Donald Trump and US politics
" No you just resorted to childish insults to try and prove my statement incorrect. But fine ill explain myself. Trump owned them on charlottsville whit this simple statement "here is the thing:when i make a statement i like to be correct...." Now why is this so important(to me at least), its simple this is what journalism and politics should be about getting all the facts and get them right, dont ly, leave shit out, dont draw conclusions before you have all the facts, dont spin false narratives etc. The leftist media have 0 credibility in this regard trump showed them how it should be and in that regard he most def "owned" those journalist who have 0 journalistic integrity. [Removed by Support] Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” Last edited by jackof8lades#6863 on Aug 16, 2017, 10:33:31 PM
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" No, they are banning people who are voicing their own opinions. In some cases, the public backlash is great enough to force them to relent. They are demonetizing videos by popular " Meet Katie a time traveler from 2016: And the "Alt-Right" is just another manufactured term (from WAAYYY back in 2008). That Wikipedia cites 4chan as a published source is highly amusing. " I guess the ones paid for by InfoWars don't count then If you can show Federal Elections Commission records, sure. I would link them (I did before in one of the two threads) but you have to be on the site in an active search for the results to show. I'm sure a screenshot would be viewed as fake, but you can find them if you are willing to look. " " And there we have it. Thank you for being honest. Since you have voiced that as your opinion, I will agree to disagree with you. " I didn't bring up Anne Frank, I replied to your comment on the Anne Frank center, which was the lead in. Do some reading on American Eugenics movement and you will see the historical tie ins, in some cases direct mail communication between the left and Hitler's camp. America's leftists directly influenced some of his atrocities. Sterilizing, incarcerating and enslaving minorities has been the purvey of leftists for a very long time now. The only way we can continue to fight racism is to expose it, and that requires letting people speak up, so we can identify them before they can cause harm. Had the idiots on the left actually let the rally proceed in the park and kept protestors at bay, they could have filmed and recorded all sorts of supremacists and extremists, and opened up some legitimate investigations. Instead, because of their bungling efforts to control the narrative, the crowd was pushed into two conflicting groups on the streets and we have 3 deaths. Racism is terrible. Violence isn't any better. This isn't a game show where you have to choose between rape and murder. We can oppose both. Today Ben Carson said: “Hatred and bigotry unfortunately still exists in our country and we must all continue to fight it, but let's use the right tools.” PoE Origins - Piety's story Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Aug 16, 2017, 10:50:40 PM
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" If you were astute, you wouldn't be considering Wikileaks a reliable source. Several years ago, perhaps. " Hasn't passed the Senate yet. " I actually find it quite sad that you consider these 'achievements' good things. " Have we seen "hundreds of Thousands" of Antifa. Have we seen Antifa marching through public streets carrying automatic rifles. Has anyone been killed by Antifa in a hit and run terriost attack. " You would know this how? " If the police behave as they did on the weekend, at future rallies, there's no way of knowing how things will turn out. Moreover, if condemnation isn't seen coming from the President, it's likely these groups will take it as a free pass to behave however they wish. " Are you saying neo-nazis don't support Trump? " Answer the question. " Every poll, even Trumps favourite, show his rating as the lowest for any President ever. The only counter to this is a poll recently publish by ProgressPolls, a group who used to call themselves Truth-Bombers. I'll leave you to find out more about them. |
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" He also said he likes to have all the facts, unfortunately, he didn't. He didn't know David Duke was there, he didn't know about the comments from McCain. He also dodged questions he didn't like. As far as being "correct' is concerned, there were a number of things he said that, at best, were ambiguous. " I agree that all media sources should provide the most truthful account, for any situation, as far as possible. Omitting facts or distorting the truth doesn't help anyone. However, to simply suggest that all 'left-wing' media is untruthful or guilty of the above is simply ridiculous. |
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" Not suggesting anything here, telling it outright as it is, the leftist media has 0 credibility left. [Removed by Support]
Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” |
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" Reliability has never been a problem for Wikileaks. I think you might be confusing... a lot of things. Are you that special breed of person that thinks wikileaks posts fake data? Or are you just trying to slander their legitimacy because you don't like what (or information targeting whom) they release? |
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" He said that Ted Cruz's father killed JFK, he said his inauguration crowd was bigger than Obama's, he said 3 to 5 million people might have committed voter fraud, he believes that the human body has finite energy, and that exercising only depletes this energy. He said Obama wiretapped the Trump tower. He said Obama was born in Kenya. He said the certificate Obama showed to him was fake. He said he believes central park five are guilty after they been exonerated. These are the things I can say from the top of my head. He is full of shit. Like really, full, completely full, of a whole lot of shit. " That article is from a couple months ago. If you haven't realized that you probably shouldn't apply for a job there. Also "leftists just realized"? Some people know since the beginning. Last edited by soneka101#4659 on Aug 16, 2017, 11:24:38 PM
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" Let me guess, this is the 'Deep State' attempting to force everyone to their will and if that doesn't work, the Clintons will send out hitmen! " You missed the point. " I guess the ones paid for by InfoWars don't count then " Ah, silly me, it was fake news! " The original comment was about banning Trump from twitter, for failing to adequately condemn the neo-nazis at Charlottesville. nothing more. " I agree. " Simply blaming those on the left for the extremism over the weekend is naive. There are several parties involved and all had a part to play. However, preceding a supposedly peaceful rally, by parading through the streets in full camo and wielding automatic rifles, doesn't set a great starting point. " For this to mean anything the President must, unequivocally, denounce the violence and put in place measures that will prevent further loss of life in the future. It cannot be left to the people on the ground to make these decisions in a vacuum. |
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" Trump put them on his agenda before the election, and he followed through. You stated he had no agenda, I showed where he was following his pre-election agenda. Whether someone likes his "accomplishments" is an entirely different matter. " ![]() ![]() There are some who question whether Hitler would have been able to rise to power without the violent actions of Antifa's original group back in 1930's Germany ![]() " " There was a study referred to by NPR in this thread, that had numerous sources citing the actual decline in number, and which states they were now found in (Hint- they tend to be more common in "blue" states.) There have been reports published by Homeland security and others as well. " The police didn't behave that way everywhere, just in the state where Terry was in charge. FOIA requests may eventually reveal what part he played in the disaster. " He condemned them, and more appropriately, condemned both sides for the violence. If he had only condemned one side for the violence, he would have given them more fuel. Unless you want to provoke another Oklahoma City bombing? " Are you saying neo-nazis don't support Trump? " " You question was answered. Considering the Charlottesville organizer Jason Kesller was involved in the Occupy movement, was an Obama supporter and didn't show any support for Trump until after Trump was elected.... Should we blame Obama for this violent rally or thank Obama for this violent rally? PoE Origins - Piety's story Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Aug 16, 2017, 11:29:44 PM
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" I'm simply not sure what they're current agenda is. There's been a number of oddities in things they've posted surrounding the DNC hack, to make me consider them dubious. However, This wasn't always the case. |
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