[2.1] Amazing Crit Reave Dagger - Life/Ev/Dodge - DPS/Survivability 800k DPS/5.8k Life - In Depth
I think u miss one optimization in your tree, it's not a big deal +2% more pdmg. ![]() I know your build is optmized between dps and life but I'm also not sure if it's worth going down for Golem's blood node and jewel socket next to it, since you need to literally waste three passive nodes for flat +10 dex each. Last edited by ojejku#1220 on Dec 30, 2015, 12:10:59 PM
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" in the gearing section he did mention you can use maligaro virtuose instead.maligaro is pretty similar to acuity (+ crit glove) |
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" for the 2% extra dmg you cant grab the 10% instead of the 8% since its the connection to the path. for golem blood,i think the 15% extra life and 1.6% regen+jewel worth it.jewel can give about 3 nodes worth of stats and 15%life 1.6% is worth like 3-4 nods (if you look at most life,regen nods).the life regen will also help for bloodrage. Last edited by zakariusqc#1505 on Dec 30, 2015, 1:13:23 PM
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right, I noticed that right after i posted message but I had to leave so didn't have time to re-edit message.
I get it that you get life etc. I just said it's not optimized I think. I would rather get Growth and Decay that would boost my DoT if I wear bino's for example or purely for viper strike. Those nodes give you 2% life regen as well, additionally you could get socket jewel next to Fatal Toxins. I just don't like wasting many points on flat stat unless you need it. |
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well yes,if you want to push more your dps, you could sacrifice blood golem for something else. OP did say that he build is tree around balance and there is room to aim for higther dps.
imo,the build already have quite good dps and you never have enought survavibility. poison and dmg over time will only be usefull again boss like atziri since reave dmg is already enought for everything else but +life will be usefull for everything. in the end,its your decision.ppl have different taste,some like higther dps while other prefer a safe build with hight survavibility. it also depend what the build will be use for. if you want to farm atziri non stop, dmg over time might be better for you. |
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i feel like this guide doesnt get as much attention that it should.....it seem incredibly well balanced and the survavibility seem pretty good for the amount of dmg it can do.
between if you have some time to spare on your guide,it would be great to put a leveling section (passive tree,gear,skill suggestion before going ST and reave, leveling unik,support gem priority for reave).it would make your guide much more accessible for new player. between,why did you posted in shadow section when you start from ranger lol?you could provide a tree for shadow also (starting as a shadow seem way better for low lvl since all your dmg are there and +int for dagger but endgame, ranger seem better since the starting area have life+eva) edit:finaly hit lvl 38 for multistrike,dmg start to rise and clear speed getting better,really tanky so far,still use essence sap for mana atm and i dont have any mana issu with hatred+HOA up, Last edited by zakariusqc#1505 on Dec 30, 2015, 6:47:56 PM
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Ill edit and catch up with all of the posts after work tonight! Im sorry for the delay, work and the holiday season has been crazy. I have been min/maxing quite a but playing around with some new jewels and a new ring. Ill share some of that after I catch up with questions as well as update the utility skill part of the thread which I think for most builds can be game changing and cheaper than crazy gear.
