[0.11.2] THE BEST DW Simple Tanky High Dps Hybrid Cleave GUIDE-7 auras/30kDPS/5.5kHP/37kArm
![]() First of all i wanna say that this build can be also called "Blender" because its viable to use Bringet of Rain helmet with this build and we use same weapons etc, but to be honest i think this build is better because of "Hybrid" + we have more hp, arm etc. !NEW!---UPDATE LOG---
-Added new video called "How to run 7 auras...": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mY3VAlrvsFA
-Changed whole explanation how to run 7 auras, opefully it's easier to understand now. -Updated my current gear and added new unique Soul Taker Siege Axe. -Updated current screenshots. -Added video with facetanking a Vaal Smash at 74lvl Maze map:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLbuuZVY_SM -Added new design. GOT SOUL TAKER AXE!! ...I feel this is what melee needed long time ago: No need Blood magic gem anymore for every melee skill, like cleave, leap slam, dual strike etc. Finally i can switch BM for Multistrike or Life leech gem! And that chill... which slows enemies by 30%, amazing! ____________________________________________________________________________________ ....Welcome to my Tanky High DPS Duelist Guide. I'm mainly duelist, i have 92 lvl using this build and I am pretty sure you will find here everything you were looking for or even some new stuff you didn't know about! I will explain here everything about my build + also you wilal find here some extra informations, theorycraft + a lot of tips. I'm trying to update guide every day and as easy as possible. Enjoy! Whole build is pretty simple and it's based on high survivability, high hybrid dps comes from passives, gems, and mainly from weapons + also from 7 auras we will use. You will feel like a tank using this build and also deal decent dps. You will be also a "support" because you will be able to share your all 7 auras with other members in party. Also this build will be very flexible to do almost ALL kind of maps! We will have "Hybrid Cleave". Hybrid? Because we will do physical damage and elemental damage. My History :)
When i started playing my duelist i wanted go only pure physical damage. At begin i used swords but later i chose axes, because they have highest physical dps(but you can use swords if u find good ones with high physical dps).
My build was working amazing! I was really happy. Every STR (Strength) from passives or from gear i have gave me extra physical dps. -5 str gives you 1% melee physical dps. I have now 463 str at my lvl... :P My first good axe had like 200 dps so the whole dps was multiplied by strength from passives and mostly from increased physical damage nodes i picked. Don't forget about gems, cleave, melee physical, faster attack etc.. Higher lvl of gems = more physical dps + elemental dps u will have. Thats why its sooo powerfull and ur dps will be amazing. But thats not over. I bought my second axe with 300 physical dps! So i had both 500 physical dps with axes. My whole physical damage with Cleave was multiplied twice! I had like 7k dps at 60lvl. Now with almost every 20lvl gems + auras i have 30k dps on my Cleave skill after latest 0.11 patch. I asked myself: go for Blood Magic in passive tree or not? Every build i saw on forum had Blood Magic in passive tree, that was bored and not so tanky for me.. So i decided to make my build without BM in passives and run auras. I made good decision.. Physical axes i had (and i still have) helped me a lot, i could use mana leech and life leech. Because mana/life leech from gear (not from gem) works only with physical damage. I used my cleave on my mana early lvls, i didnt have any problems because i bought gloves with 2% mana leech (you can find a ring or amulet with leech too). At like 70lvl i run 3x % auras(determination, hatred, purity) on my mana and had like 100 mana left i could easy handle my cleave with that mana with only 2% mana leech from gloves! When i bought 5 linked Chest and later 6L i started using Blood magic gem(so i didn't need mana leech anymore) cuz it was easier for me on no regen maps or 50% regen. But my life leech i still have, 6% atm (2% from gloves + 4% from amulet) still working great for me.. If i have elemental swords or axes it wouldn't work that great. You know already why :) So why physical over elemental weapons? -With only pure elemental cleave, you need a lot of elemental dmg mods in your gear to make ur dps works. With my build all i need is only good axes, yea maybe if i have some physical dmg + attack speed rings or even elemental dmg mods my dps will be higher but im talking here about that i don't need these mods! I have 30k dps only because of my gems/axes. Thats it. Rest gear is only for survivability. I hope u understood how good part is it :) -Secondly.. I wanted use leech from gear, didnt want to waste socket for Life gain on hit/Life leech gem late game, it only works best with physical damage, thats why i chose physical weapons :) -Thirdly physical weapons are scalling amazing with melee physical gems, every physical dps nodes or even str u have = more physical dps = more ele dps comes from hatred/added fire gem. -4th As i said above with your physical dps you will have, almost 50% of your damage will be converted to elemental damage from "Added Fire damage gem" and Hatred aura. So you will do elemental damage with fire and cold. And NOW! Lets add with it Weapon Elemental Gem, 80% more elemental damage at 20lvl. Our cold damage from hatred and fire is multiplied. Lets add to this Wrath and Anger aura and Inner Force from passive tree (Increased Effect Buffs of you by 30%). Our whole damage is multiplied! More physical damage we will have from weapons = more elemental damage we do! Higher lvl of our gems, auras = more dmg! Every elemental or physical damage you will have from gear etc will be multiplied by passive tree, auras and gems. 0 waste, no wasted nodes. Everything is worth. THATS WHY IT'S SO POWERFULL! Don't forget dps isn't everything in this build, we will also have a lot of hp, armour and full resists! So if you didnt decide yet and if u want to follow my build i explained here almost everything, you will even find here some kind of tips, explanations, my expierience with this character etc etc. How does this build work? And why it is so good? Read !
