Donald Trump and US politics

MrSmiley21 wrote:
Kellog wrote:

Really not surprising considering Trumps 'performance' at the press conference.

His performance at dealing with the press is stellar, as usual.

It was an embarrassment.
Xavderion wrote:
The fake media is in full frenzy mode right now. They are flagrantly and boldly ignoring reality and acting like the press conference never happened. They don't even try to not be fake anymore.

Which reality is that, Trumps or the real world?
Kellog wrote:

Leftist political hacks.


That is pretty pathetic, I agree. He's a beta-cuck. But that's still considerably less pathetic than all the tears from the left over Trump getting elected.
Kellog wrote:
MrSmiley21 wrote:
Kellog wrote:

Really not surprising considering Trumps 'performance' at the press conference.

His performance at dealing with the press is stellar, as usual.

It was an embarrassment.

Agreed, the bias lying false narrative spinning leftist media were completely embarrassed by trump,he owned that press conference.
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Last edited by jackof8lades#6863 on Aug 16, 2017, 8:13:31 PM
jackof8lades wrote:

Agreed, the bias lying false narrative spinning leftist media were completely embarrassed by trump,he owned that press conference.

Which part, exactly, did he own? Was it his inability to understand moral equivalence? Or perhaps, blaming the departure of various members from his trade and strategy councils on anything but the real reason. Maybe it was all the times he dodged questions he didn't like, or seemd to not know who Senator McCain was - is this senility creeping in. I know, it was his comparison of Robert E. Lee and George Washington, you know the guy that actually helped to create the USA, not the guy that took up arms against it.

I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point, but then again, you probably won't

TL'DR, the only thing he owned was his fake tan.
Kellog wrote:
There you go again, typical trumper, insert Obama/Clinton or anything totally unrelated whenever possible.

Because the governor of the state where it happened is totally unrelated? Because the governor is a rabid anti-Trump person, and seething with corruption it is unrelated? Because the governor is considered by some to have intentionally used the event to promote himself for a US Senate run?

Maybe about as unrelated as it is to the US President Trump who wasn't at the rally, wasn't involved with the security of it, and isn't handling the aftermath.

It's been an widely circulated fact that the left wants violence like this to drive their agenda. We have emails where they lament their isn't more, or that an attacker isn't white enough. We have proof of an organized campaign, with proof of pay that they were fomenting violence at rallies.

Terry had a hand in this mess, and he is still stirring the pot. Just because you don't want it to be related, and don't like to consider the implications doesn't make it true. The Mafia and Cartels are more honest than the DNC.
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Kellog wrote:
Most sensible Twitter related post regarding Trump yet:

Dear @Twitter corporate: He is an accomplice to domestic terrorism. If you can't end @POTUS account, at least end @realDonaldTrump account.
— Anne Frank Center (@AnneFrankCenter) August 15, 2017

Taking away people's guns, taking away their free speech - softening them up for full government control - who was that again? Oh, yeah Adolf and his pals. The left uses the same tactics for the same reasons. Hitler was inspired by leftist American eugenicists.

If the Anne Frank Center can't figure out what the legal definition of accomplice is, then they have some serious issues of their own to resolve.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
DalaiLama wrote:
Kellog wrote:
There you go again, typical trumper, insert Obama/Clinton or anything totally unrelated whenever possible.

Because the governor of the state where it happened is totally unrelated? Because the governor is a rabid anti-Trump person, and seething with corruption it is unrelated? Because the governor is considered by some to have intentionally used the event to promote himself for a US Senate run?

The Governor said a lot of things on the day and after, you cherry-picked one specific comment then launched into a a diatribe about the evils of Clinton. It was completely unnecessary.

Maybe about as unrelated as it is to the US President Trump who wasn't at the rally, wasn't involved with the security of it, and isn't handling the aftermath.

He's not.

It's been an widely circulated fact that the left wants violence like this to drive their agenda. We have emails where they lament their isn't more, or that an attacker isn't white enough. We have proof of an organized campaign, with proof of pay that they were fomenting violence at rallies.

Source that isn't Breitbart or InfoWars or some other alt-right wingnut site?

Terry had a hand in this mess, and he is still stirring the pot. Just because you don't want it to be related, and don't like to consider the implications doesn't make it true. The Mafia and Cartels are more honest than the DNC.

soneka101 wrote:
Well, it's not like people go around making fake Antifa accounts on twitter, so this is mostly likely true.

BTW, "Comrades"? WTF? Antifa is supposed to be anti-fascist right? I picture those guys as something close to anarchists, but not quite. "Comrades" sounds like something a militia nut would say.


The leftists are just realizing there are people mocking them with fake Antifa? Did they not see the videos where /pol tried to get them all wearing skirts?

Also - what's wrong with media that they can't dig further than what is in front of their face? It is one thing for an individual to casually cite what they see, but a real journalist would at least try to dig deeper.

The Beverly Hills Antifa - for instance should have been obvious to them or best yet
Mar-a-Lago Antifa. Calling out for Colonel Sanders and KFC to be removed from the country as evil confederates didn't raise any alarms at Buzzfeed?

Maybe my cat should apply for a job there.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story

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