[Version 0.10.7] gh0un´s Point Blank, Rain of Arrows Bowrauder
Should I get high physic. dmg bow for this build, or high elemental dmg bow?
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" This build benefits from both types of bows; but in this particular setup due to Added Fire Damage and conversions, you really want to prioritize high physical. If you can also get some elemental along with solid physical, the better. Do note that with a perfect physical bow, there is no space left for elemental prefixes. (physical %, physical % + accuracy, flat physical -> three prefixes) Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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" Its quite insane how high the physical % increase can go though. The physical % increase can go up to 249% combined increased physical, and thats only with the outdated mods. I am quite sure that there are higher tiers in the 77-79s now. Since RoA cannot miss, you can easily get more dps with a bow that is NOT a lioneyes glare. Last edited by gh0un#3019 on Mar 18, 2013, 12:11:41 PM
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Mark confirmed that RoA does check for evasion and CAN miss, that's why the hit percentage is displayed for the skill. if you're saying it doesn't then must be a bug, who know..how can anyone dodge a 1000 raining arrows lol
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" Source? Just stating something without backing it up with a source is kinda pointless. It doesnt miss in the current iteration. |
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Considering the above guy didn't want to link source, I took a few minutes to find this myself.
CLICK Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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" Anyways, it still hits 100% of the time right now. If they deem it a bug and fix it, RoA will have no future anyways, and a respec to another main attack is the only choice. |
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Last edited by Vepar90#3537 on Mar 18, 2013, 6:22:37 PM
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I had actually made my own Marauder 7 aura RoA spec prior to finding this thread, and it's interesting how we came to the same conclusion, with fairly different specs.
Here is mine
I had Inner focus in there originally, and the overall bonuses for the 8 passives came to be as such: 3% more IAS and 1% MS (For Haste, still considering between Haste and Vitality) 14% More armor from Determination 7% more resists and 1% more max res 30ish+ max light damage w/ wrath 20ish+ max fire damage w/ anger 10% more cold damage from physical w/ Hatred 340 more Evasion Pretty stout. But I took out the 8 passives, and was able to pick up 28% more life, 30% more Weapon Elemental Damage, and 15% IAS. My dilemma currently is getting the right colors. I use Kaoms + 6L Lionseye So for RoA I would LIKE to use RoA + Conc + Added Fire + WED + Life Leech + Blood Magic The issue there is Im trying to get GRRRRB on a bow. I do not believe that's possible. My question to you, would be whats the best possible/doable color combination on a 6L Bow for RoA? And also...how do you manage your maps without LL or LGoH on your RoA link anyways? Prylos // RoA Marauder 89+
My godly belt collection - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/334226 Mapping Discussion - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/361880/page/1 |
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" Getting the right colours is possible, but 5 off-colours will take a lot of chromatics... 500-1000 chromatics probably. I am currently also using a 5 off-colour link (on a chest though, there it is a 3 off-colour), and i think i will keep it that way if i switch to kaoms. I dont really think i will switch to kaoms anymore, because i am fairly certain that i can reach 7k life even without kaoms and with currently 6k i already feel like it is almost impossible to die. As for lioneyes, i wont get that either. The best part of lioneyes is the "enemies cannot evade attacks", but since RoA cannot miss anyways, the best bow is an imperial with high phys, critchance, critmult, attackspeed. That bow kicks lioneyes ass when it comes to damage. If GGG decides that RoA´s mechanic of always hitting is a bug and NOT a feature, then lioneyes is pretty much the only bow you can get on almost any bow build. I think something is seriously wrong with hit chance in this game, no one is bothering with accuracy builds, because they plain suck, and with lioneye in the game, they suck even harder. In a game that dishes out so much damage, skilling inefficient accuracy nodes instead of life or weapon elemental damage sounds like a terrible plan. Thats why everyone is going for resolute technique builds, spells, or in my case an attack that cannot miss by default. As for how i am healing myself, vitality instead of haste, and my first flask is usually enough to cover all my life problems. If i take some burst damage, one of my instant life flasks is generally enough. I did a lvl 76 reflect eledmg map + no lifereg map the other day (i know i should have recorded it). For that map, i exchanged added fire with lifeleech (from my second weapon slot) and just shot everything down from very far away, and i got through without any issues. I did record another map, i think it was 73 or 74, it had temporal chains, ele reflect and 50% slower lifereg, i did record that one. I did not even bother with lifeleech for that one. I will upload that one today. If you decide that the healing is enough without lifeleech, you can go for 4 off-colours on the bow. Instead of lifeleech you can go for faster attacks. That should be fairly easy to create (100-300 chromatics). Btw i dont really know how uniques behave when it comes to colours on sockets, do they also favour the colour of their main attribute? That might not be the case at all. Last edited by gh0un#3019 on Mar 19, 2013, 3:30:39 PM
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