Donald Trump and US politics

DalaiLama wrote:
Kellog wrote:
Most sensible Twitter related post regarding Trump yet:

Dear @Twitter corporate: He is an accomplice to domestic terrorism. If you can't end @POTUS account, at least end @realDonaldTrump account.
— Anne Frank Center (@AnneFrankCenter) August 15, 2017

Taking away people's guns, taking away their free speech - softening them up for full government control - who was that again? Oh, yeah Adolf and his pals. The left uses the same tactics for the same reasons. Hitler was inspired by leftist American eugenicists.

If the Anne Frank Center can't figure out what the legal definition of accomplice is, then they have some serious issues of their own to resolve.

So, Trump calling anything he doesn't agree with fake media, which has become a rallying cry for his base, is not a step towards control and Authoritarianism. Or perhaps Demonising and discriminating against minorities, is dissimilar to what was happening in 1930's Germany.

Oh, by the way, it's funny you should mention Hitler:

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto said in 2016 that Trump's "strident rhetoric" was similar to Hitler's


following the embarrassment that was his 'speech' to the Boy Scouts, it was noted that - Trump's late July speech to Boy Scouts about loyalty reminded them of the Hitler Youth, a branch of the Nazi Party.

Odd how many times the comparison has been made.

DalaiLama wrote:
soneka101 wrote:
Well, it's not like people go around making fake Antifa accounts on twitter, so this is mostly likely true.

BTW, "Comrades"? WTF? Antifa is supposed to be anti-fascist right? I picture those guys as something close to anarchists, but not quite. "Comrades" sounds like something a militia nut would say.


The leftists are just realizing there are people mocking them with fake Antifa? Did they not see the videos where /pol tried to get them all wearing skirts?

Also - what's wrong with media that they can't dig further than what is in front of their face? It is one thing for an individual to casually cite what they see, but a real journalist would at least try to dig deeper.

You mean 'top-notch journalists' like those found at Fox News, Brietbart of maybe even Alex Jones?
Kellog wrote:
Source that isn't Breitbart or InfoWars or some other alt-right wingnut site?

Wikileaks. The Federal Elections Commission Records.
There's a reason the media tried not to cover it, and a reason they pushed the Russian collusion narrative to switch the focus from what was revealed to Russians.

That the Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton conversation is reopened is a good sign that the left can't continue to sweep this under the rug. Even Salon is realizing which way things are going and is publicly questioning the left's Russian narrative.

(oh, and yes the Russian narrative is related, because all of this public MSM manufactured rage is part and parcel of the left's attempt to distract from the impending prosecution of leftist government officials and an attempt to resist and stop Trump's agenda.)

That is all it is and nothing more. The majority of voters see right through this smoke screen. Calling Trump supporters neo-nazis is just more "baskets of deplorables" idiocy, and the effect will be the same. It will bring more people to support Trump.

Identity politics fails when you are directly criticizing people that you want to agree with you.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Aug 16, 2017, 8:36:24 PM
Kellog wrote:
You mean 'top-notch journalists' like those found at Fox News, Brietbart of maybe even Alex Jones?

Take your pick from either side, which is why I said media and not leftist media. Breitbart does more digging, but far less vetting of the information they publish. Local new affiliates seem to do a good job at times - maybe because they have the time and are allowed to investigate a story, but the big companies always seem to be in such a rush to get a story out first, that the story they publish isn't worth paying attention to, or is a sad semblance of what it should be.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Aug 16, 2017, 8:37:11 PM
Kellog wrote:
So, Trump calling anything he doesn't agree with fake media, which has become a rallying cry for his base, is not a step towards control and Authoritarianism.

YES! What he is doing is the exact opposite, he is making steps against control and authoritarianism. The media is presenting false and misleading information, intentionally, and in a coordinated fashion with each other. They are trying to control what people think and what they discuss. You only have to look at what Twitter, Facebook and Google/Youtube do to see on which side the MSM's loyalties lie. They are against free speech and support eliminating the speech of people they disagree with.

It isn't Trump that tried to stop Antifa or "resist" rallies. Trump didn't bus in mass crowds to disrupt Hillary rallies. Trump didn't try to silence Milo. ALL the silencing of free speech has come from the left. The MSM has echoed and supported those efforts.

Kellog wrote:
Or perhaps Demonising and discriminating against minorities, is dissimilar to what was happening in 1930's Germany.

If you have a Facebook or Twitter account, try a little test for yourself - be prepared for the blowback. Take some tweets or posts widely circulated (and thus deemed acceptable) on either platform that directly and specifically criticize "white" people. Now, change "white" to some other minorities and repost it on their platform.

Watch how many people you know unfriend you, and how quickly your account is suspended or banned. There is demonisation going on by both sides, but Trump isn't pushing any of it. He didn't win the Ellis Island award for being a racist.

