Lioneye's Glare - Possibility for a nerf on an overpowered item?

Also I think you guys are getting confusing the type of OP GGG nerfs. They don't nerf things that are just powerful, which is why FP hasn't been touched by has worked how it has for months. OP is something that requires very little to do alot, like a spork totem build in CB. You didn't need anything beyond dual totem passive and you were crushing the content.

Lioneyes is a very rare bow which even though it is seen on the trade forums alot not many people will be having one.
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th
Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 -
Summon Skeleton 1.3 -
Theres nothing wrong with lion eyes. It has all good mods/no bad ones, and a relatively lower cost to obtain, compared to rolling something better. Thats how uniques should be. Not best in slot, but good enough to justify using.
SL4YER wrote:

Here, now stop complaining

so basically, your bow gives a total of 77-303 dmgs for 1.74 AS ( 393.24 without speaking about crits or other modifiers ).
Where I have just seen a Lioneye glare giving 81-284 1.80 AS ( 360 dps ).

LG can be used by ele build ( oh snap, LA scales on physical dmg, wait, Ice shot too ! ), by pure physical build too, by .... almost any bow build ( but very specific EA quillrain build maybe ).
In addition, it have something more powerful than Resolute technique.
( And it gives the biggest mana boost I have every seen but EB, I don't know every item in the game obv, but still ).

cold res is easily manageable with sth else, especially with 25%.
Crit is .. wait, good for a crit build ? are you gonna have crit oriented build with your bow ? the answer is : NO.

And I'm not even speaking of the fact that LG can't miss. Do you miss with your bow ? YES then the dps is lower. Do you have resolute technique ? if so, then forget about the crit mode and enjoy the point you needed to spend for that.
so, 10% raw dps for a better than resolute technique and a huge mana boost ? still better ?
hmmm ...

just gonna answer this :

"Here, now stop not thinking"
When you will have real arguments, or something to bring to this topic, maybe you should come back.

Lioneye Glare is not just powerful, it just outclasses any other bow.
And it is not rare enough apparently, since I see thread where a lot of people are showing their LG and where the OP says you need this item for this build.

Theres nothing wrong with lion eyes. It has all good mods/no bad ones, and a relatively lower cost to obtain, compared to rolling something better. Thats how uniques should be. Not best in slot, but good enough to justify using.

Resolute technique with the crit bonuses is not just a good mode.
And a lot of uniques have either some bad modes, or a counterpart if the rest is too powerful.
It's a bit like giving CI without the "you have only one HP" on a chest .....
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Apr 12, 2013, 6:38:12 PM
Lioneye is fine, it is LA that is overpowered.

I don't have a problem with a unique item being the best in slot for some builds (best physical damage bow). There's still plenty of other slots where a rare will be best in slot.
Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Apr 12, 2013, 6:39:26 PM
Nerf Lionseye?

That bow is trash and a waste of currency. I chuckle, literally chuckle when I see people buy them for 15 exalts LOL....

A triple ele bow with decent rolls on the ranges will outshine a Lionseye if your going LA or any other element...

Physical damage in this game why would you go physical...

My friend didnt listen to me and wasted all his savings on that bow, and found out he lost 200 dps when he equipped it from his mediocre triple ele...

Fruz wrote:
SL4YER wrote:

Here, now stop complaining

so basically, your bow gives a total of 77-303 dmgs for 1.74 AS ( 393.24 without speaking about crits or other modifiers ).
Where I have just seen a Lioneye glare giving 81-284 1.80 AS ( 360 dps ).

LG can be used by ele build ( oh snap, LA scales on physical dmg, wait, Ice shot too ! ), by pure physical build too, by .... almost any bow build ( but very specific EA quillrain build maybe ).
In addition, it have something more powerful than Resolute technique.
( And it gives the biggest mana boost I have every seen but EB, I don't know every item in the game obv, but still ).

cold res is easily manageable with sth else, especially with 25%.
Crit is .. wait, good for a crit build ? are you gonna have crit oriented build with your bow ? the answer is : NO.

And I'm not even speaking of the fact that LG can't miss. Do you miss with your bow ? YES then the dps is lower. Do you have resolute technique ? if so, then forget about the crit mode and enjoy the point you needed to spend for that.
so, 10% raw dps for a better than resolute technique and a huge mana boost ? still better ?
hmmm ...

just gonna answer this :

"Here, now stop not thinking"
When you will have real arguments, or something to bring to this topic, maybe you should come back.