*Check out my Impressive Life based Reave Ranger Build-Guide - Thread # 1519684
-5800 Life / High DPS - Balanced Damage and Survivability. |
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" Definitely with loath bane and some skill. Iv'e watched Hitma's video probably 100 times now. Ill be posting videos of a run once I get it down. " I almost didn't make the guide but I loved it too much not to. I made sure to give him credit in the OP though. It looked like hitma was done and not going to provide any 2.1 updates on this build anymore so I did it. I have thought about reaching out to him to see what he thinks about the tree, and if he has any suggestions. I have not done that as of yet. " When I came back to POE I had two characters with full respec. An 89 shadow, and a 90 Ranger. I have NOT leveled up with this build. I have asked another poster who is currently leveling up with this build if hes interested in providing the guide with a few trees, tips, and suggestions regarding the level up process. I do not have the time right now with work and school starting to go through that. If he does I'll update the guide asap. I could come up with some suggestions on my own but without going through the process it doesn't seem right. " Personally, I would choose Maligaro's. If resists are an issue despite shield, belt, rings and jewels, atk spd with res/life wouldn't be bad either. I'll pick some up and do some high tier maps with bino's and malis, no vaal pact so we can regen and see how it go's. Ill post videos along with it. " He's right on, the regen combined with life, and the jewel socket are too good to pass up. With the life I have on gear I would lose sooooo much by dropping the 20% there. In my opinion that was one of the best changes I made from when I started. I originally had the DOT/Regen nodes. " Well, the beauty of this game is the customization for what YOU want out of YOUR build. This serves as an idea for some and a guide for others. You don't have to follow it to the T. I think it's very optimized around both survivability and DPS. You have to remember that I use viper strike as a tool, not as my main skill. I also use reave with concentrated effect in the same way in some situations. I have done many bosses with viper, taken fatal toxin's several times, and started this build as you suggested with the DOT growth and decay nodes. In my experience it just wasn't worth it. The core of the build is all about Reave and running high level content. Once you get up to the mid 90's any player will tell you that dying is not good for leveling and will set you back quite a bit. It takes a lot of time, energy, and currency to level up at this point. The jewel socket by fatal toxins is worth taking once you get to a high level, 98 unless you want to drop considerable life. The projectile damage nodes would give us a very small boost to spec t, but thats not why you would be taking it, and can consider those two nodes worthless as well. Flat stats do provide some benefit. High Strength on rings and amulets provide a ton of life and can add quite a bit to your dps. Dex gives us evasion and accuracy which also helps you hit more often thus increasing your dps. Sure you wont go out of your way for these node's but id rather have str/dex over two projectile dmg any day. You can mess around with both Reave and Viper, I encourage the use of viper in many boss encounters. However, in my opinion, "optimization" should be around the core of your build. If you can afford a second 6L daresso with all of the correct Viper strike gems to SWAP to, it might be worth taking fatal toxins and the growth and decay nodes. " This is true. My reave one shot's basically everything, trio fight, atziri, voll in wasteland etc. are the only things you'll benefit from when it comes to DOT anyway. If in maps your relying on DOT to take out packs were not doin it right. " Well, I definitely feel its viable for both builds. I had both a Shadow and Ranger that were unused at the time and stumbled upon hitmas build before 2.1. I chose the ranger for my build. Long story short when I made the guide I posted it in both sections because both classes will work, but offer slightly different choices. If going for more DPS I think shadow is the choice, if you want life I'd go Ranger. As for the leveling aspects of the guide, I fully intend on providing help for starting players. Problem is I haven't leveled with this build, and when I made the guide, assumed most of the people building it would be using passive respec's from 2.1. Not only that, I didnt expect it to make the Shadow build sticky/get as much attention as it did. I have used my respec for this build on my lvl 89 Shadow. At the moment, considerably less life than my 95 Ranger, but feels and plays the same. It's a shame in my opinion that the Shadow didn't receive any early life nodes. *Check out my Impressive Life based Reave Ranger Build-Guide - Thread # 1519684
-5800 Life / High DPS - Balanced Damage and Survivability. |
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Can I replace Herald of Ash with curse+blasphemy? If so, what curse is better? I was thinking of Warlord's Mark, Poacher's Mark, Assassin's Mark and Vulnerability(roughly from defensive to offensive ones). Are my thoughts accurate of are there curses that aren't worth it? Or is that HoA -> Blasphemy replacement not even working at all?
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" Hey I finally got my toon to where she could use multi-strike too, but her dps seems a bit low. The way I started was ranger and once I got the Finesse node, went down to the Duelist until I got to Master of the Arena. Then I went back to grab Herbalism. After that I went all the way up to get Flaying. So very tanky and good HP at this level but dps seems to be a bit low. I'm also having mana issues so just got Essence Sap too and it helps but I am still using 2 Elreon (-8 to mana each) rings to help with mana. I am using Tabula so maybe 6L at this level is too much? |
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