Life is King...and we need a bloody revolution.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
If we can't recalibrate monster damage to the new life, then we calibrate the new life to monster damage. This is possible by altering base life (through three sources: levels, Strength, and items) such that, after the new, nerfed life passives are applied, the same life total result is achieved.

Example with mostly made-up numbers: Let's say the most % life stacking you could do currently with a shadow is +300% with 81 skill points (level 64, 63 from levels, 18 from quests). Let's say he has 434 base life from levels, about 54 Strength for another 27 (461), then gear, which could get him up to 1000 if he had a bunch of great mods. Since he'd have +300%, he'd have 1844 to 4000 life, depending on gear... let's reverse engineer with only +150% life, assuming we go for the 4% version of my nerf by halving all life node values. He'd need 738-1600 base life to achieve the results. So let's say you make life 60 at level 1 and increase by 10 per level, and make Strength give 1 life per point. Now that level 64 shadow has 754 base life before gear, able to get to about 1300 with great gear, and finals to 1875-3250 life depending on gear even though he only has +150% max life.

It might need more fine-tuning than that, but my point is that we can tone done life nodes and leave monster stats the same and still have a playable game.

Incremental life growth per level might be better. Normal mode is fine as it stands, so upping the life gained per level might skewer it. Life (in ridiculous amounts) is only really required as you progress upwards -- more specifically, in Merciless and maps.

Do this while retaining some of the nodes and replacing some with more appealing alternatives to survival; Life Leech /Rate/, Flat % Damage Reduction (in small amounts), +x Life Regeneration, Flask Recovery (which is severely underrated.)
Last edited by Lyralei#5969 on Feb 18, 2013, 8:48:32 PM
I feel that you can tweak the existing life nodes all you want -- the fact that you have to (or can? maybe even can) spend points *just to get life* is probably the crux of the problem as I present it.

I still feel that Lyralei's idea is too much of a throwback to Diablo 2.

I think we all agree that life gain needs to be somewhat secondary/automatic to the development of a character. Making people choose between damage and life is extremely unfair, really.

But making them choose between defence and damage? That makes much more sense to me, and by my proposal defence and life sort of become one larger entity.

With my method, the player could much more effectively choose a balance between offence and defence -- and we finally give meaning to the evasion% nodes. Because right now, they have none.

Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Lyralei wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
If we can't recalibrate monster damage to the new life, then we calibrate the new life to monster damage. This is possible by altering base life (through three sources: levels, Strength, and items) such that, after the new, nerfed life passives are applied, the same life total result is achieved.

Example with mostly made-up numbers: Let's say the most % life stacking you could do currently with a shadow is +300% with 81 skill points (level 64, 63 from levels, 18 from quests). Let's say he has 434 base life from levels, about 54 Strength for another 27 (461), then gear, which could get him up to 1000 if he had a bunch of great mods. Since he'd have +300%, he'd have 1844 to 4000 life, depending on gear... let's reverse engineer with only +150% life, assuming we go for the 4% version of my nerf by halving all life node values. He'd need 738-1600 base life to achieve the results. So let's say you make life 60 at level 1 and increase by 10 per level, and make Strength give 1 life per point. Now that level 64 shadow has 754 base life before gear, able to get to about 1300 with great gear, and finals to 1875-3250 life depending on gear even though he only has +150% max life.

It might need more fine-tuning than that, but my point is that we can tone done life nodes and leave monster stats the same and still have a playable game.

Incremental life growth per level might be better. Normal mode is fine as it stands, so upping the life gained per level might skewer it. Life (in ridiculous amounts) is only really required as you progress upwards -- more specifically, in Merciless and maps.

Do this while retaining some of the nodes and replacing some with more appealing alternatives to survival; Life Leech /Rate/, Flat % Damage Reduction (in small amounts), +x Life Regeneration, Flask Recovery (which is severely underrated.)

You could add some base % life per level, but the same balancing method I described would be required.