1. This build is very good because we are able to pick every HP nodes without wasting points. You will have a lot of %HP and with good hp gear your global HP will become very high. At my lvl i have currently 5390 HP after latest 0.11 patch! We can't use Koams Hearth chest, so this is very importan thing to have high hp. It is also very useful because we can life leech more than with lower hp or other builds. But i will talk about this later. 2. We take a lot of nodes starting as a Duelist which increase our physical damage. Im talking here about: Strength nodes(Every 10 strength grants +2% melee physical damage and +5 life), Increased physical damage nodes with One handed melee weapons and while Dual Wielding etc. -We also take "Attack Speed nodes" + "Weapon Elemental Nodes" which works with physical damage and also with Elemental damage. 3. We will have a lot of physical dmg nodes, more than elemental nodes and this is one of the reason why i suggest you to use physical weapons. If you start play duelist with only elemental cleave, you would waste a lot of nodes, like Strength and those all physical nodes which are insane good after latest patch. 4. More physical damage you have - more elemental damage you will do thanks to your Hatred aura and added fire gem. Your elemental dps will be increased by attack speed, Weapon Elemental Damage gem + Elemental nodes. -You will use Inner Force so your Hatred + Wrath and Anger auras will give you a lot of elemental damage. -Also more physical damage you do - more life u will leeching. 5. There are really 0 wasted points. Everything is useful in this build. 6. Using my Hybrid Build with physical weapons with elemental damage will help you easier increase your global DPS than going only pure physical or pure elemental. So good thing is to get high physical damage weapons with some elemental damage mods. But it must be higher as a physical -You can easy increase your dps by rings, amulet and gloves with some physical or elemental dmg mods. Attack speed also works. 7. With this build you will use 7 auras: •4x % auras on your mana: -Determination which increase your global armour -Purity, to easy get resist -Hatred, to get more elemental dmg from physical damage -Haste/Vitality, to get more attack speed, movespeed or if with Vitality to get higher life regen. •3x normal auras on your HP: -Grace, very good aura with Iron Reflexes, gives you more armour. -Wrath, to get more lightning damage -Anger, more fire damage. Remember that you can run 4x auras on ur mana only with "10% Reduced mana reserved" nodes and with 19-20lvl Reduced mana gem. So don't go for it too early. 7. You will have a lot of armour with "Increased armour nodes" + with Iron reflexes and auras like Determination + Grace. This will let you to stay alive on maps and do physical reflect maps. 8. Elemental and Physical reflect: with my build you will be able to do all reflects because we are Hybrid. We don't do pure ele or pure physical, its a mix! I also use life leech gem atm with my 30k dps 9. You can say now "Ok i can use elemental cleave build and use life leech gem either." Well, sure you can. Elemental cleave isnt that bad however let me tell you now something about Life leech. There is Life leech gem which works with all damage, elemental or physical. But there is also: "x% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched back as Life" - you can get it on items like gloves, rings, amulets, even weapons. And this is x reason why i also prefer use physical weapons. The same thing with Mana leech, which can help you handle ur mana cost of Cleave on your mana. This leech works only with PHYSICAL DAMAGE. So more physical damage you have - more u leeching. Basically at my lvl im leeching every time. 300 life per hit. Thats why i love physical weapons. -Currently i have atm 6% life leech on my gear. 4% from amulet, and 2% from gloves. I very recommend to find some gear with life leech either. What is other difference between this life leech and Life leech gem? "The regeneration rate of life gained from this kind of life leech is a set rate equal to 20% of maximum life"[/i]. So more HP we have - more we leech. Also this life leech works only with physical, its useless for elemental damage. So you save 1 free socket with your Hybrid cleave. Using elemental cleave you really need this gem to life leech your life. With my build you can use this gem only for some hard maps with elemental reflect. But basically you use your life leech gear like mine. 10. I think thats it for now. As you can see now there is a lot of good things with this build compare to others. We have high hp pool, enough armour, very high hybrid dps, we are able to do all kind of maps, except Blood magic, because it fuck up our auras, but no regen maps, reflect maps and other hard mods aren't problem for this build! :) ---->TAKING A VAAL SMASH AT 74lvl MAZE MAP - VIDEO<---- WHO NEED KOAMS, SHIELD or BLOCK CHANCES?
