Death Penalties

For Default league...

Lose everything you looted in the last 5min (doesn't kick in until you are something lvl 5)
Lose sround half the exp you gained since heading out...or all the exp gained in the last 10-15min.

Yeah keep default simple.
I dont want read all the pages but...

the easiest idea ist to lose exp, i think i dont have to explain ;)

The idea with the strengthbooth for the monsters in the area where u die is also crap, because u will fight later hole time vs strongers mobs, 3 time dieng and u cant win next time ....
Better than is to lose 20% or 40% of your power (magical or physical) becuase u can change to a lower mobs area and level there for maybe 10 minutes.

BUT....i would prefer the kind of ... ILLNESS or something

When u die, u get a debuff like devil-blessed (that could be the name)((the effect could be that u lose 80% of your power for the time, or your stats will be random every 20 seconds, that could be fun ))

So u have to find an other player who got also this debuff. to defeat the illness maybe we have to use a special emote.

I would like this idea becaus u never found it in an other game.

To be dead should be a penalty, maybe u need 10 minutes to find an other player maybe only 5 but after 20 minutes the debuff dissolves!

My english isn good, if someone like this idea, pls write it down in a better english with my nicksignatur ;)

i liek the idea :D

have fun

I like the current 0/5/10/15 % lost xp depending on the difficulty.

I also like the idea that nothing is dropped, no D2-like body, etc.
This might seem unorthodox, but some might find it interesting. In most RPG games, gold is shared amongst the party. What if the cost of dying affected the whole party? This would certainly cause players to chose more carefully who they party with, and to fight as a team instead of running off on their own, or in other acts entirely which you find all too often.
thats a fine idea if the group is highlevel OR all in the same guild. But in rnd grp it could be terrible.
U lose money, because a other player try his own way....

For PVE deaths

- XP loss and small (like 5-15%) less xp from mobs/quests til you reach some especific number os mobs killed/quest completed with the debuff on. (seen something like that on some game and found it very nice).

- Lose any and all buffs (if this game is goin to have any, by the way i just HATE 30 sec - 5 min buffs, hope this game never uses that. Really miss Star wars galaxies 1-6 hours buffs).

- % of bag gold loss cant hurt also

- Like Diablo you could get something back IF you run back to where you died, but could ress in town and lose more.

- I'd rather run til my corpse "naked" for some time, than running as a ghost for like 5 mins to get back to the spot -.-


For PVP deaths (if its going to be allowed pvp in regular areas and i think it should).

- Same as above, but also lose some items from your bag, depending on how much PK points you got if this was to get implemented (really miss that from conquer online).

Point beeing, if you kill another player as first attacker you might get some loot, but will surely get some PK points also and maybe be able to get attacked for no penalty by any player for some time.


Dunno how you guys could use this on this game, but I REALLY liked Star Wars Galaxies system where you had 3 modes of playing:

-Neutral (not PVP enable)
-On leave (same but attacked by enemy NPCs only)
-Speacial forces (PVP with any other special forces player).

To change this you just had to click and wait like a minute or 2 for the changes to take effect.

In short, for the sake of realism, If you die in rl its over, so players should be more careful and have some penalty over It and not have to just go back there or something.


Ps. sorry about my poor english
Ps2. Ive read a bit about what other ppl said, but didnt have time to read it all at this time, so I might have said something stupid :P
I like the idea of increased magic find the longer you stay alive. I'm pretty sure the Mythos beta did this and it was pretty popular. Right up until the beta shut down, anyway. :P
"the idea of increased magic find the longer you stay alive" sounds very promisig, it will encourage people staying alive longer other than death penalties. If this could be carried out without overdoing, it'd be splendid in my opinion too.
"This is too good for you, very powerful ! You want - You take"
Can have it like i had my players in Dungeons and Dragons have it. Just uhm .. "some" hard coding i guess ^^

When you die , your char slowly hoovers up in the air. A dice rolles , and depending on what number you get, a diffrent effekt happen to you. Players around you can also se what you got by the color you now have glowing from you.


1# White# Angel comes down and *poff* Instantly alive.

2# Red# Ported to a arena . 5 sec countdown. then 5 players spawn with pvp activated. winner gets resurected.

3# Black# Death comes and eat you (then spawn in town)

4# Yellow# Port to a mystic location and fight a Lore specifick Boss ( All mighty Keysus ? ) who can drop a part of his set. Die - sent to town . Kill it , 20sec timer then ressurected at the spot you died.

So in short , ethere you Die , Live , Fight a Boss , PvP battle.

Made the death part a bit more entertaining for my players then atleast ^^
I reasoned that even the death part should have some fun aspect to it.

Then again this was pen & papper + your head doing the script & graphic. No idee how it would work in a real game or how hard it is to fix ^^
#Eater Of Drakenoog´s#

Swedish Tavern -

Work in progress
The Nintendo Rule:
Never lose more than a half hour's work for dying.

Every five minutes, record the player's exp. Upon death, reset the exp to five instances ago(about a half hour).
5GHz x 8 cores thats 40 cores on a i7 - Pwnage of Death

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