major end game design flaw (map drop rates / currency dump)

Oatz wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:
I say otherwise.

Please. Being lvl 70 on softcore you barely have run any maps.

Also in the end tons of ppl are gonna quit over this.

So I guess you the the other handful of fanboys can enjoy your "hardcore" game lol by yourself. Pretty much fed up with it at this point. I lol at ppl like you who think this game takes skill - no it takes good RNG and half a brain.

When HoTS (Heart of the Swarm) hits in ~9 days I'm pretty much done - end game is too stupid, desync, spell lag too much, too many blind fan boys who want to keep in stupid mechanics in the name of being "hardcore" or something yet they play on default. Stupid RNG is not "skill" or "hardcore" it's just frustrating and makes people quit.

Oh and reason why you have to spend so much currency is because the drop rate of maps are too low - plz don't tell me my opinion - I said I agree 100% with OP so don't try so say I don't.

I'm a higher level than you......

And Havoc, the issue is precisely that spending currency, and a crap ton at that, doesn't provide enough of a benefit. At least not from a psychological standpoint as far as I'm concerned.

In short, 100%+ IIQ maps should drop more maps than they currently do.
Last edited by SL4Y3R#7487 on Mar 2, 2013, 11:56:51 PM
SL4Y3R wrote:

I'm a higher than you......

Nope ur not.
Oatz wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:

I'm a higher than you......

Nope ur not.

Now apologize for being wrong:
Ithinkthisisnice wrote:
Rng is rng

Shit post is shit

Op is right
my bad misread ur lvl.

Still softcore tho.
Oatz wrote:
my bad misread ur lvl.

Still softcore tho.


For this discussion, SC and HC is irrelevant. Since maps are maps.
SL4Y3R wrote:
This was a problem in CB as well. A map that has -25% resists + Elemental Weakness + Monsters do xx% more elemental damage SHOULD give a higher IIQ than simply 1+1+1. This is common sense.

Totally agree. As a matter of fact, I think the real fix to this issue is to make all map mods "more IIQ," instead of the current "increased IIQ."

Right now, a good 6-affix, 20% quality map has 80-110% IIQ. Change it to a "more" system, and those same maps are 110-180% IIQ. This would also make the size-influencing affixes less overpowered; right now multiplicative mods like Massive, Champions/Commanders/Hordes, sometimes Labyrinthine, are all but mandatory on good maps.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Mar 3, 2013, 12:10:13 AM
Longer term races are also completely screwed because of maps imo. Party with most map luck = winners, it's basically that simple.

Something like a longer term solo race would be totally ridiculous, since it would be even more RNG dependent.
i'm with you reimur , but hope it's getting changed because it's beta .

i hate maps
SL4Y3R wrote:

The map system should reward difficult maps with the CHANCE to drop more maps. A MUCH MUCH better chance.

We spoke about this briefly at the beginning of the last closed beta ladder.

I personally have no problem with the use of RNG for end game content but be it through personal IIQ or a stronger correlation to map difficulty, players should have additional methods to influence the chance to drop maps.

OB: BazzVone - 83 Dual Spork Totem Templar /w CI and minions
CB: BazzVfourteen - 80 Dual Spork Totem Templar /w CI
CB: BazzVtwo - 73 Dual Spork Totem/LS Templar
CB: BazzVseven - 76 Lightning Strike Mara
CB: BazzVfive - 78 Lightning Strike Mara

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