Can u take a Vaal smash on a Maze map and don't die with this build? Are you that tanky?
" Calculations? What calculations? Link to my video with proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLbuuZVY_SM SO WHO NEED KOAMS, SHIELD or BLOCK CHANCES? -Not me, IM DW and i'm TANKY enough! ![]() I didn't want go pure physical after 0.11 patch with my build, because i believe it wouldn't be same powerfull as Hybrid. Auras, added fire gem i use give me a lot of elemental damage and it scales insane with Catalyse + Inner Force with Weapon Elemental Damage gem. I could get more dps but i would need sacrifice some HP nodes, which i don't like. I prefer stay alive and have as much hp as possible. Inner Force after 0.11.0 patch! Worth 5 points or not? Info about bonus to auras.
Inner Force is still very powerfull even after latest 0.11 patch. It boosts your all 7 auras. And also improves flasks, like granite and quicksilver. I wouldn't use Inner force with only 3 auras, but with 7 auras it's still useful.
You won't get better nodes which will give same buff like Inner force. Lets talk about it: Inner Force with 7 auras after 0.11 patch, what it gives(Based on 20lvl gems): 1. Hatred, from 25% cold damage - we get 25.5% (its 29% not 30% unfortunately) 2. Purity, from 27% to all resists - we get 32% 3. Determination, from 51% increased armour - we get 60%. 4. Haste, from 13% extra attack speed/cast speed - we get 15%/15% and from 6% mov speed we gain 7%. 5. Anger, from 130 fire dmg - we get 153. 6. Wrath, from 156 lightning dmg - we get 184. 7. Grace, from 1344 evasion(armour with Iron refexles) - we get 1586. Lets say now that u don't wanna go for Inner Force and u have 5 points to spend: -First of all you are missing 20 int, u will need to pick extra Savant node (or get it from gear) -You will lose a lot of cold damage, its 5% but still we are basing on high physical weapons so it scales very well. There is no other point to get it from passive, unless you wanna go for Ice Bite (30% increased ice dmg) but its 4 points. -Purity, ok i can agree, i could go for extra +12% to all resists instead of that. -Determination, again i agree, "Armour Mastery" for 2 points could give me more armour(18%) and even move speed which could fill boost from Inner Force to Haste aura. -Anger, and this is the point, no way to get 23 fire damage which is a lot of DPS with Weapon Elemental damage gem + Catalyse. -Wrath, same thing like with Anger, even if u could pick some increased physical dmg node or attack speed, its still a lot of points to get same amount which gives Inner Force for only 5 points. 7. Grace, you could get armour from maurader tree but... i think u understand now, how many points we already need to spend to get same boost for 7 auras like Inner Force. Inner Force just has been balanced but it doesn't mean its not worth only 5 points if you use 6 or 7 auras. Its still very powerfull to esspecialy increase our dps. ![]() Progression tree and some explanations -Updated 7 June 2013
Passive tree will be based on points:
Remember it really depends on your playstyle, if u feel comfortable you don't have to pick first every hp node however it will help u survive in bad situations. Use cleave and dual strike early and mid game, you can even use Dual Strike, but late game with 7 auras forget about it, you can run only 6 auras if u wanna use dual strike on your mana with some % mana leech from your gear. You need at least 100 mana left. Run Clarity aura early game but dont max that gem, check how many mana u have and check how many mana clarity takes from u. Its important. You can try find mana leech gear (i had only 2% mana leech(2% of physical damage leeched back as mana) in my gloves- it will help u lvling and u won't need bm gem for your cleave or dual strike. But as i remember i used mana leech only at 45lv. 1-10 10-21 21-31 31-52 52-64 (RT + Iron Reflexes) 64-77 (Templar tree - u should run here run auras like hatred, wrath, anger, grace etc) 77-91 (Inner force - will bost ur 6 auras, (7 soon)) - REMEMBER, go for 7 AURAS if u have at least 19-20lvl reduced mana, (depends on ur mana pool) 91-100 (Respec Mana flows, u should use blood magic gem atm, because we be able to run 7 auras) 99 points - Respec "Thick Skin" above Iron reflexes, and take all maurader tree, it gives more and we save 1 point. 102 points - For Axe users. "Splitting Strikes" 102 points - For Sword users "Wicked Blade" Thats pretty much it. You can check my current passive i use for my gear. At the end: -If u don't have INT, you have to pick it from passive tree. I don't need to cuz i have helmet with extra inteligence. -Respec that Mana flows (mana regen) if u use blood magic gem or u have 5k dps/500 mana and at least 2% mana leech in ur gear (dont forget about life leech if u dont wanna use life gain on hit gem with ur cleave). If u dont have mana leech u need use blood magic gem but u will need 5l or 6l chest. Im trying to optimise my build every day for my character, you should do this too. All you need is to be capped with resist, that means u should have 81% to all ele resists with 20lvl purity. Or at least 75% without maxed Purity aura. You need HP on ur all gear and decent weapons. !NEW!Here is my gear !NEW!
