[2.1] Space's 120k gmp dps Crit Chaos Freezing Pulse (BM/EB/MOM/VP/US)

Leveling this atm. Having fun, still trash gear but doing 22k tooltip in town at level 69.

Thou shalt not guard.
Some good points in here, I'll try to address specific questions.

XtraSalty -great lvling tips man, those all sound really helpful. I'd imagine mana could be an issue for levelling - use pots or eleron stuff - its just temporary until you get BM.

casperaske - you are right that a good rare jewel will beat out izarios. crit/critmulti/castspeed/fire/cold/chaos damage are all good things to look for. Izarios is nice until you get gg jewels though because its fairly cheap. Also yeah, armor helm+boots is prboably just as good. I like the bigger EB/MoM buffer myself but its all about the same id imagine.

RicoKGB - I really appreciate the detailed feedback man, seriously thanks a ton. Youre right about VP being mandatory I think. However, another option could be to use Binos in the offhand for the crazy regen and drop VP and get regen on the tree. Might be worth trying if you have issues playing with Bm and VP with no regen. Or, if super wealthy Acuity will solve this. Personally i ahvent had much issue with the lack of regen - Whirling blades is 17 life out of a pool of 5k so I dont mind it, and you can always use flasks to get back to 100% before bosses/shrines/packs/whatever.
I agree about the danger of phys spike damage. The only really troublesome mobs for this build ive found are the goliath porcupines. You have to be really careful not to kill a huge pack right in your face. Those things are no joke. However, I've done the maps you mentioned "Canyon, Orchard, Dark Forest, Necropolis, Village Ruin" with no real issues, with either +phys dmg or vuln. I would not do the 2 mods together though thats a really bad idea.
About CI - I'm not really sold on the benefits of 2-3k more effective life pool. You lose flasks, you lose unwavering stance (or an amulet slot.. unless you have skyforth boots) and you have to deal with mana management which will take passive points. I mentioned earlier in the thread another guy who was doing this ci, and he has a bit more ehp but 1/4 of the damage. Not worth it to me but might be worth a shot.
Also notes on your clearspeed test - you have less than 1/2 the damage potential I hit (still nowhere near top), itl get a lot faster with more damage.

x12345 - bad idea man. You do not want to reserve 100% mana, you will take 100% increased spell damage from infernal mantle. You will get super rekt by any spell mobs or bosses. Also as mentioned
HoI wont proc cause its all chaos damage. Also i think maligaro's are better than voidbringer, that crit multi is really valuable.

Monosama - your build sounds intersting. You should link the tree + gear. You are mistaken about how conversions work though. Fire/cold damage are equal in this build for damage. Chaos damage and projectile damage are better than those 2 because they double dips on the poison damage though. Heres some reasons your dmg is lower - no infernal mantle (100% crit 35% fire dmg), using pcoc in your freezing pulse (waste of a slot imo just use assassins mark). Also a decent dagger will seriously outerform a rathpith in damage. An ideal dagger would have 180% crit, 60% spelldmg, 35% multi, and a ton of flat added cold/fire damage. Rathpith cant compete with that at all.
also you can click on the spoiler in the op to see dmg with all charges+flask and none, etc.

Thoughts about having cwdt Warlords and a cwdt Ice Spear PCoC instead of having Assassin's Mark?

Or maybe even dual curse cwdt Warlords and Assassin's
IGN shdowe
SpaceJanitor wrote:

Monosama - your build sounds intersting. You should link the tree + gear. You are mistaken about how conversions work though. Fire/cold damage are equal in this build for damage. Chaos damage and projectile damage are better than those 2 because they double dips on the poison damage though. Heres some reasons your dmg is lower - no infernal mantle (100% crit 35% fire dmg), using pcoc in your freezing pulse (waste of a slot imo just use assassins mark). Also a decent dagger will seriously outerform a rathpith in damage. An ideal dagger would have 180% crit, 60% spelldmg, 35% multi, and a ton of flat added cold/fire damage. Rathpith cant compete with that at all.
also you can click on the spoiler in the op to see dmg with all charges+flask and none, etc.

