[2.0] CI/ZO/IR Mjolner (res 94/88/95 before Safells)12K ES 1.4k es/sec UBER Vaal/trio facetank
wow man the gem setting for the shield is superb the vegence and riposte combo and man is it usefull when you open a box and you get lagged out sometime but this really helps with this and also extra mjolner process like crazy.
Last edited by thundershock#4395 on Aug 30, 2015, 7:56:47 AM
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" i appreciate your feedback mate! i am glat to have someone else excited about CI mjolner!!! i have updated the guide with Uber Fight explained. as i state in the guide, uber fight will probably be better with Voidbringers and Vaal Pact version of the tree, but farming uber is not the end goal here, being flexible and doing all kinds of maps is, but for anyone with Uber in mind i would probably advise to give VP tree a try first. also keep in mind, like i mentioned numerous times, this build becomes strictly better then Kingsguard Mjolner with GG gear! Kingsguard users hit a wall much sooner in the endgame, where they cant improve on the build anymore in a meaningful way. what i mean specifically is that for them no amount of mirrored gear will solve the fundamental flaws: chaos vulnerability, inability to tank uber vaal smash, probably Trio and probably Uber double flameblast because of how it penetrates fire res. even my current gear is not perfect. if i had perfect gear i would have much more DPS since i can reallocate stats on jewels currently used for resists to DPS. thing about Kingsguard Mjolner is in my opinion is it is intended exactly like GGG would want: to give people the idea it is overpowered without it actually being so! which is fine by me! it gives a great endgame option at a reasonable price, but if you want the most out of your Mjolner setup, you probably have to go the CI route. |
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Nice guide, i think the revision is good, im currently playing kingsguard but trying it with lightning coil and acuity because of the huge spikes in phys where 70%+ phys mit + arctic armour and a granite flask up isnt often enough. Will see how it plays out and then try yours if i cant mitigate the dmg since my comp is a potato as is my connection and i need more of a buffer.
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" the very reason i started to explore CI mjolner is because under no circumstances with current items available in game (legacy or not) and state of IC, Kingsguard can have better phys mitigation then CI. it is a fact. we can have the same mitigation (armour, charges, IC, whatnot) BUT i will still have DOUBLE ES then the HP of mjolner builds. it is simple math, for phys damage, EHP is double or more. it does come at a sacrifice of dps and ELE resist though, but Kingsguard approach in current meta is flawed in a sense that it makes you very strong agains FIRE and Lightning damage, BUT cold damage is so so, chaos damage is Pain, and Phys damage is dangerous too. i have currently respecced my shadow to run VP version of the build. i alternate between to see how bad of a negative impact on real world dps maligaros Global crit has compared to voidbringer. so far i have no conclusions, i could run some math i guess. in terms of overall feel i would say voidbringer is probably a much better choice for legacy Mjolners because it generate much more charges and gives more ES too. based on my experience so far i am to hit 12k ES atleast with any version of the build, as it seems to be the zone to tank most 1 shot Rips with defenses up, anything less is too rippy. Main problem with VP version is that my DPS need to be higher to have more leech, and that i am 100% commited to warlords mark if i want to run voidbringers, otherwise i run out of mana. that is a problem because Curse immune maps and mobs make you run out of mana unless you run 5-6 +2 mana jewels, which is a problem because they are near impossible to find with good rolls. however the eazy solution here is to switch back and forth between voidbringer and Maligaros. a bit of good news though: non legacy +1 maligaros or curse on hit ones are common and reasonably priced. |
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I got a add curse voll's devotion on warbands and a shavs rev, i want to try this build but i'm afraid of the cost it would take to craft 12kes gear on warbands, around 200ex? i got no clue.
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I like this build. Think it might be the ultimate version of face tank since mjolner requires very few DPS passives.