!NEW!Current Screenshots - after Soul Taker Axe: !NEW!
29k DPS/5,5k HP/7 auras -not need Blood magic gem with Soul Taker: http://i.imgur.com/WKK3Kt2.jpg
15k ARM without Granite Flask: http://i.imgur.com/SfXe8I6.jpg 37k ARM/90% dmg reduction with Granite Flask + 4x Endurance Charges: http://i.imgur.com/GDsFc2C.jpg Deal with the Bandits Quest:
Normal - Help Oak for 40HP, kill Kraityn and Alira.
Cruel - Help Oak for 18% phys dmg, kill Kraityn and Alira Merci - Help Oak for +1 Maximum Endurance Charge, kill Kraityn and Alira. What Gems and Support gems should you use?
Single Target - Dual Strike
4L -> Dual Strike + Faster Attack + Melee physical damage + Added fire damage AOE - Cleave Early or mid game you should use Life gain on hit with ur cleave but later when u feel tanky and get some life leech from gear you dont need use anymore this gem. So this should look like this: 3L -> Cleave + Faster Attack + Melee physical damage or Life gain on Hit 4L -> Cleave + Faster Attack + Melee Physical Damage + Life gain on Hit or Added fire damage When u buy or 5L chesr or 6L u should also already have some gloves, amulet or ring or weapon with life leech + mana leech if u dont wanna use Blood magic (i explained that in this guide) 5L -> Cleave + Faster Attack + Melee Physical Damage + Added Fire Damage + Blood Magic gem(u need buy this gem for 1,2 chaos max) 6L -> Cleave + Faster Attack + Melee Physical Damage + Added Fire Damage + Blood Magic gem + Weapon elemental damage. - Full Dps increase, hatred and other auras etc will be boosted by this gem. Other skills Leap Slam with faster Attacks, BM gem - for escape and mobility. Decoy Totem - it will safe ur ass and help u with killing in bad situation. Learn to use it. Don't worry if ur totem will die fast at low lvls. If u lvl up this gem it will have increased hp. Enduring Cry - to reduce dmg taken. You will need it for sure. About auras i use/used. What auras should you use?
We will be able to run 7 auras with only 10% Reduced mana reserved in passive tree.
Currently im using Grace, Wrath, Anger on HP + Hatred, Purity, Haste, Determination on mana. Auras: -My first aura was Clarity, it helped me to handle my skills on mana with or without mana leech. You should use that aura early lvl when u dont have blood magic gem or mana leech. -Grace - more evasion, its very good aura if you use Iron Reflexes - it convert your evasion from that aura to armour. You should use it. -Hatred - the best aura for this build, more physical damage we have - more cold damage we do, also with that aura we can chill enemies on pvp, even with RT. Must have. -Purity - Amazing Aura to improve your resists. It will gives you 81% to all resists end game. You should use it if u don't have enough resist, its good for maps too. -Anger-more fire dmg, good aura if you wanna more dmg, its multiplied if you have some elemental nodes(like in templar area) + Weapon elemental gem. You can use it for more dps. -Wrath-more light dmg -same like with Anger -Haste - nice aura, increased attack speed, movement speed, cast speed. Good to clear maps faster. -Determination - that aura boost your global armour. You should use it for maps, so mobs won't hurt u that much and also physical reflect won't be a problem. -Vitality - great defence aura to sustain your life regen, thats good aura for 50% regen maps or when you feel u lose ur hp too fast. As you can see we will be able to run almost all auras (except Discipline) and every aura will be very useful. Also if you run 6 or 7 auras you will need Inner force from passive tree so all you auras will have nice boost. -Every % auras like Hatred, Purity, Determination, Haste/Vitality you run on your mana (we can only run 4 % auras on our mana so you have to decide if u need vitality or haste) -Other auras like Grace, Wrath, Anger you run on your hp. TO RUN 7 AURAS INCLUDE 4x % auras on your mana - YOU WILL NEED 19-20 LVL REDUCED MANA GEM + 10% REDUCED MANA RESERVED NODES. I explained in this guide how to properly run auras on your character with reducing amount of reservations. Look for it in "Tips, tricks, and useful things to know". What Curses should you use?
