[Version 0.10.7] gh0un´s Point Blank, Rain of Arrows Bowrauder

tungduong wrote:
gh0un wrote:
tungduong wrote:
I'm building a Marauder myself following your build and then come across this build from exilepro http://www.exilepro.com/builds/marauder/528-marauder-rain-of-arrows-sniper/build just want to ask your expert opinion on comparison between your build and this build?

That build has no alchemist and thus will have to use lifeleech in addition to blood magic.
He tries to compensate the huge damage loss by using another damage support instead of increased area of effect, which basically turns RoA´s AoE into a very tiny radius (due to concentrated effect).

I have seen RoA without increased area and i have tried it out myself.
The map clearing speed goes to crap without increased area of effect.
In addition to that, static blows is rather useless on RoA because RoA hits for a lot with a single hit....
In my case I 1 shot pretty much all white packs. If i crit blue packs they are instagib.
Rares are almost 1 shot with a critical strike, and mostly die to 4-5 standard RoA attacks.
There isnt much room to take advantage of the shock stack.

The rest of the tree is pretty similar except that the level of the passive tree is different.
I dont think people realize how strong alchemist is.
On my main flask (the first one in the flask tab) i would get 3767 health over 8 seconds.
With alchemist i get 5247 over 8 seconds.
Thats 40% more health regained over the same time period.
If you have stronger flasks you can rely on them as your source of heal and thus free up the life leech slot.

I always have the lifeleech support in my second weapon slot in case i would ever need it, but the only time the additional heal is necessary (if you are using alchemist) is inside of maps with lower health regeneration AND elemental reflect.

Turning RoA into an almost single target skill is not the best use of the skill imo.

Thanks, so I should aim for a bow with high physical damage correct? Is Lioneye bow a good choice (but seems pretty expensive for my budget)

Lioneyes is definitely viable.
Any physical bow with high physical damage is viable.
Just look at the bow i am using, it is pretty shit, but it serves its purpose.
so i just got my alphas howl and have been using ur trick
i have noticed that not only do you keep your auras on wen u swap from town, but u also keep the +2 to the skill evne without the howl on
so wud it technically be better to have 3 auras in the alpha howl and jus make a duplicate color of ur regular helm

or do u think this is a waste of time for a small effect?
i was thinking anger/ hatred /wrath

do skil gems go over level 20 with bonuses?

also how do u have +5 max from purity when it only goes to 4? is it from inner force?

ALSO honourhome, the lowlife reduced mana cost, do you think this can replace alphashowl? i dont have one of these so i cant try it, wud make it a much cheaper way to get 7 auras
Last edited by copasetic#7723 on Apr 24, 2013, 2:36:45 PM
copasetic wrote:
so i just got my alphas howl and have been using ur trick
i have noticed that not only do you keep your auras on wen u swap from town, but u also keep the +2 to the skill evne without the howl on
so wud it technically be better to have 3 auras in the alpha howl and jus make a duplicate color of ur regular helm

Yes it is better to have 3 auras on the alpha´s howl, i also stated this in the annotiation of the video in which i explain the trick.

The +2 greatly increases the strength of anger, wrath and grace.
You can alternatively use it on a lvl 18/19 purity in order to get the +5% to max resistances without having purity on lvl 20 yet.
The +2 does not do too much for hatred, determination or vitality, i already tried it.
Either use anger, wrath and grace, or anger wrath and purity with the alpha howl trick.

Just note that getting the exact colours you need might take quite a few chromatics, because they have to be on the exact same slots on both items (not just same colours).
You can get the same colours rather easily, but getting them on the exact same slots is harder than it looks like.

do skil gems go over level 20 with bonuses?

Yes they do, as i already hint at with this post.

also how do u have +5 max from purity when it only goes to 4? is it from inner force?

Yes it is from inner force. A lvl 20 purity grants 5% additional max resistance with inner force.

ALSO honourhome, the lowlife reduced mana cost, do you think this can replace alphashowl? i dont have one of these so i cant try it, wud make it a much cheaper way to get 7 auras

Reduced mana cost is not the same as reduced mana reservation, they are two different mechanics.
Last edited by gh0un#3019 on Apr 24, 2013, 2:49:06 PM
chromatics make me so angry
wen i need to get 5 off colors on the bow i will have to sell my koams heart to afford the supply lol
copasetic wrote:
chromatics make me so angry
wen i need to get 5 off colors on the bow i will have to sell my koams heart to afford the supply lol

If you are trying to get the colours on your bow but dont have enough chromatics, you can also go for faster attacks instead of added fire.
That would be 4 off-colours, which is much easier to get than 5 off-colours.
so right now, i do not have the entire crit side of this build
instead i have the projectile dmg with the atk speed to the left area of point blank

why do u like crit mods so much? dont u think consistent dmg is better? u also get 12% atk speed

i am currently using this without any dmg on rings or ammy, but my dmg is stil basicaly just 10k after calculating point blank.. shudnt it be a lot higher?

what would you link your 2nd 6 link with? u said fire totem, can u say the specific links and then explain what its used for

do u need devouring totem a lot?

also how do u have so much base armor, ur items dont have much armor or evasion.. and grace doesnt give that much, i have inner force now butmy vase is still only 5k
Hey Ghoun is this build viable in HC? Also what skill do u use to lvl in the beginning before you switch to ROA?

Do you use LOH or Life Leech gem?
IGN: Mellodiez

PM if win or outbids on Auction. Thanks!
Last edited by clon8888#2947 on Apr 26, 2013, 4:19:48 PM

I am currently lvl 70 and my aura and reduced mana gems are lvl 17, none are quality.
I don't use the "Reduced Mana Reserved" passives, but I have the Covenant and Alpha's Howl.
Yet I cannot run 7 auras. Vitality, Determination, Purity and Hatred reserve too much mana.

Is this because of the lvl of my reduced mana gem?

Edit: YES. It was because of the lvl of the reduced mana gem. :-/

Thanks in advance,
Last edited by Morfex#5981 on Apr 30, 2013, 3:26:31 PM
Bump for a great build plus a question for Gh0un - what do you think about this passive tree?
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
Why isn't there life leech or life on hit for this build? :o

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