[2.1] Space's 120k gmp dps Crit Chaos Freezing Pulse (BM/EB/MOM/VP/US)
To be honest if youre only using 1 curse manually casting with faster cast and inc aoe is pretty reasonable - also you curse what needs to be cursed 100% of the time. with HoT or HoI it can be a pain cursing a boss with no adds nearby. Not ideal nescessarily, but its not really a big deal ive found. And this is coming from playing like my last 5 builds with some sort of auto curse.
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Is GMP necessary or is LMP shit AoE wise, or is it just a preference? Also, what changes to the build would you recommend if I plan on doing this in Talisman HC.
Last edited by risko#5017 on Dec 27, 2015, 12:56:19 PM
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yay fp
have u tried atziri with this yet? |
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Add clear mind ;)
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Risko - So LMP vs GMP is really a preference thing. The way freeze pulse works now it doesnt shotgun so theres no point in overlapping. That said, gmp gives it a wider spread and i've found is better for clear speed. It's enough damage with gmp anyhow to clear all the maps i've done up to t12 (wish higher would drop but such is life) with 1-2 casts per pack (at .21 cast time this is less than half a second).
You can control the spread of freezing pulse by clicking closer or farther to your character. This takes some getting used to, but if you are dilligent you can make lmp cover almost as much ground as gmp by just clicking closer to yourself. I'd say if your dps is lower then go for lmp for the boost, but if youre already killing things quickly enough go for GMP for ease of use. Rabzh - yeah i've done atziri deathless a number of times. It's really quite easy with this build - split phase goes down in a few seconds, the whole atziri fight takes like 90 seconds probably (depending on how many add phases she hits). I think the only easier atziri build i've done is CI crit whispering ice just cause of the insane stacking damage of multiple icestorms. This build generally clears faster though cause icestorm is such slow casting time. Bnethor - I'm using clear mind! 60% spelldmg from one jewel is insane! A side note, I found another chaos conversion guide for FP https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1522795 He goes CI and doesnt really use crit, so much lower dps numbers but slightly higher effective HP, although no access to health pots and no unwavering stance. Also has to deal with the low mana problem from infernal mantle. Not how I'd do it, but interesting to see another take on the idea. |
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really nice build man i like it. Do you think grabbing Fatal Toxins would be worth it? 120% increase damage with poison since you poison 100% of the time? Do you have any videos by any chance. Would love to see this in action as FP is really the only spell i like.
Last edited by Pharcri#6805 on Dec 27, 2015, 10:14:57 PM
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I think that fatal toxins are too far away to be useful unfortunately. It would be 6 points. I think if you had the 6 points to spend the "method to the madness" or "atrophy" pure chaos dmg nodes would be a better investment as they impact not just the poison but the initial hit as well, resulting in similar poison damage but a stronger initial hit.
Sorry no videos at this point, im traveling abroad and playing on a 3g hotspot connection most of the time so uploading just isnt possible at the moment. If you want to see the build you can alway msg me in game though I'd be happy to run a map or 2 with anyone who is curious. |
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Im gunna try this build RIGHT NOW! looks so badass man, been looking for something new, any ideas on when ur gunna do a leveling tree? :D :D :D
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Ill edit in a lvling tree but I respeccd into it at like lvl 83 from an ek build so I'm not sure how well itl work out for lvling. I hear that the new nights hold talisman is super op up until about lvl 40-50 with a flame totem, might try that for lvling. Freezing pulse would be good in a +1/+3 wand/scepter as well I'd imagine, then you can use the gem all the way up which is pretty fun.
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Great build. I will start a new character for this build. Thanks for sharing. I have a question to you.
I was checking your tree and saw that you took phys & chaos damage nodes at the beginning of Shadow tree. Why didn't you chose the ele damage nodes instead? Since you are making the damage conversion of cold into fire into chaos, I believe ele. damage nodes would double dip your overall dps? Am I right, or is there something I am overlooking? |
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