Since ending life would be about the same, changing existing supplemental mechanics would be mostly unnecessary.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
I think that percentage life gains should not exist in the tree. It synergies too well with flat life from gear, making it a no brainer to get life on everything and max out on any source of %life. As long as they exist, there will be no builds, there will be %life.

I think most life should come through level, making bonuses from gear be nice to have, but no where as dominant as they are now.

Then, with that out of the way, you can start balancing the defense systems, people can start making real builds and we can have a better game!
Last edited by Thalandor#0885 on Feb 18, 2013, 9:48:34 PM
Charan wrote:
I feel that you can tweak the existing life nodes all you want -- the fact that you have to (or can? maybe even can) spend points *just to get life* is probably the crux of the problem as I present it.

I don't see why % life nodes are a problem in principle. If a player wants to spend a heap of points so they have 30% more life, let them. The problem is the quantity involved, where life-stackers have 3-4 times the life they would have had without those life nodes, and +life mods on items can double their base life again. If you need to boost any stat that much just to have a 'viable' build, it's bound to distort the rest of the game.
Last edited by Incompetent#3573 on Feb 18, 2013, 9:53:08 PM
Incompetent wrote:

I don't see why % life nodes are a problem in principle. If a player wants to spend a heap of points so they have 30% more life, let them. The problem is the quantity involved, where life-stackers have 3-4 times the life they would have had without those life nodes, and +life mods on items can double their base life again. If you need to boost any stat that much just to have a 'viable' build, it's bound to distort the rest of the game.

But that would be a step backwards to the pre life-node-spattered Skilldrasil.

And yes, that is the point at which GGG should not have taken the cheap and easy way out of adding more life nodes and rebalanced the game.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
I like this idea. What's to stop, say a Duelist, from stacking every single Life/armour, Life/evasion/ Life/evasion/armour node on the tree to become extremely resilient. Here we fall into a similar situation as the original... the oligarchy as was mentioned above.

If thew system could be balanced finely enough, however, stacking enormous amounts of "survival" could actually be detrimental, just as stacking only DPS nodes is detrimental in this game.

I do like the concept of more unique nodes though. Replacing life nodes with other, more interesting things, especially rare nodes that can only be found in select spots on the tree.

I think the goal should be to make life/survival stacking detrimental to the character in that they can't do enough damage to remain competitive. Okay, if you want to stack every survival node you can, you'll just be playing at a slower pace. You may never die, but you''l progress at half the speed of someone else. This would also be advantageous for tank players and might actually give them a conduit for tank-style game play.

I realize I've contradicted every point I've made in this post...heh heh. Just trying to fuel some discussion.
That's just it. That's it precisely. We need to find a way to make survival feasible with fewer nodes but to give the opportunity to over-level survival, I suppose, at the expense of damage etc.

This is already somewhat the case, except that the inverse (overleveling damage at the expense of survival) results not in a weak character, but a fucking useless one.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
No one like my idea?

If you got rid of specific life nodes and made life inherent to all nodes and equipment, problem solved, no?
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
This is very fitting. (though kind of ironic since the title means "Live the Life")


I really hate how Life has become the undeniably best defense, far surpassing the supposed "defenses." Compared to life, the defense are utterly worthless, simply by the way they work. Life is the ultimate buffer against any damage of any kind, in any shape or form, while every other defense have they own Achilles's Heel (some noticeably bigger than others.) Why bother with them when you can straight up go for life? It's easier to stack both on the tree (gratuitous nodes spread all over the tree) and on gear (on single mod that has a very high range). The fact that armor and evasion are useless against spells makes it doubly worst. It's just so easy to see why Life is the unquestioned king. The king is the one with the power and Life literally has more power than all of the other defenses combined. If we don't change the system from it's very roots, Life will always continue to rule, no matter how hard we try to keep him out.
Last edited by tinghshi#7226 on Feb 18, 2013, 10:49:45 PM

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