Lioneye Glare is not just powerful, it just outclasses any other bow.
And it is not rare enough apparently, since I see thread where a lot of people are showing their LG and where the OP says you need this item for this build.

Theres nothing wrong with lion eyes. It has all good mods/no bad ones, and a relatively lower cost to obtain, compared to rolling something better. Thats how uniques should be. Not best in slot, but good enough to justify using.

Resolute technique with the crit bonuses is not just a good mode.
And a lot of uniques have either some bad modes, or a counterpart if the rest is too powerful.
It's a bit like giving CI without the "you have only one HP" on a chest .....

You obviously don't understand how bow skills work. They CONVERT (usually) phys to elemental, than all those % increase to elemental nodes and mods take over. So, this bow has high phys, therefore it converts a lot. HOWEVER, it does not convert ANYWHERE NEAR the amount that raw elemental bows give.

This is not a BiS bow. Sorry. Go find something else to nerf.

Also, Athena, phys dmg doesn't suck. You just need to invest in it for it to be effective. Elemental has to go against resists, which are flat. Phys has to go against AR, which is not.
lyoneye & la are both pretty terrible, you have to lack knowledge or play solo only to consider them viable
cathartist wrote:

However, here is how i see it.
The top phys % roll you can get on a bow + the top flat phys on a bow are not enough to put that bow's innate dps higher than lioneye's.

"insert zonk sound here".
You did not do your research, not even close.
You can get up to 249% increased physical damage on a weapon (maybe even more since they introduced lvl 79 affixes a few patches ago).
You need the tyrannical prefix, the emperor´s prefix and then a high roll on both and you have 249% increased physical damage.
With the lvl 79 affixes they might have introduced one more prefix tier that surpasses tyrannical and emperor.

A rare imperial bow can not only have more % physical damage, but also much more flat physical.
Theoeretically speaking, a rare bow could potentially kick a lioneyes glare, without breaking a sweat... and have critchance and critdmg on top of that.

just looked up the forums and immediately found one that surpasses a lioneyes (in terms of physical roll)
Look it up under the "my gear" tab.
That bow has more physical damage, and since the % physical rolls and the flat roll are all prefixes, he could potentially still roll the attackspeed, critdmg, and critchance.

The bow has 83 accuracy which means it rolled the prefix "conquerors" and judging from the sum of the physical roll, he probably rolled the "bloodthirsty" prefix.
Thats the second best physical/accuracy roll, and the third best pure physical roll.
Basically the bow could still be much better (in terms of physical roll).
If GGG added one more physical prefix tier with lvl 79 affixes, then it could be way way better.

Just in case you are curious.
If there is no lvl 79 affix, the highest possible dps on an imperial is 547 dps.
Yeah, clearly lioneyes is the best bow out there.
"insert zonk sound here".
Last edited by gh0un#3019 on Apr 12, 2013, 7:28:52 PM
I can see Lioneyes being broken when physical damage gets fixed, as stated it will in the manifesto

We will have to wait and see I suppose
SL4Y3R wrote:

Also, Athena, phys dmg doesn't suck. You just need to invest in it for it to be effective. Elemental has to go against resists, which are flat. Phys has to go against AR, which is not.

As stated in the manifesto, physical damage does suck big balls

Yes it doesn't get reduced as much due to how armor works (conversely though, it means you get countered by physical damage reflect that much harder) but due to things like shock stacking and ignite on big crits, elemental damage can easily deal as much damage as physical in practical situations, considering everything

Ontop of that, elemental damage requires far less investment which is what matters in an aRPG. No one cares if you can get physical damage to the same level as elemental damage if you need to spend another 20-30 nodes on the tree for it and you need a +150% physical damage roll minimum, especially when elemental damage you can still CC (with cold) or in party situations you can greatly increase the damage a target takes (shock stacking)

For those that don't know, 3 shock stacks = 220% more damage on a target. Physical damage builds have to invest a lot to just get up to that level. Even though elemental resist is flat, that is easily covered with curses/penetration, which is what everyone runs anyways (especially if you are not shock based)
Last edited by deteego#6606 on Apr 12, 2013, 9:57:30 PM

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