[0.11.2] THE BEST DW Simple Tanky High Dps Hybrid Cleave GUIDE-7 auras/30kDPS/5.5kHP/37kArm
" Ok i will take it as a lie or troll then ;) |
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Can't see the progression trees, when I click the links. Anyone else with same problem?
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" Working for me, can u check again? -just click at spoiler and after that on the link Or maybe try with other browser? |
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LV79 Onslaugth
The build is amazing and works very good. But still we are melee U MUST KNOW UR ENNEMY AND PICK UR BATTLES CAREFULLY. Nothing wrong in doing maps slowly My items are below always looking for upgrades. Please No comment on my gloves it all i could find atm My HP 3.5k and DPS 5.5k and i use frenzy+multistrike+fasterattck for 1vs1 and boost cleave i feel my dps is low but must be my 2nd axe need to be exalted asap and my gems are not level 20 yet so that migth a reason My Tree is same as yours i just got marauder tree earlier my next point is 16% hp Game Over i tank Vaal Smash in maps jk no i cant. After that point im getting reduce mana and then damage nods or maybe i wont and just stay with 6 auras and get other stuff like US or axe nods near inner force because i feel using mana for skills is just too good Let me know if u have any suggestions You NeVeR StooD a CHanCe ign:NoObDaMeRRRrE Last edited by UgOs#5798 on Jun 22, 2013, 11:05:33 PM
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"Good say "we are melee U MUST KNOW UR ENEMY AND PICK UR BATTLES CAREFULLY." :P You are going good patch. Your gear is pretty fine, this gloves are good if u dont have any mana leech. Nice axes and other items, you could switch maybe this rarity ring to get hp on it. And find 5l chests? Also you should try use Haste instead of Vitality if u wanna more dps, move speed! :) ***Added New Vaal Smash Video at 74lvl Maze map*** Last edited by Sebash6#0223 on Jun 22, 2013, 7:40:23 PM
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runing lvl 82 duelist with simular build (99%), this build works great for standard league i think you can probably solo every map, I can't remember when i died last time (doing 68-73 maps) regulary those higher lvl 74+ rarely because of drops (-.-) but even there if i dont screw around (meaning endurance charges up and enfeble or temporal chains on mobs) i really go through map with no problem at all, my gear is like 50% of sebash, probably worse, my chaos resi is still - 40 and i can solo chaos snake boss maps, (chaos potions + dualstrike with life leech) - dps on cleave 6k (4l only and 1 support is mana leech) on dual strike 11k (5l one support is life leech) - maybe not much but my dps for now is more than enough for anything i faced on maps, and why i like hybrid the most because of return dmg, if you had pure 24 k physical dps on cleave, even with grace determination and massive armor when u hit 5 6 mobs with return there is a real chance of one shoting yourself (not by one hit but with attack speed at lvl 80+ i doubt any human player can react before 2 3 hits - if he didnt notice the pack before) but with hybrid lets say you have like 16k physical 8 k elemental, you are pretty much safe vs any thorns in game. And honestly anything above 12- 15k on dps is just overkill (if i found better weapons and my dps got near these values sebash has i would respec my dps nodes in to life nodes - when u die you lose 15% and if you lvl like me with these maps that never drop (above 72) you don't wanna die ever ever - and how much faster u think you would do a map with 24 k cleave than 12 k cleave, i think it's <1 min)
gz to this guy on lvl 79 onslaught, honestly i would never play it on HC league, as melee you go in every dangerous situation there is, desync there = death, worst modes and stuff that kill are usually melee nonfriendly (val smash...) and in the end sad truth even 100 k cleave is not roa or la with lmp chains, i tryed dualists on HC before, always carefull... die to desync or going vs piety on temple map with 85% light resist + masive life gain + 5k hp = oneshot (2 technically crit first + 40% crit second), and when i see how many cheasy tactics range build use... not worth the trouble even if you like duelists and dual strike like me :D as of standard if you include that this build can go soloing 95% maps and mods with bad gear i would say it's one of the better ones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg
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" Thanks for feedback all the work you did for this guide is amazing. Yes my ring i have int problem like we all do i need to find helm with int 1st and then change the ring or just get +30 in passive tree. Yes dat ring is meh Haste is amazing but i opted for defense so i choose vitality if i decide to go with 7 auras then it will be haste for sure because i decided to drop purity cause imo regen is safer overall but definitely i think purity is better vs burst damage but thats when POTS come in play they are so good in this game Pots will save vs shock and freeze which are elemental damage and purity wont save u from 3x shock the pot will. I do no math i go by intuition and how it feels when i play. Also i like to run around mobs very quickly and throw in some cleaves so projectiles miss me and i notice the regen doing work with this tactic this work great vs Asphyxia, a Boiling Ambusher. Also i think as a suggestion u should add a section on how to beat bosses and explain positioning cause they are a problem for example: LMP dogs at dock i bring fire pot and instant pots 1vs1 dat dog he stands no chance not vs him and 20 mobs just him Perpetius ya he is scary but if u face tank him he is gonna be scared of u basically u need to be close him at all time and not let him kite u (dont create distance between him and u if u have full hp). His trap is very avoidable stand still and w8 for his move he throws trap just move rigth or left and then leapslam in and tank him bring 2 granites and instant pots he stands no chance ... You NeVeR StooD a CHanCe ign:NoObDaMeRRRrE Last edited by UgOs#5798 on Jun 23, 2013, 12:59:26 AM
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OMG dat smash
You NeVeR StooD a CHanCe
ign:NoObDaMeRRRrE | |
I agree with Dogs @ Docks. Before Sebah advised me about my gear i had really hard time fighting them in packs. Now i face tank 4-5 normal ones, i can take 2 blue ones at the time (usually pull one or two away from a pack then Dual Strike them) and with Unique ones, Warlord Mark and once landed DS (i have Life Leach on it) in no time. If other dogs join the fun hit your fire pot and its GG to them. Still need to be careful not to be to cocky as you can still die but Life on ever item, resists+purity+endurance charges and i was able to clear docks at @64 no problem. Perpetius - as you said. One rule for him is DO NOT LET HIM STUN YOU WITH HIS TRAP. What i did with him (when i used to farm City) was Warlord Mark at a distance while kiting, make sure to have some endurance charges and once both up, Leap Slam to him and just Dual Strike. Life leach from Warlord's and support gem and gear was 16% and there was no way for me to die as he only throw traps in a distance. Once you close to him he can only hurt with Eternal Knifes but with 16% lifesteal and around 4k Dual Strike (back at @63) i had no issues with him. Now level 67, just did Piety solo after leveling (died 3 times while fighting her - once she one shot me while in frost stance) and with this gear i am doing well:
Also for now i use very slightly different build due to me realying more on Endurance charges. I use passive for extra endurance charge and endurance duration: Once more i would like to say THANKS to Sebah for his guide and his help in making my Duelist enjoyable again. Still need few upgrades here and there but once i get more currency i will buy some decent gear (or might get luck and drop some :) ). Last edited by Golfik#7216 on Jun 23, 2013, 5:00:55 AM
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Currently lvl79 on onslaught using this build. Everything runs smooth now..yeah some maps are still OP like that god damn leap slam boss in maps (nerf GGG plz xD) But i don't really have any probs with the build yeah changed a few nodes Like ambexterity for Dervish and thinking of making few other changes but I have no complaints 3.9kHP/9K dps cleave ( fasterattacks+multistrike+melee phys+bloodmagic)/ 8k armour if I switch passives maybe 9k+ my gear still abit crap but hey it does the job for now and yeah the chest is fucking shit (but it was ALOT better then now..thought I could make it better with chaos orb..didn't turn out that way!!! fck9ing RNG Gods hate me haha Blender ftw!! If you put water into a cup it becomes the cup..if you put water into a bowl it becomes the bowl..water can flow...or it can crash..be like water my friend------BOOOYAH! IGN : OnslaughtCleaveHC Last edited by talic182#3387 on Jun 24, 2013, 5:01:23 AM
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