-Enfeeble-for some hard maps, bosses, or when u feel weak, etc. -Warlord's Mark -if u dont have enough mana leech or physical leech. -Vulnerability - 40% more phys dmg = more life leech / mana leech/ good vs Energy shield bosses. Good for easy maps. -Ele weakness - ussualy i use this curse for party, cuz most of my team do elemental dmg. -Temp chain - situational What gear should you look for? About Weapons
-Gear with high HP(like 80+), resist, high arm/ev, pure armour or pure evasion.( -chaos resist - only end game 70+ lvl About Weapons... pure physical axes or swords, they can have some elemental damage and it will improve our dps, but mostly that should be only physical. If you have 2x axes or swords with more than 300(each) physical damage you will be pretty much ready. About crafting weapons etc, the weapon needs to have at least %physical damage with # - # physical mods, so for example 130% increased physical damage and 15-25 physical mods. This is very important, check this sword: This Sword has really high % physical damage, but its worthles because it doesnt have any extra physical mods. It has attack speed, yes its fine BUT even with this, it has really low dps. More about axes vs swords, dps possibility Axes can have highest dps possibility, and there is a proof from wiki: Axes, highest dps possibility:http://imgur.com/le7gRnX Swords, highest dps possiblity:http://imgur.com/MBik40r Source: http://en.pathofexilewiki.com/wiki/Sword http://en.pathofexilewiki.com/wiki/Axe But don't really worry about this.... you can find same good sword like axe based on physical dps (if u get lucky). Just try to write on trade WTB 240+ physical dps axe/sword (check my tip about Calculating DPS of weapons - so you won't get scammed). More dps with physical, better for you. And more global dps on Cleave u will have. -Personally i prefer Siege Axe, cuz as a expierienced player in axes, i haven't seen highest rolls than on Siege Axes. They are always top physical axes on the http://poe.xyz.is/ Flasks:
Early lvl use normal flasks but later you should get something similar to these:
You can roll these stats with alternations. -"Remove Bleeding" removes Puncture, so this can save ur ass. Same with shock and frozen thing. -Use Granite vs big back of mobs. About Mana Leech:
Mana leech mechanics:
-You can leech only max 12,5% of your max mana per second. And with "x% of Physical Damage from Attacks Leeched back as Mana" So if u have for example 3000 pure physical damage, that means with 2% mana leech from gloves u leech: 5000*0.02 = 60 - mana per second. To increase ur mana leech u need more mana pool. I had 540 mana so that means (540 * 0,125 = 67 max(limited) mana per second). More mana u can get, better for you, because you can leech more. For example with 2000 max mana pool which is 2000 * 0,125 = 250 mana per second. But you won't get that high mana with my build, that was just example. Also your mana leech can be increased if you hit more than 1 mob. Thats why i didn't leech only 67 mana, when i hit more mobs i leeched much more. But the whole mana leech only works when u don't attack too fast so your mana can be supplemented in time.. Also it won't work if ur mana cost of Cleave is too high. My mana cost was 32. So with my build if you use physical axes/swords you can use like 2% mana leech (not need gem cuz we are physical) in ur gear: from rings, amulet, gloves or just use Warlords Mark curse. With only 2% mana leech you can handle ur mana of your cleave or dual strike if your attack speed isn't faster than 0.33(so if u have 0.4 attack speed u should be fine) and your mana pool isn't less than 540~ mana and mana cost isn't higher than 35~. That i tested on my character and i was able to handle my mana without using mana pots. Don't forget you also need decen't dps to make it works. Early game i used Clarity but end game i didnt even need that cuz i have nice dps and as you know mana leech works only with physical damage, thats why i went for that instead of elemental cleave. You shouldn't go Blood magic in passive if you want to be tanky as me with 7 auras. You can always use mana leech. And if you can't handle ur mana you can always use Blood magic gem, no worries, you need at least 5L chest and in future good way will be buy 6L chest. You losing 1 socket for Blood magic gem but also gain 7 auras which i think are worth :) Currently im using BM gem. I used 2% mana leech from my gloves to 84 lvl - so dont think its not possible. About Life Leech:
Life leech mechanics:
-You can leech only 20% of your max HP per second. and with "x% of Physical Damage from Attacks Leeched back as Life" So if u have for example 5000 pure physical damage which i have atm, that means with 6% life leech (my current): 5000*0.06 =300. I can leech 300 life per second. However it is capped as you know. So its very good to have high hp pool. Based on my HP: 5300hp *0.2 (max 20%) = 1060 max leech rate. So if i use Carnage amulet + my 2% from gloves. That's 12% life leech, i could leech: 5000*0.12 =600. Thats very high leech rate, and im currently thinking about it. But you know it only works with physical damage. Few words about High Armour and HP
Even with high armour you will not avoid elemental damage. Thats why this build is based mostly on survivability with a lot of HP nodes. Armour isn't all you need. Yes its also important. But you also need a lot of HP to have high life regen and avoid 1 shot by bosses or even reflect. You can't play with 50k armour and 1k hp.
