The Exiled Sale Recipe Book (spoilers)
" Just an idea later - its not said/proved that this new recipe did not work with any triple match... I actually dont have the needed ingredients to check it with weapon and/or armour parts, sadly. invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
-- deutsche Community: & |
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I might have some on HC legace. IIRC there were over 20 regal matches and and some 4 of a kind.
If the devs changed the receipe to +1 item of the same name the "fix" is just stupid. Instead of filling 20 stashtabs, you will fill 50 stashtabs now. I was really hoping for something like have different rares with stats without any affix group match so people would sell rares and get alchemy orbs randomly. |
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I was hoping that just a partial match (e.g. 3 items with 1 word of the name in common) would be it, but it doesn't seem to give anything.
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This is the "fix" ?Even more hoarding and stash buying? Im not impressed.
GGG listen.. the name matching suxx. Its also annoying wiithout thrid party program. Who even ahve idea that this is fun? Its mindless stashing and that click 'scan' in PoE HElper - nothing more. Or eyebleeding and HOURS of inventory tetris with manual matching. Remove this recipe and make something fun and creative. Thank You. And Make items valued higher by vendors overall (for example why GOOD rare cant give me alchemy orb? or at least half of it? why higher and rarer affixes cant give high lvl orbs shards?) because atm vendor system in PoE is even less rewarding that in D2 (at last in D2 when i get armor with high defense i may sell it and go gambling. In Poe i get 2 alteration shards... oh my! my precious! Im so thrilled!). Srsly. Going to vendor after clearing whole map is the saddest thing in game beacuse in 99,9% cases you will get nothing. With current implementation i liked "worthless" D2 gold more. Last edited by Kabraxis#1526 on Dec 4, 2012, 8:03:36 PM
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" Seems as its the best solution they could make 'work' as fast as desired, did not mean there are no better ways. From what we guess/expect now; if its not simply 'you need one more than before', but 'you need three in special/different combinations' (like the first proven: 3 jewelries for an Alchemy), it can be a valid thing: you can concentrate on just a part of the item pool to make (or wait for) your desired match. To keep this within some limits, was what I had in mind some above as I wrote about a limitation on the name pool... " Cause its very hard to define what's 'good', this is basically different for nearly every point of view/build. " They give higher shard amounts, and some rare mods even give alchemy shards... which are lowered some time ago cause it was decided that it was too easy and not fitting the desired rareness of Alchemy Orbs. And: as the amount of shards is stacking with each mod, an item with high mods can already give you a lot of them as selling reward... could be end up very OP if they'd change it to make it even more rewarding. (for me, I like to have only one kind of shards to keep (beside the alchemy ones), especially as you can transform and upgrade the basic orbs at the vendors. What I (sometimes) miss is an option to transform them in the other direction as the vendors offers: trading Augmentations into Alterations and these into Transmutes...) Only idea I can imagine to some point, would be to increase the 'base value' of higher tier items: maybe give a full ID scroll for tier 3, then some shards (transmutation, alteration, augmentation...and an alchemy shard for the highest one?) [/quote] invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
-- deutsche Community: & |
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" Why would the fix be stupid? Chris wrote the following some days ago : " The new recipe is doing exactly that. The problem with the last recipe was not that you got a lot of alch orbs. The problem was that the value of the alts you lost because of not selling rares was way lower than the value of the alchs you got with the alch recipe. I think it should be balanced or even a bit UP now (at least for < 50 stash pages). An example (the numbers may be off a bit but i think it shows my point) : Lets assume you fill your stash with rares and for 4 pages you loose a stack of alts. With 40 stash pages you loose 10 stacks of alts thats around 20 alchs. The old recipe was OP because you got around 50 alchs with 40 stash pages and in a races it was possible (together with a friend) to fill 40 stash pages. With the new recipe and 40 stash pages i'm quite sure you won't get 20 alchs - it's better to sell your rares. I think in races it should be ok as long as you don't play in larger groups (> 4-5 members) and match your items there. For normal HC the break-even point has increased by a lot and even then i'm not sure if it's a good idea to cripple you the first weeks just to have more alchs later. I think i'll try a mf build the next race - i'm really curious how many alchs you'll get. |
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Hillbert's point was that it just took more stash tabs. The last "fix" added more rare names and all they did was make it so people with more tabs just made less while people without the stash tabs made NONE. Ask Slurms, Jerk, Moosifer, and I how that worked out last time... It just took us a little longer to get started after filling up all those tabs. However, this change is fairly more drastic and even more harmful to those who lack the tabs. Now they get those 1-2 alchs they may have gotten as regals before while we get 40+ in the stead of our 50ish regals we make in a single trade. On a positive note, 50 alchs beats the 120 we each had WITHOUT trading.
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The problem is as Xikorut says.
Normal players will never use this receipe, while other players will fill 50+ stash tabs and still have alchemy orbs over time and then it's the same situation again. The only thing this "fix" does is, delay the problem not fix it. The 2 name receipe took around 2 weeks to take remarkable effect, the 3 name receipe takes 4 weeks to take remarkable effect. So the next step will be 4 names of a kind to delay it another 3 weeks? |
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In my opinion the best way to resolve the alchemy orb issue for players with >20 stash tabs is to have un-identified rares sell for 1-4 alchemy shards.
Not only would this help to counter the pay to win aspect of the stash tabs it would provide players with a consistent flow of orbs while creating a gear sink. IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
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Kind of a mathematical fluke: Suppose you have a name pool of 1,000 possible names. By coincidence, you will need to stockpile 1,000 items before adding 3 more results in a 3-item match on average. With 2-item matching, you would have only needed 500 items stashed before adding 2 more gave another match on average.
This is a pretty profound difference against the old system. So far I've confirmed on the order of 7200 possible name combinations. Think that through a minute: if you're stashing 2x3 and smaller items, the average item size is probably slightly larger than 4. So to reach the "equilibrium" point on your stash you need: (7200 * 4) / (12 * 12) stash tabs, or 200 stash tabs. (I don't even have all the names mapped. edit: I have at least 65% of them, for sure) So now, they've doubled the time investment for an alch machine. The opportunity cost has also just become 7200 / ( 2.5 * 8 ) ~~ about 40 stacks of fusings. Yeah, that's expensive. The ceiling for those numbers (because I don't have all the names) is: 300 tabs, 60 stacks of fusings, 11,000 items. Almost everyone will need some sort of strategy. We also don't know if it's "triple match of same base item type" or just "triple match". Basically, nobody will just hoard everything. You'll restrict your stashing operation down to a small cross section of the item pool, even if you have tons of tabs. -- I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago. Last edited by Zakaluka#1191 on Dec 5, 2012, 4:58:52 PM
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