thanks for the answer.
i see the problems now. looks like i need a respec out of those ele nodes at shadow start. i also missed some good crit and multi nodes in shadow area.
i was going to grab the 3 poison nodes in my tree anyway at some point which would counteract the lack of chaos nodes, i thought

i was using poacher's mark to maintain my flasks and mana, and also to give frenzy charges. my build is quite dependant on flasks to keep up damage and survivability.
originally i had ice spear/pcoc/gmp to maintain power charges, but found this a bit annoying, and couldn't run a CWDT setup.

it looks like CI on this build isn't really viable. to get enough ES to survive, you can't get the extra damage nodes, or travel down to US. gear slots that could be used for crit and spell damage need to be used to get enough ES. i need to use chayula for no stuns, so i can't get any spell damage on the neck too...

i was thinking it would be better as hybrid, and you have proved that right.
however, despite all this, my build still clears quite nicely, i'm doing tier 10 maps at the moment without any issues really.
also i have dual autocursing and shock. i can still get a fair bit more damage in the tree, but i'm already at level 83 so progress is slowing down.

i kindof threw this together with things i had in standard, which was the main reason for going CI. maybe i'll reroll in Tali.
I could probably get a more GG shield and ring, which would make a big difference.

my gear & tree


just one more thing: you guys should try out vaal molten shell for bosses.......
Last edited by monosama#1184 on Dec 30, 2015, 6:25:48 AM
@ monosama your tree for a CI is far from optimal IMO.

@ Space I did some theorycrafting, ran some numbers on a CI version of the build. I really think it can be done and it will be slightly better build overall.

Here's what I came up with:

CI optimal passive skill tree:

Its lvl 90 tree. If u want few lvls lower just remove some dmg nodes.

Can be done as Witch or Shadow.

If my numbers are correct this tree should provide adequate dmg output (or 5-10k lower if shield is bad), minimum of 7k es and possibility to run one curse as aura via blasphemy + Discipline + Clarity while still being above 35% mana mark when casting 5l freezing pulse on gmp.

This can be done with one elreon -8 (preferably diamond) ring with additional 50% mana regen on it. Oh and Clarity should be lvl 8 max.

Shield should have 300+ es with 50+ spell dmg and 60+ critical strike chance for spells or as a cheap option:

also mandatory item:

Other gear suggestions that suits this well:

And ES helmet with 250+ es and some fire and light resitances. And ofcourse:

I would go with life leech as a 6link and use Atziris flask + cwdt - warlords mark before that.
Theres also solid option to go warlords mark via blasphemy for having leech allways on and generating endu charges for additional protection and longer cwdt - ic triggers. Having warlords mark on blasphemy opens also a 6 link option.

Now what we gain/lose with a CI version:

- 5-10k dps depending on shield
- life flasks (doesnt matter imo, every dmg done should be outleeched, the large dmg spikes are what trully matters and is dangerous)

+ no life drop while using skills
+ chaos dmg immunity
+ 1,5-3k larger ehp pool for dmg buffering (depending on gear)
+ auto AOE curse on blasphemy (can be assasins mark for more dmg or warlords mark for leech and endu charges)
+ additional protection from shield block

Unfortunately I ran out from free respecs on my chars and sadly cannot test this version of a build in action. But if someone can give it a go It will be much appreciated.

Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Dec 30, 2015, 12:41:54 PM
RicoKGB wrote:
@ monosama your tree for a CI is far from optimal IMO.

@ Space I did some theorycrafting, ran some numbers on a CI version of the build. I really think it can be done and it will be slightly better build overall.

Here's what I came up with:

CI optimal passive skill tree:

Its lvl 90 tree. If u want few lvls lower just remove some dmg nodes.

Can be done as Witch or Shadow.

If my numbers are correct this tree should provide adequate dmg output (or 5-10k lower if shield is bad), minimum of 7k es and possibility to run one curse as aura via blasphemy + Discipline + Clarity while still being above 35% mana mark when casting 5l freezing pulse on gmp.

This can be done with one elreon -8 (preferably diamond) ring with additional 50% mana regen on it. Oh and Clarity should be lvl 8 max.

Shield should have 300+ es with 50+ spell dmg and 60+ critical strike chance for spells or as a cheap option:

also mandatory item:

Other gear suggestions that suits this well:

And ES helmet with 250+ es and some fire and light resitances. And ofcourse:

I would go with life leech as a 6link and use Atziris flask + cwdt - warlords mark before that.
Theres also solid option to go warlords mark via blasphemy for having leech allways on and generating endu charges for additional protection and longer cwdt - ic triggers. Having warlords mark on blasphemy opens also a 6 link option.