-only 69 mana cost of 6l Cleave, the lowest mana cost with blood magic gem!
-Ele reflect or physical reflect, no regen maps - no problem for us. We don't have crits, Static blows. Our dps isn't only pure phys or pure elemental, so reflect doesn't hurt that much. -You can use ur all % auras on your mana, cuz we dont have Blood magic. -Flexible build -Tanky with endurance charges/granite/inner force. -Very high hp % base. -High hybrid dps. -With that high armour u will have high dmg reduction + will be able to do physical reflect maps. -You can solo all maps pretty easy, even this 72lvl + (i always wanted to play solo so i love this part but ofc in party u are beast too) -Iron Reflex, u can use ev/arm gear and easy increase ur global armour going ev/arm nodes. -Resolute Technique, u won't miss with ur axes! Also its extra increase DPS. You need RT if u dont go crits. Negatives:
-May be hard to do Blood Magic maps. Its only 1 exception!
-Gear dependent (like every melee build...), we need good weapons to improve our dps, you can feel weak early but since you find some good weapons, and lvl up your all gems and support gems + auras your dps will be fine. So don't worry. -I said gear dependent but not that much as pure ele cleave, cuz atm i feel all you need is to make my build viable is just good weapons and 6l chest (maybe its expensive, but we don't need koams (which is more expensive that 6l). Rest of gear doesnt really matter, you just need have ur resist capped + have hp mods in ur gear and some decent arm/ev. You can just see my gear. Pretty simple... When other builds like ele cleave or la, need elemental dmg mods on their rings, amulets, gloves, etc. -We won't have high dps because we also wanna focus on survivability to don't die, you could get over than 40k dps with my build but then you could die easily. I balanced everything here, with good gear and dmg reduction you will be able to even facetank Vaal Smash on Maze map ;) Physical Cleave vs Hybrid Cleave:
-Going only pure physical isn't bad idea, however it may be problem with physical reflect maps. I have 30k dps, but my pure physical dps is only like 5k.
-To get same amount of dps like i do have now - you will need to have a lot of DMG nodes in passive tree. Thats why i think its best to buy physical weapons with some ele mods. That will set you up for sure. And it will be easier to increase ur dps without getting a lot of dmg nodes. -Some mobs like stones have high defence vs physical dps. Using my build you deal also elemental dmg, coming from added fire, hatred, wrath aura. -Pure physical sux, you always need at least added fire damage. I also use auras, so i run Hatred. And add to it weapon elemental damage. Its huge dps increase. -Check my gear. I don't have attack speed gloves, only 1 dmg ring with physical dmg mods, if i have better gear, same think with Rustic Sash belt (24% phys dmg increase), my dps would go up for sure. -Physical cleave sux with cleave esspecialy as DW, because u deal -40% less dmg, thats why good thing is to get some elemental dmg. Your dps will be fixed. Elemental Cleave vs Hybrid Cleave:
-With ele cleave when u get dps like mine, 30k dps or even more you won't be able to do ele reflect maps with -x to maximum resist or even without. We can do that. Also if u will have extra static blow node with this dps its suicide. I know that cuz i saw how much hit me mobs with my dps, but i could survive :). Ele reflect don't hit me that hard cuz most my dps is also physical.
Thats why i prefer hybrid so i can do ele reflect and phys reflect. Because our dps isn't pure. -With ele cleave you need also use extra life leech gem, cuz 6% life leech i use in my gear works only with physical damage and that wouldnt work with only ele cleave. -With ele cleave your build may be more expensive than mine. Because you will need extra rings, amulets, gloves with elemental mods, like fire dmg, light, cold to make your build decent. With my build as you can see i dont have even any dmg rings etc, whole 30k dps comes only from gems, weapons, passive tree. So i can focus at survivability with my gear now. -Some mobs have extra elemental resists, so you not always do that high dps, thats why i prefer my hybrid so i can hit them with my physical, and when some mobs have extra armour i hit them with my elemental dmg. I prefer my balanced way. Also i think 30k dps is pretty enough. If you would need more you can use attack speed rings, gloves with physical mods and also with my build you can use ele dmg mods too in ur gear cuz we are hybrid. But remember, there is something like reflect.. And you don.t wanna die!. ![]() How to calculate real DPS on weapon? Don't get scammed.