Kellog wrote:
Oh, by the way, it's funny you should mention Hitler:

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto

What's the corruption and murder rate in Mexico? I have no idea who owns who there, but the corruption and cartel influence is so rampant, I wouldn't trust any official without some serious vetting. Gisea Mota - who was elected on a promise to fight corruption was murdered on her second day in office by Mexican mafia.

That wasn't an isolated case, the killing of any officials who do try to crack down on corruption and cartel influence is widespread.

Kellog wrote:
said in 2016 that Trump's "strident rhetoric" was similar to Hitler's

Martin Luther King Jr used "strident" rhetoric as well, and all three of them drank water, and walked on planet Earth.

Kellog wrote:
Odd how many times the comparison has been made.

It's not odd at all. It was in a tactics email Wikileaks circulated before the campaign concluded. What is odd, is that they took the language for their tactics DIRECTLY from a Dave Barry humor column. I kid you not. I'm fairly certain I linked both much further back in this thread.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Aug 16, 2017, 8:48:45 PM
DalaiLama wrote:
Kellog wrote:
Source that isn't Breitbart or InfoWars or some other alt-right wingnut site?

Wikileaks. The Federal Elections Commission Records.
There's a reason the media tried not to cover it, and a reason they pushed the Russian collusion narrative to switch the focus from what was revealed to Russians.

Wikileaks! Are you serious?

That the Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton conversation is reopened is a good sign that the left can't continue to sweep this under the rug.

It's a FOIA request, nothing more. However, if they do contain anything incriminating, I hope those involved are brought to justice.

Even Salon is realizing which way things are going and is publicly questioning the left's Russian narrative.

The original 'report' by the 'Forensicator' (an anonymous 'investigator with debatable forensic skills) was released several months ago, it was debunked then it it's already been debunked following the coverage in The Nation. Moreover, Mr Lawrence, the author of said piece, is a Seth Ritch conspiracy believer. Not a great starting place really.

(oh, and yes, for those that can't connect two plus two - the Russian narrative is related, because all of this public MSM manufactured rage is part and parcel of the left's attempt to distract from the impending prosecution of leftist government officials and an attempt to resist and stop Trump's agenda.

Trumps only agenda is to keep himself in office, by any means possible. If that means using distraction or calling anything Russia (and more) related fake news, so be it. This "manufactured rage" as you call it, pales in comparison to the kind of rage we see from the gun-toting white nationalists. Their hateful, racist, anti-Semitic rhetoric should be enough for any rational-minded individuals to fear a rise in Trumpism.

That is all it is and nothing more. The majority of voters see right through this smoke screen.

Majority? Perhaps you mean the majority of Trump supporters.

Calling Trump supporters neo-nazis is just more "baskets of deplorables" idiocy, and the effect will be the same.

Are you saying neo-nazis don't support Trump?

It will bring more people to support Trump.

Actually, the opposite seems to be happening. Trump now has the lowest rating of any President ever (actually, it's been that way for a while it's just getting worse)

Kellog wrote:
jackof8lades wrote:

Agreed, the bias lying false narrative spinning leftist media were completely embarrassed by trump,he owned that press conference.

Which part, exactly, did he own? Was it his inability to understand moral equivalence? Or perhaps, blaming the departure of various members from his trade and strategy councils on anything but the real reason. Maybe it was all the times he dodged questions he didn't like, or seemd to not know who Senator McCain was - is this senility creeping in. I know, it was his comparison of Robert E. Lee and George Washington, you know the guy that actually helped to create the USA, not the guy that took up arms against it.

I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point, but then again, you probably won't

TL'DR, the only thing he owned was his fake tan.

inability to understand,senile,fake tan,you dont get it.
Can you ppl try (and i know this is hard for you if not impossible ) to have a conversation whitout resorting to insults that would frankly embarrass a 5 year old.
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Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
DalaiLama wrote:
Kellog wrote:
So, Trump calling anything he doesn't agree with fake media, which has become a rallying cry for his base, is not a step towards control and Authoritarianism.

YES! What he is doing is the exact opposite, he is making steps against control and authoritarianism.

Ok, you've just lost any credibility you may have had.

The media is presenting false and misleading information, intentionally, and in a coordinated fashion with each other. They are trying to control what people think and what they discuss. You only have to look at what Twitter, Facebook and Google/Youtube do to see on which side the MSM's loyalties lie. They are against free speech and support eliminating the speech of people they disagree with.

You should have prefixed that paragraph with 'Trump says'.

It isn't Trump that tried to stop Antifa or "resist" rallies.

I have my doubts about whether Trump knows what Antifa are. He called them the "alt-left" a term which didn't exist before.

Trump didn't bus in mass crowds to disrupt Hillary rallies.

I guess the ones paid for by InfoWars don't count then

Trump didn't try to silence Milo.

Defending free speech can be a difficult thing, especially when people like Milo Yiannopoulos are involved. The problem with Milo, he seems to make a living from saying objectionable things, just for the sake of it.

