minor nuisance only. IGN: Artimunor Last edited by Artimunor#0585 on Mar 20, 2013, 12:43:39 PM
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no cleave nerf? dissapoint
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" The developers answered your questions in the first post, can't you read? " They = the players. The check is the distance between the PLAYER and the mobs killed. All the time they are talking about "PLAYERS" not items spawned by players. I'm not butthurt I'm just calling you out for saying that "a lot of builds (ala dual spark totem) are broken by this changes", which they aren't. You are just exaggerating. |
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" lol.. then teach me master.... @Ephraim: it's effective you know... and you can just shout/type for help if you find any hard hitting monsters... provided you're playing with you frined(unless you're willing to lose items that drop faraway from you).. ^^ oh with the current patch why don't you just join a party and stay close to them.. and loot everything that drops?? you're contributing you know(increasing the multiplier that is).. you have right to those items. oh and get the new armor skill gem.. it is intended to protect you while you're busy looting.. Last edited by lumine99#5604 on Mar 20, 2013, 12:44:54 PM
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" each subsequent character gives an extra 50% IQ meaning because they have 6 chars they get +250% IQ (= 350% IQ) not counting any IQ the character dealing the killing blow has nerfing this at least halves their reward per boss which is i think a good thing a solo player should not have to run 6 accounts in order to get loot, already you get more loot when solo, often i hear friends i play with complaining because they feel solo they get way more rewards then in the group GGG please dont let the whining farmers set you off your game, you made a good change, you just have to tweak it slightly in order to not disavantage the 'normal' players to much (out of screen yielding no extra loot while nevertheless dealing lots of dmg on the boss) IGN: Artimunor
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" Yes, ofc you (your OWN loot, rares, just cause it drop more loot while in grp it's not yours) get more loot in overall by playing solo than in grp, 350% / 6 =58,333% So you are infact losing 42% IIQ per person by playing in a Grp. Group play are for people who can't solo and don't have either good gear or bad IIQ/IIR and are relying on others to kill for them. |
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