This is my axe. Do you know what is the physical dps and global dps on this axe? 245, 300? No. Let's talk about it and calculate first only physical part of this axe. •pDPS(phys): To calculate only physical dps based on this axe you need add 133 + 245 = 378 and divine it by /2, so this is = 189 and now this number multiply by attack speed of weapon. So 189 * 1.81 = 342 pure physical dps. •eDPS(ele): To calculate only elemental part of this axe you need do same thing like with physical. So: 19+42 = 61 /2 = 30.5 * 1.81 = 55 pure elemental damage •DPS: So the Global DPS, physical with elemental: 342+55=397 Pretty high but could be better :P And this is how you calculate real DPS. !CHANGED!How to run 7 auras?
First of all if you want to run 7 auras you will need all your gear linked, you will also need 19lvl/20 lvl Reduced Mana Gem and 2x 5% reduced mana reservation nodes from passive tree.
![]() You also need one of this unique item: or So you won't need extra socket for Blood magic gem to run Wrath, Grace, Anger + also it will take less mana cost from those auras. Part 1: -First we always run Grace, Wrath and Anger. -Wear Malachai mask or The Covenant Spidersilk Robe(If u won't have dex, str or int for other gear, you need to wear some amulet/ring only for this time to run auras). Part 2 - Running our 3 auras at HP: If you want to follow my way to running auras: -Put Grace, Wrath gems in one of your 3linked weapon. Then put there the Reduced mana gem with those 2 auras. -Now run your Grace and Wrath. -You can now take off Reduced Mana Gem and just leave it in your Inventory, but don't touch the auras! -Now we need only to run Anger, i have this gem in my boots linked with other gems: -Again put your Reduced Mana Gem with Anger, you can switch Reduced Mana Gem with other gems if u don't have free socket, this is what i do with my Leap Slam gem. -Run Anger -Take off the Reduced mana gem. (You can also have Anger in other part of gear but remember you need that one extra RED socket for reduced mana gem!) Part 3 - Running 4x auras on mana: -TAKE OFF MALACHAI MASK OR SPIDERSILK ROBE and put it to your Inventory. And again I'll show you how i have linked my auras: Purity, Haste, Hatred here and 1 free red socket for Reduced Mana Gem. -So again, put your Reduced Mana Gem with those 3 auras. -Run Purity, Haste and Hatred. -Take off Reduced Mana Gem. And this is how you run 6 auras, if you have lvled Reduced mana gem + 10% reduced mana reservation nodes, you can run your last aura you have: I have my last aura: Determination in my Gloves with other gems. -Again put or switch your Reduced mana gem with other gem, remember you can't have Blood Magic Gem linked with auras while running them. So in my case switch the reduced mana gem with Blood Magic gem -And run your Determination. Also made a video "How to run 7 auras": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mY3VAlrvsFA How to get more FPS and load faster?
Basically set everything at low or off like shadows, antialiasing in
your Path of exile settings But also you should optimise your main graphic card. Go to ur options and set everything to get more performance. You can play at lower resolution, it will also help you, but thats not neccesary. Extra 2 tricks: 1. Texture Quality: -You can change it only by manual way, exit the game. -Find "production_Config.ini" -It should be in your C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile folder, otherwise just search for it. -If you find it, open the INI by notepad and look for "texture_quality=1" -Change the number to your desired texture quality: texture_quality=1 (high) texture_quality=2 (medium) texture_quality=3 (low) I use texture_quality=4 (its pretty low but i dont care about graphic) Some ppl even play at =10 so you should definitely test it, maybe you will like it but i doubt :P Change the number, save it and run the game, enjoy more fps. 2. No sound in Path of exile - loading even 50% faster into instances, towns + get fps drop! To set this, you will need to exit from the game. -Right click on the Path of exile icon -Go to properties -add --nosound at the end of your path -remember about space between, so it should look like: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\Client.exe" --nosound Screenshot: http://imgur.com/odDPmNm Don't have enough Int for auras? Don't want to pick extra +30 Int Savant node?
I do not either!!! I am actually rigging my auras with a + STAT ring/amulet! This one: WITH EXTRA INT (You can also use some amulet with atributes + int etc - just to get 30 int with stats) So what I do is.. Equip ^^AMMY ABOVE^^ with LVL 20 Wrath. Cast Wrath (and other auras) Return to Town. Put my ring back to stash and equip my main one, and put in a lvl 16 Wrath. GG. lvl 20 Wrath with 124 Int. :D However this trick won't help you with curses like enfeblee etc. Maps. How to best roll your maps?
66-69lvl maps
You should only transmute them + use alternations + augmentations to roll good stats or just high quantify if u feel comfortable. 70+ maps - basically 4x chisel + alch. But u can skip chisels if u dont have. I use chisels now only at 74+ maps on my lvl. -Always the best stats in your maps are maze, magic mobs, pack size, area is large. You will have a lot of mobs there to farm. -If u can't get that, at elast get high quantify like 30+ on magic maps, or 60+ at rare maps. -Higher map quality (max 20% with chisels) - better map, that means u can roll better stats, like 50% magic mobs, pack size etc. -Higher map item quantify - more items at map. If you have indoors map, you can try to roll map with alternations and get Maze or with chaos orbs if u are rich, its best stat for indoors maps. If your map is outdoor, good thing is to ger area large, however it isnt neccesary that much. You can find every map in this link and check if it's indoors or outdoors: http://en.pathofexilewiki.com/wiki/Map About early lvling, items, where to exp, bosses, etc.