ALL the silencing of free speech has come from the left. The MSM has echoed and supported those efforts.

I think you're going off the rails here. Whilst it's true that a minority want to contain hate-speech by any means necessary, it's important to remember that a good proportion of the 'left' have also advocated for Free-speech, regardless of the source.

Kellog wrote:
Or perhaps Demonising and discriminating against minorities, is dissimilar to what was happening in 1930's Germany.

If you have a Facebook or Twitter account, try a little test for yourself

I don't.

be prepared for the blowback. Take some tweets or posts widely circulated (and thus deemed acceptable) on either platform that directly and specifically criticize "white" people. Now, change "white" to some other minorities and repost it on their platform.

Watch how many people you know unfriend you, and how quickly your account is suspended or banned. There is demonisation going on by both sides, but Trump isn't pushing any of it. He didn't win the Ellis Island award for being a racist.

My comment referred to similarities between the 1930's and now. It doesn't specifically mention any specific groups.

What's the corruption and murder rate in Mexico?

Martin Luther King Jr used "strident" rhetoric as well, and all three of them drank water, and walked on planet Earth.

It's not odd at all. It was in a tactics email Wikileaks circulated before the campaign concluded. What is odd, is that they took the language for their tactics DIRECTLY from a Dave Barry humor column. I kid you not. I'm fairly certain I linked both much further back in this thread.

You raised the Hitler thing, I just pointed out that others had mad the connection between Trump and Hitler.
jackof8lades wrote:
Kellog wrote:
jackof8lades wrote:

Agreed, the bias lying false narrative spinning leftist media were completely embarrassed by trump,he owned that press conference.

Which part, exactly, did he own? Was it his inability to understand moral equivalence? Or perhaps, blaming the departure of various members from his trade and strategy councils on anything but the real reason. Maybe it was all the times he dodged questions he didn't like, or seemd to not know who Senator McCain was - is this senility creeping in. I know, it was his comparison of Robert E. Lee and George Washington, you know the guy that actually helped to create the USA, not the guy that took up arms against it.

I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point, but then again, you probably won't

TL'DR, the only thing he owned was his fake tan.

inability to understand,senile,fake tan,you dont get it.
Can you ppl try (and i know this is hard for you if not impossible ) to have a conversation whitout resorting to insults that would frankly embarrass a 5 year old.

You suggested he 'owned' the press conference' I suggested reasons why your statement was incorrect. If you have a counter argument, please continue.
Kellog wrote:
Wikileaks! Are you serious?

This needs no comment for astute readers.

Kellog wrote:
Trumps only agenda is to keep himself in office

He stated what he planned on doing before he was elected. You can question his efficiency or even timeline in accomplishing it, but his efforts to follow what he promised have been remarkable, especially so given the constant push back. The prototypes for the wall is on track to be built in the next two months, with funding for the first section of the real wall already secured. Paris agreement gone (The world is going to die! AGHGHHHHH! - back to The Russians) EPA reigned in, numerous executive orders cut (21 cut for every 1 he issued, iirc, and he promised at least a 2-1 ratio)

Kellog wrote:
This "manufactured rage" as you call it, pales in comparison to the kind of rage we see from the gun-toting white nationalists.

That must be why we have seen hundreds of thousands of them marching in every city, blocking the streets, gunning down people with their guns, clubbing people with their guns etc. The secret white nationalists who are university professors bashing people's heads in with a bike lock sure jogs my memory. This KKK white supremacist woman attacking minorities for no reason, is more proof that the alt-right is so much more dangerous

Kellog wrote:
Their hateful, racist, anti-Semitic rhetoric should be enough for any rational-minded individuals to fear a rise in Trumpism.

The actual white supremacists are very few in number, and their "rhetoric" is fare more vile than we could post here. Those actively involved need to be and in some cases are, monitored by police authorities. The public doesn't need to fear them, just continue exposing them and ridiculing them. The last time they made a big resurgance, was when the KKK helped push prohibition through and started working hand in hand with democrats. They almost got one of their own into the presidency - see the Klanbake presidential convention.

Calling Trump supporters neo-nazis is just more "baskets of deplorables" idiocy, and the effect will be the same.

Are you saying neo-nazis don't support Trump?

Circles are shapes, are you saying all shapes aren't circles?

It will bring more people to support Trump.

Kellog wrote:
Actually, the opposite seems to be happening. Trump now has the lowest rating of any President ever (actually, it's been that way for a while it's just getting worse)

You must have missed the news a few days ago, where Trump enjoyed his highest rating ever - even in a poll intentionally skewed.

Ha, his rating is so low that last night - when Lady Gaga ran an informal poll on her twitter, it was losing 3-1 and the DNC got caught paying for a bot to bring in 50,000 votes to win the poll. Even then, they were losing again in a few hours and the poll was shut down.

Polls - Anyone remember Nate Silver - touted as the most accurate pollster?

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story

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