[2.1] Amazing Crit Reave Dagger - Life/Ev/Dodge - DPS/Survivability 800k DPS/5.8k Life - In Depth
" I would def do that but I actually do not own one atm. I borrowed one for a friend. If you would like me to test that for ya and have one for me to use id gladly do it. Ill be on for the next four hours or so. Also, In a 5L i would use Reave - melee phys - multi strike - phys to light - inc aoe. Once you get the 6L add weapon ele dmg. Phys to light one boosts dps, but also mitigates phys reflect. It balances so well, at least in my 6L with wed that neither reflect has killed me, or affects me whatsoever. I dont even have to pay attention to those mods on mobs. *Check out my Impressive Life based Reave Ranger Build-Guide - Thread # 1519684
-5800 Life / High DPS - Balanced Damage and Survivability. |
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" Well I gave it a try. Was able to reach 46k+ with Binos on a 5link with Rats Nets (reave - melee phys dmg - multi strike - inc aoe - inc crit damage) with Phys 2 light on a 5link deeps where like 45k+. I was playing a bit like that with a 5l Carcass Jack and it was quite ok. But this build really needs a 6link. Currently with a crap gear on a 6link (reave - melee phys dmg - multi strike - inc aoe - phys2light - weapon ele dmg) I can easily reach 65k with Blood rage and only 5/3 charges. I've dropped herald, running only hatred and assasins mark on a blasphemy - I'm to lazy to generate power charges via separate skill. Defensive whise its quite ok (43/40/46). I'm 1/3 through from lvl 90 to 91 and died once. The only problem is high phys dmg spikes, like Zanas Dungeon Warden (lvl 75+), Jungle Valley Bos and so on. They will sometimes bypass 3 layers of rng defence and than it hurts. So 6l Daresso would help with those with endu charges spinning around and 6% more dodge on top of that (but I currently cannot afford 6l one). I've also dropped Vaal Packt, relying purely on "normal" leech and Bino's crazy life regen. I'm also using cwdt - warlords mark for additional leech when I need it. Reflect is not an issue. Build feels quite solid and has one of the best clear speeds and almost never dies. And that combination is what I like the most. Latest guides: 3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2904155 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362 Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Dec 22, 2015, 3:14:09 AM
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" well thats good to hear and it only gets better as you progress in lvl, gear, and gem levels. If you can, try out the spec throw - faster proj - GMP - pcoc setup. Dosnt feel like work at all, it damages packs, feels amazing, and really adds to the build. Honestly one of my favorite parts lol. You will find so many uses for the skill. Anyway, if you do let me know how you life it! *Check out my Impressive Life based Reave Ranger Build-Guide - Thread # 1519684
-5800 Life / High DPS - Balanced Damage and Survivability. |
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the build seems to be freaking awesome exactly what i was looking for a super deeps crit in your face build :D thnx alot for making this build i was wondering tho how do you feel about playing with a carcass instead of daressos ?
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" Heyy, Im glad you like it but I def can't take credit for creating it lol! This was just my take and an update for 2.1 :) Ill add the question about using jack to the faq. While I think its doable, there are many advantages to using daresso's for this particular build. We want to evade and dodge as much as we can while surviving the times we do get hit. Daresso's give us life, flat out dodge, life leech, and a constant supply of endurance charges. When we do get hit we will pick up a short boost of onslaught. Paired with cwdt and immortal call, i feel this works very effectively. Jack iust cant compete in my opinion. *Check out my Impressive Life based Reave Ranger Build-Guide - Thread # 1519684
-5800 Life / High DPS - Balanced Damage and Survivability. |
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Hi guys, this build looks great but one thing I still don't understand is why do you use a spectral throw set up in the build? I don't know how daresso works but can't you keep up your power charges without spectral throw?
Thanks. |
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When doing a "Guide / Build" it is recommanded to use item worth 5 to 10ex per piece maximum (excluding the 6link wish you can suggest the 5 first). Any build with that type of weapon will be good. You could even play a elemental hit character and reach decent amount of dps (tested). Gl hf.
Last edited by ZePample#0404 on Dec 26, 2015, 6:15:27 PM
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" Hey, thanks for the feedback! Im not sure if you just looked at MY gear or actually dove into the thread. Ive been testing the build with bino's and actually posted a video of me in a t10 with 125k dps (non flask). I have recordings of me doing village ruin with bosses ill be posting soon.. All without loath bane. The idea of the build is centered around using some great skills and tools to blow through content. Loath bane isnt needed, but obviously adds dps. That being said, there are many build guides out there ranging from beginner to full mirror end game. This guide is meant to be a mid level to high level priced build depending on your dagger. The idea was to share my favorite, and most fun build ive had with people while helping others. Between the ranger and shadow subsections, the feedback recieved, and the amount of people Ive helped in a short period of time, the guide has already exceeded my expectations. Ill continue to update this thread with new tools, ideas, and alternative gear for those looking to create it on a budget while maintaining the endgame aspect. *Check out my Impressive Life based Reave Ranger Build-Guide - Thread # 1519684
-5800 Life / High DPS - Balanced Damage and Survivability. |
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I am starting this build tonight I think. Tho my only problem is that I currently only have 3ex and a bino's I am borrowing from a friend. What would you think would be the bare minimum or buying guide of which uniques and items I should gear out first.Also do you have a path that you would recommend going through the passive tree
Last edited by VintageSheep#2663 on Dec 26, 2015, 8:27:48 PM
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" Spec throw is an amazing part of this build. Simply put it generates power charges and some frenzy charges as we crit and get long distance kills. Its incredibly fun to use, damages packs, and has a wide variety of uses. Most of the time ill spec throw into a pack, whirling blade into the pack and explode it with reave. Ill move pack to pack this way and it results in a very fast clear of whatever area we are in while easily keeping up charges Check out one or more of the videos I have linked and you can see how I use the skill with reave. It gives us both long range and short range attack, with 20/20 gems id guess my blades travel more than two screens in distance. I can tell if the blades hit enemies which also gives me intel on where enemies are and the upper hand. Other option aside from our current spec t setup would be to drop it and us pcoc linked in the 6l resulting in far less dps and an overall weaker build. Highly reccommend trying the spec t setup as shown! Darresos's is KEY because it gives us the essential's like life, life leech, added flat dodge, and keeps our endurance charges up. The idea is that we evade, dodge, and block most attacks which means we dont get hit, but kill lots of enemies. Resulting in a constant stream of endurance charges. These get expended when cast when dmg taken procs with immortal call linked resulting in physical immunity for a short duration. We kill lots of stuff very fast, which means our endurance charges are right back up again and ready. Its a great chest piece. Hope that helps! *Check out my Impressive Life based Reave Ranger Build-Guide - Thread # 1519684 -5800 Life / High DPS - Balanced Damage and Survivability. Last edited by FortyFive#0913 on Dec 26, 2015, 8:53:42 PM
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