I have a suggestion for how to make the build viable with a lower budget (i.e. 700 es regalia rather than 900, 350 es shield rather than 550). I've had good success with face tank builds in 2.0 by going life/es hybrid. I think a hybrid tree with VP and GR might work instead of CI. Use romira to generate power charges. Keep a ES chest. Hit 3k-3.5k life 6.5k-8k ES. You won't get stunned as much because of 2-2.5x more life than CI, so you don't need unwavering (I did uber with a 3k life 6.5k es build (scold VMS incinerate) without stun immunity already). In general, I don't think IR is worth it since you can have a 3-4sec IC on L20 CWDT. All my builds /view-thread/1430399
T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 |
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" my thoughts exactly. in the current meta it seems Mjolner gives the highest DPS for least points spent in dps actually, so the build can be fairly defensive. really do not see how life based builds can beat this tankyness considering that in cureent meta there is no way to be damage immune to physical like before. i mean i guess you could go for some sort of perma self cast immortal call with max duration and 7 End charges, but we all know it feels clunky and never and enjoyable experience. i would love to see an example of a build running 99+ REs with 100% immortal call selfcast, but not sure i have seen a good one around yet. and even then the build remains very fragile because you can easily die when you move from pack to pack. WALL OF TEXT WARNING!!!!! in my build i rely on multitude of defensive mechanics. high ES buffer, High regen and Shield regen from Shav ring, Leech from Discharge on molten strike, leech on discharge on trigger gem, leech on Molten strike explosion. all that allows me to safely move from pack to pack and gives me a bigger margin for error. if i wanted so i could drop all the damage jewels and respec in a way to go above 15K-17K ES and have insane regen but low damage (still 100% flask uptime and similar defences). this would not be a problem in most fights but in some scenarios whe regen is crippled that would obiosly be a problem. but you can have in excess of 3kES/sec regen, just think about it, you regen half the HP of Kingsguard mjolner a second and you still have the benefits of leech to some extent and you have similar Phys resist to kingsguard mjolners (88 all res though, not 94+ fire and lightning like kingsguard but even then EHP is higher with ES since kingsguards run 5k life or so and to top that ele EHP you would need 10k ES for example. 12k for 6k life and so on. and dont bring Safells frame into this, since it is a situational item) i personally have no experience whatsoever with hybrid builds except lowlife shav (you can drop CI and run same build with Shav lowlife and take pain attunement for more damage at a huge cost of es but i am not a fan since it defeats the purpose of the build and you run in a signifficant problem where you just dont have enough gem slots on your armour to run 1 aura on blood magic and 2-3 more on mana and all the other setups i run now (vengence, molten, IC, sual/tri curse). so i find CI the better option since damage is not the problem here. as for dropping IR, well the only reason i run it is to facetank Trio in uber fight. i could not do it before i ran IR, simple as that. no way i could meet defence requirements and have a high enough leech/damage, maybe someone can figure it out, just keep in mind when i say facetank i am very literal about it, unlike most people who use this term incorrectly. facetanking is my goal with this build. i find IC ID CWDT setup was not coping with Trio fight enough even when i had more Endurance charges. either way IR has a point cost of roughly 8 points (depending on many factors it can be 10-8. 8 because it allows me to drop 1 dex node and one str node for example, and depending on pathing, etc.) so that is the opportunity cost. i have spend 100s of regrets going back and forth, rerouting through center, right, left, taking IR, dropping it for more ES, more damage, so many things... so far my latest version is by far my favourite. and like i mentioned in my opininon with perfect gear and lvl 100 this could very well be one of if not the strongest all around build in game (to me it feels much much better now already then Low life Spectral throw with loath bane in 1.3 i used to play, remember how broken that was. it is not the same damage output though, but the build is much more solid and has much more margin for error, especially with all those extra defensive mechanics: discharge trigger on counter with trigger gems and hebce leech is triggered, molten shell leech, Life REgen and shav ring, and the leech from molten strike procing discharge. that adds up to a huge buffer.) would love to push this build more but dont have the budget or patiece to farm 100. i would like to try hybrid but again i lost so many exalts already in regrets and buying/selling gear just to try new things that i cant pursue that any longer for now. i wish there were more people trying this build as i really want to hear some feedback and user experiences to further tweak it together. there are so many smarter and sharper poe players out there whou i am sure could come with exciting new ways to improve this build, i just wish the gear was more accessible. i will publish a new section soon dedicated to running this build on a low budget (except for Mjolner/volls/Romiras). in any case i am more and more convinced that dual curse path is the optimal one for most situations except curse immune maps, and even then the loss is 3 points, that is not too harsh. curses make this build that much stronger. Below i will put in spoiler a PM i sent to the poster before you who was asking for advice on how to run this build in Warbands on lower budget and non leg mjolner. this is my reply. it is not very well structured and is more of a wall of text but before i produce a cleaned up and more thought through version you can use this. do not judge though as i did not take enough time to structure it properly and possibly did not take some issues into condideration.
