[2.1] Space's 120k gmp dps Crit Chaos Freezing Pulse (BM/EB/MOM/VP/US)

Very nice build, crazy clear speed, no reflect is godly, being able to alch and not give a shite what mods it rolls is wonderful, a CWDT link/something else possibly to fill the remaining slots would be helpful (not that the build even needs it or anything) but aside from that i see no fault with this build. OP is very willing to answer any questions and is very helpful and quick in response. Nice one dude.

Last edited by Mandibles#7428 on Dec 28, 2015, 11:43:09 PM
SpaceJanitor wrote:
Nataz what dps are you hitting with the 6l mantle? did you try any other support gems? Cold to fire seems really good, id be curious what its like vs added cold or added chaos instead. What are your impressions of the build now that youre got it up and running?

Im Hitting around 100k tooltip with the 6l, Me and a buddy tried everything we could think off and Cold to Fire seemed to be the most beneficial as its adding 30% so you're converting 130% Cold dmg instead of 100%.

Survivability is okayesh as long as i stay back and just wreck everything. Doing T12's im still 2 shotting everything so dmg is not an issue but ive gone for more jewel nodes than life nodes and im considering running kaoms roots so save 6 skill point
you can hit things offscreen with the skill now

Ok bro.. I believe you. It seems the projectile speeds buffs were pretty strong. But all I wanted is some clips to show us how you kill mobs 1 screen away.
That's some pretty nice gear you have there

How well would this build work on a budget, I want to move off playing a support build to this but I'm worried that people can't reach these numbers easily
IGN shdowe
Hey mate,
First of all,nice build!
It seems that you can leech life only during atziri flasks, but skills always cost your life. I'm a little afraid that I cant get used to look after the flask all the time. So,what do u think if I get some life rege% points instead of VP? or just not worth to do this?
shdowe- Honestly my gear is not very good or expensive. The only expensive thing is the maligaros, and those can be swapped easily with winds of change for a budget option.

Heres a breakdown of cost-
5l infernal mantle - 50-70 chaos (i 5l'd it myself for less but thats rng)
Consuming Dark - 15-30 chaos
2nd dagger - mine was 6 chaos early in the league (probably a bit more now but its far from perfect)
Helm - 4 chaos
Boots - 8 chaos
Amulet - 20 chaos
Ring - 6 chaos
Pyre - 1 chaos
Maligaros - 1.5 ex (winds of change are a few c i believe)
belt - 4 chaos

Jewels - none were over 6 chaos

If you think this is expensive for a build that can run t12+ maps I dont know what to tell you. Its one of the most cost effective builds i've ever done.

azamantes - if you want to see how the build works just hit me up in game at "space". no videos for a bit im on 3g connection.

Nataz - thanks for the info man, I'd forgotten about cold to fire gem that seems like a really good option. I personally wouldnt go for kaoms roots, the path to unwavering goes through a bunch of life nodes so its a good decision i think.

Mandibles - nice talking to you in game, glad youre enjoying the build!

Final point about using bloodmagic with no regen - its not an issue really, i use 2 health pots which can restore life easily enough. It's no worse than paying attention to mana. I actually havent tried it without VP because i love how it works with it. You could definetly try it without though, theres a good amount of regen close by to spec into if you try that route. If you try it I'd be curious to hear how it works out.
Last edited by SpaceJanitor#4691 on Dec 29, 2015, 3:31:54 AM
SpaceJanitor wrote:
shdowe- Honestly my gear is not very good or expensive. The only expensive thing is the maligaros, and those can be swapped easily with winds of change for a budget option.

Heres a breakdown of cost-
5l infernal mantle - 50-70 chaos (i 5l'd it myself for less but thats rng)
Consuming Dark - 15-30 chaos
2nd dagger - mine was 6 chaos early in the league (probably a bit more now but its far from perfect)
Helm - 4 chaos
Boots - 8 chaos
Amulet - 20 chaos
Ring - 6 chaos
Pyre - 1 chaos
Maligaros - 1.5 ex (winds of change are a few c i believe)
belt - 4 chaos

Jewels - none were over 6 chaos

If you think this is expensive for a build that can run t12+ maps I dont know what to tell you. Its one of the most cost effective builds i've ever done.

I guess I'll roll this build to try.
Just looking at your levelling tree though, I feel like it makes no sense, surely you wouldn't path out of the shadow through the phys/chaos nodes while levelling as with the crit nodes, wouldn't both of the elemental damage paths be better while levelling?
IGN shdowe
Last edited by shdowe#7495 on Dec 29, 2015, 5:25:37 AM
Dang yeah youre definetly right about that for lvling, then you could just respec into the chaos nodes. Unless of course you're leveling with nights hold for the lvl 10 added chaos dmg, in which case they'd be just fine. Good catch though
since Ziggy is playing a simiar build around Consuming Dark now, the price went up to an Ex :D fun stuff
nice build. do you suggest that we use turmoil jewel for every jewel slot? also for jewel as long as cold damage increase is high is that ok or should we get both high rating on cold and fire dmg increase?

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