[Version 0.10.7] gh0un´s Point Blank, Rain of Arrows Bowrauder
" Projectile dmg should give you a little bit more on the charscreen because it applies to everything, including the tiny little bit that is left of physical damage (after all conversions). That tiny bit of physical is not going to net you a lot of "real" dps, thats why projectile dmg and eledmg are almost the same in this case. I am going to think about this a little tomorrow, and if i dont come to a satisfying conclusion through calculations, i will just try it out by skilling the two nodes one after another. Thinking about it, depending on exactly how the game handles these calculations, we could get to different conclusions. Definitely going to find out what exactly is going on here. Last edited by gh0un#3019 on Apr 15, 2013, 6:13:02 PM
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" Thank you for your reply I m waiting for your conclusions tomorrow, but please take into consideration that the physical dmg is not so tiny, i think its a decent value (and i have 50% blackgleam). Not much, but decent, from the 5k total dmg the 500 is physical so its accountable. Last edited by nel0angel0#2485 on Apr 15, 2013, 6:32:32 PM
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It is pretty tiny due to how armor works in this game.
It is probably less than half as much as it shows in the screen (against enemies inside of maps), maybe even 70-80% less than that. Thats why i said "real" dps. The physical damage shows up in your screen, but it is so minor that it is being reduced by a lot due to armor. I will try to get some calculations going tomorrow. Last edited by gh0un#3019 on Apr 15, 2013, 7:29:13 PM
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" Anyway, i would like to see your calculation outcomes tomorrow. Unfortunately i cant afford to spec and respec out of projectile dmg <-> elemental dmg to see the diffrence. |
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" Many thanks for postingi this thread up. I have a rain of arrows marauder... tweaked your build a little bit because I prefer fast attack speed. My setup is currently:- Maybe not as efficient but more fun for me, which is what the game is about. Many tahnks again for the build advice, very fun and rewarding build. I am only lvl 63 and looking to building on to 75% all resist, as i kill myself to ele reflect :( Still fun thoguh The rest of the 'end-game' content will be available along with a heap of new stuff when the game launches in a few months time. From what I've seen it's going to be awesome. - Michael_GGG Last edited by tobes111#6962 on Apr 20, 2013, 7:52:26 AM
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I have some major concerns about this build.
first off it seems it needs to have a 6l asap to be anything. Then i have a concern about not having life leech when the build clearly uses point blank witch needs you to stand close to enemies without any sort of leech you need to use flasks and maybe even spam them. i would actualy have a 5l with conc effect roa wed and life leech then add added fire damage as the 6th link for the ones with currency for it. doing this way might even lower the dps way to much but it would add tons of more survival then you have with your 6th link setup. it seems like a fun build but without any sort of reliable defense point blank is not worth it in my eyes, i have to test it to be certain Last edited by Nailroth#3541 on Apr 20, 2013, 2:57:09 PM
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" Alchemist is all the heal you need. I can clear 90% of the maps (up to the highest levels) without changing anything on my setup. The only time i switch in lifeleech in order to replace added fire damage (from my second weapon slot), is when i have a very hard map that also has no-life-regen/50% slower life regen on top of the other hard mods. I played this build to 81 with a 4L, so no you dont really need a 6L. There are plenty of gameplay vids in the video spoiler tab in the OP, and from there you can go on my youtube channel and watch some early level progression of my bowrauder. He works pretty smooth for the majority of the game. Last edited by gh0un#3019 on Apr 20, 2013, 4:27:32 PM
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I'm building a Marauder myself following your build and then come across this build from exilepro http://www.exilepro.com/builds/marauder/528-marauder-rain-of-arrows-sniper/build just want to ask your expert opinion on comparison between your build and this build?
IGN Drokol/Crezel/Erelin
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" That build has no alchemist and thus will have to use lifeleech in addition to blood magic. He tries to compensate the huge damage loss by using another damage support instead of increased area of effect, which basically turns RoA´s AoE into a very tiny radius (due to concentrated effect). I have seen RoA without increased area and i have tried it out myself. The map clearing speed goes to crap without increased area of effect. In addition to that, static blows is rather useless on RoA because RoA hits for a lot with a single hit.... In my case I 1 shot pretty much all white packs. If i crit blue packs they are instagib. Rares are almost 1 shot with a critical strike, and mostly die to 4-5 standard RoA attacks. There isnt much room to take advantage of the shock stack. The rest of the tree is pretty similar except that the level of the passive tree is different. I dont think people realize how strong alchemist is. On my main flask (the first one in the flask tab) i would get 3767 health over 8 seconds. With alchemist i get 5247 over 8 seconds. Thats 40% more health regained over the same time period. If you have stronger flasks you can rely on them as your source of heal and thus free up the life leech slot. I always have the lifeleech support in my second weapon slot in case i would ever need it, but the only time the additional heal is necessary (if you are using alchemist) is inside of maps with lower health regeneration AND elemental reflect. Turning RoA into an almost single target skill is not the best use of the skill imo. Last edited by gh0un#3019 on Apr 23, 2013, 5:44:56 AM
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" Thanks, so I should aim for a bow with high physical damage correct? Is Lioneye bow a good choice (but seems pretty expensive for my budget) IGN Drokol/Crezel/Erelin
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