I won't explain here mechanics for new players but i can tell you how to lvl up your Duelist, some advices and what you need for bosses. Let's start! -At 1lvl just kill Hillock, leave that mobs, you can open the chests if want and drop some eq. -Buy Coral Rings and Paula Amulet if u have mana problems. -Dont wear armor to like 10lvl(wear it at brutus), you move slower with it. -Try to kill big group of mobs with your cleave like 5,6 mobs. Use ur potions before they die so your potions will regenerate after that. -Dont do Fetid Pool Quest. You will get only 2 respec points (not passive). You can do this quest later. -Open Submerger passage and try to get into Ledge. Lvl up your character here to 10lvl or more. Its best place to lvling. Reset instance when u killed all mobs. -At 10lvl u will be able to kill Brutus. -Always try to be 2,3 lvl above mobs - it will be easier for you. -Keep some resist rings in your Inventory, if u see that mobs using lighting dmg.. you know what to do.. same with fire etc. -Focus on armor/evasion gear with hp. -Focus on weapons with high dps and high fast attack. Best places to exp: Act1 - Ledge Act2 - Forest then The Western Forest (my favorite place, i always farm here to 28lvl) / Fellshrine Ruins Act3 - The City of Sarn then The Docks, you will have to get there first so just do all quest if u lvl up a little ur Duelist in The City of Sarn. Bosses on act1/2/3: Brutus - you need armor,hp, always try to miss the smash or hooks Marveil- cold resist, buy cold rings from Nessa Vaal - you need lighting resist and some hp. Dodge the smash and move around if he use lasers! Piety-cold resist, hp, armor. Something more about passives, Strength, Dextirity, dmg. How many Int you need? etc.
a)30 strenght - gives you 15 life, 6% physical dmg 10 strenght - gives you 5 life, 2% physical dmg At my 89lvl i have now 451 str with my gear so thats a lot of hp/physical dmg b)30 strenght vs 6% hp node in passive tree = 6% hp will always be better. 30 strenght at 75lvl with some hp in gear and already 260% hp gave me 40hp~ when 6% gave me 80+ hp. c)10 Dextirity - gives you 2% increased evasion you have in gear. 10 dextirity - gives you also 20 accuracy, but we don't need it cuz we use Resolute Techniue. d)phys dmg vs phys weapon dmg = its same. As i said already this in my build, you can pick extra dps nodes early and mid game but end game you will need a lot of hp to survive on maps, unless you are really pro and you can avoid desync etc. Thats why my build is based now only at survivability, because my curreny dps i have now its enough. d)Inner force increases your buffs by 18%, so if u have 27% to all resist in ur Purity gem it isnt 45%. But 32% to all ele resists. Remember that amount will not be show in ur Purity stats. Its already added. Same thing with Determination, Grace and hatred/haste/vitality. e)How many Int you need? -151 int for 20lvl Wrath aura -96 int for 20% Purity -66 int for 20lvl Anger -151 int for 20lvl enfeeble, vulnerability, ele weakness etc Basically if you will have 151 int you can use all other auras + curses at 20lvl. Don't worry about int early and mid game, you can skip lvling up some auras/curses. ![]() Did i help you? Support me please. Any $ will motivate me to continue what im doing. :)
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Last edited by Sebash6#0223 on Jun 10, 2013, 10:01:25 PM
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i really like the build but is it gear based
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" every build need some gear, however it isn't that gear based like other builds. :) Last edited by Sebash6#0223 on Jun 7, 2013, 8:16:07 AM
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" And every guide needs a progression build as well in it. (ex: skill tree at 20, 40, 60, 80) Don't know why people still make these without them... |
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Added proggresion tree
Last edited by Sebash6#0223 on Apr 15, 2013, 9:30:30 PM
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i know many ppl prefer BM builds but.. trust me with bm u lose a lot, auras are op :) Last edited by Sebash6#0223 on Apr 23, 2013, 7:52:08 AM
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How are you running the auras? What are your gem arrangements?
Anger/Grace/Clarity/Blood Magic-Reduced mana? Other auras on mana Also how high are the levels for the auras? How much intelligence do you need? About how much mana leech are required for cleave/dual strike? 2%? How much mana leech do you need? Thanks. Trying to make a crit based build w/ auras GMT -7:00 PST Last edited by nosl1w#1758 on Mar 10, 2013, 7:48:05 PM
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