[2.2 Whispering Ice, Lowlife, Pure Unique wearer 1900+ Int, updated]
So, i need some help. I am level 67 right now and this is my tree. I know there are a lot of unnecessary points. It's because i kind of followed 3 different skill trees. Can you help me out what to regret and where to go next ? I want to eventually switch to your fire version but i doubt i could do that any time soon.
Also, could you check out my gear and help me with what i could replace first and so on ? I am a total noob at this game so i have no currency (0 exalts, 12 chaoses, 22 alchemies) which means i can't really afford any of your unique items but maybe there's something cheap on poe.trade i could get right now that would help me. Stats: Fire resistance: 61% Cold resistance: 72% Lightning resistance: 76% (103%) Chaos resistance: -60% Life: 1265 Energy Shield: 3400 Icestorm average damage: 881 My only Jewel gives me: 16% increased spell damage while wielding a staff 15% increased cold damage 4% increased rarity of items found 16% increased freeze duration on enemies 2% chance to freeze |
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" Thats a pretty nice jewel. I have a similar one I've been tempted to run. Anyway my build is quite high budget and doesn't really work if you don't have a shavs. I would reccomend a less specific build like this one https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1360789/my-posts/1 For your gear first priority is ES and resistances and then hope for some good Int rolls. Save up some jewelers orbs to try and 6 socket that staff. With your tree since you're not going lowlife I would be looking at when you can get CI and the nodes behind it so you are no longer killed by chaos damage. I would definitely spec out of Catalyse in the Templar area as its pretty much a waste of points. Also the three nodes to go get that shadow starting one is quite inefficient. At your current level my tree would look like this https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMBDXwOSBBYEQ8RLxFQEZYV1xcvGmwbJR0UHU8fxySwJ6kpTypTKworeCycLKYsvy0fLYs0CjW5N2Y7DT1fRUdLrkyzUEJSU1ZjXGtd8l8qbRlwu3RVfll_xoCkgpuESIaujDaMdo9GkNaTJ5Ugl_SboZ2unjyiLqKjpwinK6yYr5uycLQMtQS2976KwGbBxcHzw23K09Af1abZE9lb34rfsOQi6QLquuwY7Djv6_fX-tI= |
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Okay, thanks for the tips. I would check out the other guide and comeback to your when i get enough currency maybe. Would you recommend getting 2 Brute Force jewels with chaoses and socketing them right now ? Near the Templar area and the one near the CI node probably.
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Ah gotcha, thanks.
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To update I have swapped Iron Will for Life leech and Voidbringers for Gentle touch as defensive measures.
Swapping out Voidbringers makes mana cost much easier allowing me to spec out of dreamer in the tree meaning that the only mana from tree comes from Deep Thoughts and Primal Spirit which I get because they have 20 Int on them as well but easily sustains the new mana cost of Icestorm. Changing from Voidbringers to gentle touch loses me 800 ES in exchange for constant temp chains and more damage so I think its totally worth it both defensively and offensively. New Int total is 1774 which I'm very happy with, I wanna get that higher though. I tried running conc effect but just can't handle the small aoe. So many more casts on mobs. I think I'll just swap that in when I take down big things like atziri |
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" So if I've been keeping track correctly, your current lineup is: Life Leech > Cold to Fire > Fire Pen > Hypothermia > Faster Casting > Spell Echo? |
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Considering you updated the tree do you have a different path when leveling early?
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I have updated the main page so if you interested in seeing my current setup its on the first page again.
I have added a leveling progression guide that I think should be pretty accurate Adstar if that helps. Let me know if you have any questions. My most recent change is that I noticed I was getting as much ES from aura effect nodes then %increased ES nodes. Since we have insane ES scaling from our Intelligence any flat ES is a really good way to increase our total and aura effect with discipline gives flat ES. I specced out of Blast radius and got Charisma which increased my ES a decent amount. I then specced out of path of the savant and three 6% ES nodes in that wheel in order to get leadership and 1 reduced mana reserved node next to sovertity. This change gave more aura effect for discipline and allowing me to use empower in the vertex to give discipline another +3 to its level. Those swapping of nodes resulted in 362 more Es but reduced my damage by 66 so I consider it worth it. With the new aura reserved and effectiveness nodes I'm now running all 4 purities that together provide us with 136% all resistances without any gear. I'm using a jewel to get them up to 141% so that fire and cold are capped on 81% and lightning is capped on 82% With that I could swap the belt and boots to This adds more ES and damage then getting other nodes in the tree would have done and still leaves my resistances capped from the auras New aura setup is https://poe.mikelat.com/#_rmMR1/kDpKz9W/z75hkVb/86LBSxb " Yep thats right Last edited by WaffleT#6054 on Aug 2, 2015, 1:41:42 PM
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Just wondering, but... How often do you burn enemies with your build?
I am asking because I wondered if you ever considered Gang's Momentum Boots for that build? Rainbowstrides doesn't look like they do much for that build besides being Unique, having ES and giving a bit of all resistance. Gang's have less ES but more Movement Speed and damage, and are Unique too for Perandus. Just tossing idead around, lmk what you think. |
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" Enemies get burnt quite often but not for very much damage. due to the rapid hit nature of the skill the only things that really take enough damage to have a significant burn from 1 of the dozens of hits will have died before the burn could tick down anyway. While the lost resistances would need to be made up somewhere the biggest thing with that change would be losing 50 base ES. With our scaling that translates into about a 200 drop in ES total which would need a large upside to do. I'm currently trying to figure out how to get enough resistances to swap from Rainbowstride to Sin Trek as they will give more ES, Int and damage then the stride. |
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