[0.11.2] THE BEST DW Simple Tanky High Dps Hybrid Cleave GUIDE-7 auras/30kDPS/5.5kHP/37kArm
" yea using anger,wrath with blood magic and reduced mana its good idea, u can use also these 2 unique items to reduced amount of cost. i used clarity(to 60lvl) on my mana with hatred, no mana problems atm. 66 int for 20lvl anger 151 int for 20lvl wrath 151 int clarity 20lvl (but i wouldnt max it if u dont have enought mana) about mana leech u need only 2% with decent dps Last edited by Sebash6#0223 on Apr 23, 2013, 7:54:01 AM
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Bump for glory. This build is either so good, or so bad that noone discuss?
I was running BM till patch, now I would like to check something new. Are you soloing content?, how's maps? |
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I like this build as it is similar to the builds I have been pondering the last days. I will post a slightly alternate version of it.
This build does not take Iron Reflexes and hence not Unwavering Stance. I also removed some damage nodes to make it more accesable at a lower level, especially Sword only nodes since with Resolute Technique I do not need accuracy and cannot crit. Finally I went for Templar health nodes instead of Maraduder health nodes.This build uses 19 points less than the original build, which may be spent in many places depending on preferences. EDIT: Now with the correct version of the build. Correct version of the puild (74 points) Last edited by Crass77#5272 on Mar 11, 2013, 6:18:20 AM
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Before I make my comments I'd like to know what level your Duelist is.
Also DW can only have 1 5L or 6L. I would never for the life of me use increased area of effect on cleave. IGN: Zeldoon - 88 Duelist Archdoon - 66 Ranger Selling All the equipment on my 88Duelist http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/308598 Last edited by Zeldoon#4305 on Mar 11, 2013, 6:19:16 AM
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" @ Crass77, You said you went for Templar hp nodes but I think you linked the wrong tree, cuz that one doesn't have any templar hp nodes OP, I have also been working on a build similar to this the past couple of days and I think you will like the alternative for people who like to crit a lot. The only differences between your build and mine is you have 193.4% increase to physical while using swords and 136.4% while not using swords. I prefer to be flexible with the duelist tree because you never know if you might find that sick axe that gives your build a huge dmg increase but you can't use it because you're all sword nodes. So this build that I'm about to show you has 157.4% phys dmg to all weapons instead of only 136.4%. In turn I've also takin all of the DW block nodes in the duelist area for even better survivability. I've tested it and it's amazing lol 40% chance to block while DW, can't beat it. That couples with a ton of armor from IR and if you feel it as a must to go US (unwavering stance) has a huge survival rate. Also this build has 2% more life and 5.4% life per/sec instead of 4.4%. The only issue I see with my build is you might get stun locked blocking a lot, you might not have enough mana for all auras without some really nice mana gear, and you won't run as fast as your build. But other than that It's a very nice crit build considering the Twin terrors and few nodes before it gives you 125% crit strike chance and this is why the build is flexible because you're going to want to use weapons that have a very high crit chance on them to get the most outta the build. Hope you like it and hope I didn't destroy your eyes with this long text haha.<3 P.S. Oh yeah and you only need to get level 76 :D and if you're wondering about hitting things to get life back the few nodes before twin terrors gives you accuracy of 16% of your passive +344 accuracy that you get from your dex nodes plus whatever you have on your gear. Hope this helps ppl who wanna crit late game :D Build: IGN: Expert Last edited by flyyy#1303 on Mar 11, 2013, 6:37:35 AM
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" You are right! I updated my last post with the correct link. The correct build again Last edited by Crass77#5272 on Mar 11, 2013, 6:25:41 AM
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" There is no such thing as stun from blocking when you can't be stunned. IGN: Zeldoon - 88 Duelist
Archdoon - 66 Ranger Selling All the equipment on my 88Duelist http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/308598 |
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" Nice but the only issue I have with your build is it only has 112.4% increase phys which is bad since you're not going ele cleave. Also by not going through the marauder tree you bypassed so much life regen. I see what you were trying to accomplish though by going through the middle of the tree to get the circle of life nodes there but unfortunately you only have 202% hp increase where as if you go through the marauder tree you with have 205% + more life regen ( alot more ) hence better survivability. IGN: Expert Last edited by flyyy#1303 on Mar 11, 2013, 6:48:59 AM
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" Yes but you also can't evade either which I do not like. Even that 5% evade goes a long way, but that's just how I like to play my duelist. US is awesome don't get me wrong but I like being able not to be hit even if it's a slight chance. My usual play style is very careful anyway so as not put myself in a situation where I could be stun locked. And besides I've been practicing my ESC + exit techniques :) IGN: Expert
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He definitely has more then 11% increased phys, I assume you had a typo. Btw flyyy on your build you used 2 skill points to get to thick skin when you only needed to use 1. I for one don't care about Regen at all, seems overrated and pointless to me =/.
IGN: Zeldoon - 88 Duelist
Archdoon - 66 Ranger Selling All the equipment on my 88Duelist http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/308598 |
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