[2.1] Amazing Crit Reave Dagger - Life/Ev/Dodge - DPS/Survivability 800k DPS/5.8k Life - In Depth

VintageSheep wrote:
I am starting this build tonight I think. Tho my only problem is that I currently only have 3ex and a bino's I am borrowing from a friend. What would you think would be the bare minimum or buying guide of which uniques and items I should gear out first.Also do you have a path that you would recommend going through the passive tree

What class will you be using, and are you starting from lvl 1? I use the ranger for this build though its quite similar on the shadow.
*Check out my Impressive Life based Reave Ranger Build-Guide - Thread # 1519684
-5800 Life / High DPS - Balanced Damage and Survivability.
Last edited by FortyFive#0913 on Dec 26, 2015, 8:20:47 PM

What class will you be using, and are you starting from lvl 1? I use the ranger for this build though its quite similar on the shadow.

I will be using whatever class I assumed the ranger as that what is what the skill tree is based on.
I reached Lvl 50 now... :)

Does the endurance charge drop from the chest interfere with the immortal call setup?
Last edited by Gore#6640 on Dec 27, 2015, 10:41:14 AM
Hello there,

Lately i'll start SC temporary league and i like your build, seems solid and fun to play :)
Only problem is it might overbudgeted for me, what can you tell us for temporary leagues ? Is it too painful to play until get decent gear or managable ?

Leveling progression section for this build would be amazing :)
Last edited by Zhultas#6315 on Dec 27, 2015, 12:48:32 PM
FortyFive wrote:
Mahero18 wrote:
Hi guys, this build looks great but one thing I still don't understand is why do you use a spectral throw set up in the build? I don't know how daresso works but can't you keep up your power charges without spectral throw?

Spec throw is an amazing part of this build. Simply put it generates power charges and some frenzy charges as we crit and get long distance kills. Its incredibly fun to use, damages packs, and has a wide variety of uses. Most of the time ill spec throw into a pack, whirling blade into the pack and explode it with reave. Ill move pack to pack this way and it results in a very fast clear of whatever area we are in while easily keeping up charges Check out one or more of the videos I have linked and you can see how I use the skill with reave. It gives us both long range and short range attack, with 20/20 gems id guess my blades travel more than two screens in distance. I can tell if the blades hit enemies which also gives me intel on where enemies are and the upper hand.

Other option aside from our current spec t setup would be to drop it and us pcoc linked in the 6l resulting in far less dps and an overall weaker build. Highly reccommend trying the spec t setup as shown!

Darresos's is KEY because it gives us the essential's like life, life leech, added flat dodge, and keeps our endurance charges up. The idea is that we evade, dodge, and block most attacks which means we dont get hit, but kill lots of enemies. Resulting in a constant stream of endurance charges. These get expended when cast when dmg taken procs with immortal call linked resulting in physical immunity for a short duration. We kill lots of stuff very fast, which means our endurance charges are right back up again and ready. Its a great chest piece.

Hope that helps!

Oooh my bad! I thought daresso was giving power charges lol but it gives endurance, so you need ST to get power charges. Alright got it, I missread the charges daresso gives lol.

Thanks for your answer !
Hello, I've started to using your guide, but reave without any gems support gems is... meh. Any advices how to lvl up with this build? I've tabula and few ex orbs in stash to use.
It can do Atziri or Uber?
Hey thanks for posting your build. I've been looking for a Reave/Spectral Throw build too and also came across Hitma47's 2.0 build. I'm glad you were able to update it for 2.1 and so just started a new ranger. I assume that ranger is ideal due to the higher starting evasion/life? Anyways, I have most of the unique gear you recommended sitting in my stash...just need to get an Atziri's Acuity. Can't wait to get to higher levels. So far, at level 21 clear speed is pretty decent, spectral throw at incoming packs and reave them as they come in range, rinse repeat. It's pretty fun actually.
i was looking for a reave build but most build around going pure dps and they have low life so your variation seem pretty balanced between dmg and survavibility.im leveling it atm in talisman.

how do you sustain manacost at low lvl?i see that you are only using mana leech from jewel. you took essence sap i suppose?

also,what was you using for early lvl?spectral trhow is awfull so i switched back to bow build since they feel really strong for lvling now with the low bow dmg buff and the new skill.

edit: i find it quite hard to lvl with this build atm.starting as a ranger mean you dont have any str,int around and since dagger need int,you cant use them until you reach the shadow area.reave is also garbage until you get multistrike and spectral throw hit like a noodle.you definitly want to lvl with something else until you reach a decent lvl....

Last edited by zakariusqc#1505 on Dec 29, 2015, 9:29:27 PM
I just started Talisman a bit ago and have aquired most of the items on the list. Except for Atziri's Acuity.. Are there any substitute gloves you can recommend? They're 25ex+ and the last part of the set I really need, but I don't really feel that this set demands 35+ex worth of gear haha

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