[2.2 Whispering Ice, Lowlife, Pure Unique wearer 1900+ Int, updated]
" Well... I didn't suggested them for burn damage, because I figured that we don't burn for much. It was more the "15% increased Damage Against Ignited enemies" add that I meant which could be useful/good. |
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" Thats cool thank you for the suggestion its always worth giving these things a look over and very much looking for ways to improve the build. Unfortunately due to how icestorm scales with Int each 10 Int is roughly 9% increased damage. Sin Trek has 30 Int on them for 27% increased damage as well as having more ES. Thanks for the post though as I was doing some changes and your suggestion helped convince me to do the legwork and get those resistances so I could change into the Sin Trek boots. |
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Well, I started recoloring my 5 off-color shav's so I could run the balance of my auras there and add PoL and as fate would have it, I get this....
RRRGGG Of course this is no use to me in this build but I am hesitating before taking any further action. 6 off colors on a Shav's might possibly be an opportunity to trade down to a normally colored one and gain some EX in the deal but I am not a POE market whiz so no idea if there is demand for something like this or not. I hate holding things up in completing my build and gem setup but don't want to botch an opportunity. Do any of you all have any thoughts on if it's worth sitting tight for a deal or just going ahead and recoloring it? |
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" haha I hate it when I get super rare colours on gear but don't know what to do with it. I have no idea if that is worth anything From my perspective lowlife is 3 real builds 1. Spell damage pain attunement 2. Cast on crit pain attunement 3. buzzsaw/wand many auras 1 and 2 definitely need blue gems. I guess if they are not going crit then number 3 could use 6 off colour? I don't know if that would be very common though, especially wand pretty much needs Increased critical damage gem :S Last edited by WaffleT#6054 on Aug 2, 2015, 1:24:16 PM
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how do you chill enemies with fire dmg?
can you explain to me why fire is better than cold? IGN: Perz | Reaver: view-thread/523959 | Wander: view-thread/742525 | Cycloner: view-thread/804489 Last edited by Perz#2458 on Aug 2, 2015, 3:27:01 PM
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" Arctic Breath, Icestorm and Arctic Armour provide "chilled ground" effect. This is a unique mechanic where the ground then chills things without doing damage and will happen regardless of type of damage or even if no damage is dealt from the skill that made the chilled ground. We constantly reapply the ground effect by casting the storm. Temp chains also increases the time before the chill would wear off. The reason main reason why fire is better the cold is that the cold to fire support gem has a 30% more multiplyer along with 20% increased damage quality bonus from a tiny 110% increased mana increase. This makes is better then other support gem options. Going 100% fire conversion is also good because it allows us to be very efficient in the tree. We can grab both fire walker and cold walker for 18% damage and resistances and the snowfored cluster ends in a "25% increased fire & 25% increased cold damage" which are both applied giving 50% damage in one node which is the biggest single damage node there is. The only real downside is spending 1 point on avatar of fire and no longer freezing/shattering, but killing everything much faster matters more to me then a freeze and casting more. TLDR: It gives us the most damage |
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Currently running this tree at level 88.
I skilled Nullification and Voidbarrier alongside Reflexes because this alone gives me ~ 10-12K+ Evasion (50%+ chance to evade) and more ES, which seems like a quite nice "additional defense layer". Thought on that? I am not quite sold by Avatar of Fire. Do I really need it? Is it really that good? I feel like linking Cold to Fire is enough to get good damage, and I maintain a bit of Freeze chance this way thats why I like it. And things like Snowforged are 50% damage boost anyways, with or without the Avatar, or not? Also: I don't know where to go next with my Skilltree. Probably the Mana% Jewel-slot at CI or the Spelldmg Jewel-slot at Scion is the next goal? Or am I missing something important? What do you think? Oh... I should say Amplify and Blast Radius are 2 things I haven't skilled, because I feel its enough to swap Conc Effect or Increased AoE depending on what I do. Tell me your thoughts, and thanks for your awesome work. *thumbs up* Last edited by Necro#5866 on Aug 2, 2015, 4:30:22 PM
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" Thanks for you comments :) I have eyed off Nullification a few times but there is just nothing I want to cut to get it. Are you using a cold/fire pen? If you are using cold to fire without avatar of fire then whichever pen you are using will have its effectiveness halved as only half your damage is that type. The fire parts of the tree will be halved in their effectiveness as well as only half your damage is a type they can increase so fire walker becomes a 9% damage node not a 18% damage one. and snow forged becomes 37.5% damage not 50% increased damage. Taking avatar of fire would "activate the second half of those 3 fire nodes in the tree to give 12.5% + 9% + 4% = 25.5%. So at your current build the 1 point avatar of fire would be a 25.5% damage and 17.5% penetration node (assuming you would be using fire penetration gem) In my most up to date version of the skill tree now in the main page I have also dropped Blast radius. I'm keeping Amplify for now though. I've also added a leveling progression guide to give my impression of what is important nodes to get. I really don't like the Elemental nodes you've gotten in the Templar area, thats 5 points for 63% damage and 2% penetration (even assuming celestial punishment is always active) thats averaging out at 12.6% damage per node which is way lower then this build will get for getting towards those +Int/spell damage hybrid nodes above elementalist in the Templar area or the jewels and those give ES boosts as well as damage. If you really wanted the pure damage not ES/damage hybrid nodes that Int are then I would suggest swapping them into Breath of flame up the top. Its 5 nodes for 71% increased damage and 3% pen instead of 5 nodes for 63% damage and 2% pen EDIT: Also I'm surprised you can sustain a 7 link mana cost without Deep thoughts or Primal spirit. Are you running clarity and maybe dropping one of the 4 purities? Last edited by WaffleT#6054 on Aug 2, 2015, 5:10:08 PM
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I kinda had the afterthought after posting, that the Firenodes only do "half" the effective damage, but this is only true if the damage we deal is exactly 50/50 or not?
Correct me if I am wrong, but assuming lvl 21 CtoF which gives 30% of cold damage "added" as Fire Damage results in 50% cold and 80% fire. So my damagesplit is ~38% Cold and 62% Fire Damage. This makes the Fire nodes more efficent than 50%, no? I don't run any Penetrations atm with my "dualelement" setup. It's Spell Echo, Hypothermia, Cold to Fire, Iron Will, and the last 2 fluctuate (Faster Cast, Added Chaos, Inc AoE, ConcEff, Item Rarity) stuff like that. I see the point tho, that I could get more dps if I fully convert and just run Fire Pen. And about the Auras: I run a midlevel Clarity and i don't run Purity of Elements and so far I haven't had any problems with my Mana. The resistances are still Purity-overcapped because of Void Barrier and Nullification. (With Cold Doryani's instead of Bated Breath) You are right about the Celestial Cluster. It seems inefficient, if I look on the tree. I do the 2 more levels to 90 and rather get the other Jewelslots I mentioned. "IF" I do the full conversion, it'd look like this then, I guess. Last edited by Necro#5866 on Aug 2, 2015, 6:16:25 PM
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" Thanks for your thoughts, Waffle. I ended up trading it for an equally rolled 6L Shav's plus 22 Exalt. Not sure if I could have got more for it with some patience but it got me back operational with this build and netted me a nice chunk of cash without too much delay :) |
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