Lioneye's Glare - Possibility for a nerf on an overpowered item?
" A tri elemental bow with the standard LA build will generally beat the DPS of any physical based LG build, but that is more to do with how broken LA is rather than anything else As HopTortoise said, assuming physical damage gets fixed and/or LA gets nerfed and the accuracy system stays the same, LG will reveal its "broken" status. If accuracy ever gets revamped, to the point where most builds that need to hit don't have to get RT, than LG will just be very good |
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" I think thats a large portion of it, the potential value of the cannot miss. Currently with very good gear you can hit 90% hit rate reasonably efficiently for lategame, but my wander who I abandoned at levl 65 something has 88% accuracy running with 3 accuracy % nodes and an increased accuracy gem, which kind of just makes me think accuracy itself can be very hard to come by |
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Accuracy in itself is a massive GGG failure, no idea why they thought of implementing
One of the reasons why melee combat is so clunky and "shit" is because of the accuracy system, and its why every melee (and even non melee) gets RT past level 40 or 50 Either that or they just use abilities which cannot miss |
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Personally i think this bow is the best bow for crit builds, since you dont go for RT, and with LG you cant miss. As for LA ele builds, good rolled thicket/imperial will do better. I dont see it in no way OP.
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" I completely agree with the accuracy system being crap right now, i already said so in my earlier posts. Accuracy being shit is not the equivalent to LG being OP however, since accuracy being useless is not LG´s fault. If the accuracy system were to never receive a change, i would probably agree that LG is one of the strongest bows you can get, but i dont believe this to be the case. Everyone agrees that accuracy needs a revamp, and only after such a revamp is the evaluation of LG possible. You cant base your thread on a broken system. See what i did here? In all honesty, accuracy plain sucks in its current form. GGG probably did not want 95% hit chance to be achievable in a trivial manner, but due to this, accuracy based buils are terrible because even with enormous amounts of accuracy (which involves skilling several accuracy nodes) you cant really reach high %hit chance against high level targets. In a game where most of your passives are better spent towards life, it is not feasible to skill that many points into accuracy, only to realize that you did not even reach 95% hitchance. As i already once suggested, if they want the itemization process of accurracy to be non trivial, without making 95% hit chance impossible to reach, they have to implement a system where 95% hitchance is rather easy to reach, while any accuracy beyond that adds to the critchance of the character. That way the accuracy itemization is NON-trivial, without making 95% hitchance too hard to reach. Last edited by gh0un#3019 on Apr 17, 2013, 12:01:44 PM
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There's always going to be something better. It makes the bow have high enough worth, so that not everyone is going around with it - I've actually never once met anyone who has it. As you know there are arguably rares with equal or better capabilities, which render this thread pretty moot. You might not like it, for some reason you feel the need to express that so fervently, but it just is.
Also, to the person who said LA is bad and all that, I can completely confirm that is nonsense, as can I'm sure a great many of other players. LA is a difficult build to kick up, like many good builds, thus deceiving people into thinking it's terrible, but once you know what you're doing and have the right stuff, it's pretty sweet. This term "Over-powered" gets taken out of context, IMO - actual OP in a game, to me at least, would be the game's fundamentals broken due to X item/method, therefore making it too good and going against how the developers feel the game should run - OP does not just mean "the best in its class". I don't personally use an LG, but rather a Thicket 5L, and it nails stuff to the floor, so I'm really not complaining. I'm considering LG, but after this thread, knowing my luck, I'll be left with a piece of turd. If you are going to rant about everything that's too good then you'll want to waste some time scouring through PoE, for items that are the best in their class, or for their build counterparts, etc; logic tells me that it's impossible to have it all equal, while maintaining the basic principles of this game. PoE has resurrected what once seemed like a lost cause - Blizzard, take notes!
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See ? there is better bow than lioneye's. |
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so what ?
of course there are higher dps bows than Lioneye's, it woul be completely dumb otherwise. And have you included your %miss value ? coz at the end, which one has a higher dps with that included ? how many point have you spent in accuracy nodes ? how much currency have you spent in accuracy gear if you have some ? And the most important : how rare is your bow compare to a Lioneye's ? see ? SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Oct 31, 2013, 1:10:27 PM
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This bow has an higher dps, even if hits can be evaded, but you're right Lioneye's is less rare.
The critical chance multiplier give a lot of DPS and this bow has 384 dps, Lioneye's is about 310 in best case. And with less Attack speed ( you maybe know that armor reduces more little hits than big ones ) It's not the best bow but it's not that expensive/rare : the real problem is there. Last edited by Judasnanasse#7392 on Nov 1, 2013, 6:09:18 PM
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" Then you're probably not calculating dps correctly. Keep in mind that critical strikes have to roll against accuracy twice. |
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