Now what we gain/lose with a CI version:

- 5-10k dps depending on shield
- life flasks (doesnt matter imo, every dmg done should be outleeched, the large dmg spikes are what trully matters and is dangerous)

+ no life drop while using skills
+ chaos dmg immunity
+ 1,5-3k larger ehp pool for dmg buffering (depending on gear)
+ auto AOE curse on blasphemy (can be assasins mark for more dmg or warlords mark for leech and endu charges)
+ additional protection from shield block

Unfortunately I ran out from free respecs on my chars and sadly cannot test this version of a build in action. But if someone can give it a go It will be much appreciated.

Dont think Blasphemy would work very well with FP. You are usually to far from enemies for the Aura to touch them. And i feel like the mana regen would not be enough. But i am not too sure.

Quick question.. Would the fire leech work since we are pure chaos damage? i know its a conversion. But just not too sure.
Last edited by Pharcri#6805 on Dec 30, 2015, 1:58:06 PM
can show some vido?

high LV map OR atziri
Dont think Blasphemy would work very well with FP. You are usually to far from enemies for the Aura to touch them. And i feel like the mana regen would not be enough. But i am not too sure.

Quick question.. Would the fire leech work since we are pure chaos damage? i know its a conversion. But just not too sure.

Range of blasphemy will be enough imo. Both blasphemy and curse gains increased AOE as they lvl up. Also we've got +24% aura range from tree.

Mana regen will be enough also, I've done the math, trust me.

Fire leech wont work since we're doing pure chaos dmg. The belt is "just" for resistances, str and dmg increase.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Dec 30, 2015, 4:57:18 PM
RicoKGB wrote:
Dont think Blasphemy would work very well with FP. You are usually to far from enemies for the Aura to touch them. And i feel like the mana regen would not be enough. But i am not too sure.

Quick question.. Would the fire leech work since we are pure chaos damage? i know its a conversion. But just not too sure.

Range of blasphemy will be enough imo. Both blasphemy and curse gains increased AOE as they lvl up. Also we've got +24% aura range from tree.

Mana regen will be enough also, I've done the math, trust me.

Fire leech wont work since we're doing pure chaos dmg. The belt is "just" for resistances, str and dmg increase.

I also feel like your damage would be more like 10-20k dps lower. You miss the cast speed and spell damage on the left side and you also are missing 2 jewel sockets which grant a good amount of damage. And your amulet spot is taken up by Eye of Chayula and your using a shield. I feel going CI would be the safer option with more "Health" and chaos resis. But i feel like the damage would not compare. But like i said i am not 100% sure. This is just what i see.
Hey, nice build :)

I am currently playing a CI crit dual curse freezing pulse. After seeing your build, makes me want to get a consuming dark :D

The best thing is I don't have to respec my tree too.

I see there are some discussion going on here about playing this on CI, so I thought want to share mine.

My final tree:

Dual curse setup:
* Ball Lightning - CoH - Warlord's Mark - Assassin's Mark

Any other alternative on how to dual curse on 4L setup? Currently this feels slow to apply curses, but coverage wise kinda good

Mana reservation:
* HoI - Ice Bite (add Culling Strike if got extra slot) to occasionally generate frenzy charges
* Discipline

About HoI: This is my setup before going chaos conversion. I feel like still wanted to remain some cold damage to freeze, therefore I am not going to get pyre + Infernal Mantle, but will be using Cold to Fire support gem. I am not sure how this will perform when using consuming dark, if it suck then I may just leave HoI unlink.

Other damage mitigation:
* CWDT - IC - Increased Duration - Vaal Discipline (all max lvl)

FP gem setup:
Pre conversion 5L: FP - Spell Echo - Faster Casting - GMP - Cold Penetration

swap Cold Penetration to Cold-to-Fire gem (had to recolor) after getting consuming dark.

Sustain mana purely from curses.

I'm at level 81 now, no consuming yet :(

Inputs are welcome.

Edit: added FP gem setup
Last edited by jonojojo#5543 on Dec 30, 2015, 9:54:29 PM

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