i will explain all the different gear oprions and how you can progressively upgrade your gear in a meningful way. also i will post different tree vesrsions for different states of the build.
the way i see it now is you should aim for 700 ES chest. that is how i got started. actually in early versions of the build i had 14K es with 700ES chest but i decided to tone it down to 12 k for the best compromise between damage and survivability. in theory i could go for higher ES now, but then damage feels sluggish. i find you should first get a feel for the build before you commit to it 100% the best way to do so is to get the following gear apart from volls/mjolner and romiras (in standart it is rather cheap, i dont play warbands so i dont know): i would get Voidbringer gloves, Rainbowstride boots, 300ES helm for cheap or something similar. even vertex can do, or EVEN crown of Eyes if it si cheap because that spell damage converted to es will slightly boost physical damage on Mjolner Molten strike and that mana leech can actually give you some mana leech so you could get away with maybe using 2 jewels with mana gained on hit rather then 3 (it is a theory, i have not tested, i will try it out sometime). for shield i would stick to 300+ ES shield or Safells Frame (but then unfortunatly you are very weak to phys damage since your ES pool is not big enough). or you could use Raph globe shield if it is cheap. for body armour i would use a 700+ es chest with 4 links, 5 is a bonus. colors are important though, so if you cant get the right colors i would advise to run your molten setup in any of the 4l slots instead. to be able to pull off Fortify i would run 1 trigger gem (vengence) with fortify linked, that should suffice. if you struggle to meet the resist caps i would get a cheap corrupted enlighten lvl 3 and put 1 point in reduced mana reserved node near CI to be able to run 3 auras: discipline, purity of fire, lightning. that way you drop determination but your armour is still high enough with EV and Armour flasks up to handle most phys damage. if you cant reach the resists stil, i would get a rare ring with ES crafted on it instead of Shavs ring. this could be your first step in doing this build. that way if you want to drop it and go to Kingsguard, the cost to switch back is not high, since you can easy sell the gear you have accuired maybe at a small loss but it will not be too bad. that way you get the feel for the build without commiting too hard and you can upgrade as you go. that is what i have done at first. i started with this type of gear and i build from there. for first stage i did not take Vaal pact and i did not use acuity but because my ES was so high (14k) the leech was actually very good even though not instant. remeber that in poe the bigger your HP/es pool is the more effective leech becomes. you will face some difficulty with reflect and wont be able to do all the mods easily, but this is a first and very solid step. i had 700 ES chest at start, no acuity, no mirrored shield but a very high ES no resist shield, i had my helm and shavs ring though but this is it. and the belt is cheap. so in short, you dont need high budget to get started. but try to snipe the good jewels though, that can go a long way. and if you cant get a decent chest, you have some choice: infernal mantle (but then you can only use 2 auras) or you could use an unlinked shavronnes if you have on hand too and not go CI but low life and get Pain attunenment and spend the extra points in ES, but you will not be able to reach high enough ES. so i think i would even settle for 600es chest. my advice though is if you want to go down this route is to get gear that you can easily sell, so if you dont like it you can just switch. better spend 5 exa on an item you can sell for 4 at worst then spend 3 exa for an item you cant sell at all. bottom line is gofor 300 on helm 300 on shiled 600 on chest 150 on boots 200 on gloves and shavs ring or if too expensive get the ES mod on high Resist ring that should be enough for a start and reasonably cheap. i would also drop 1 or 2 jewel nodes and respec back into high ES nodes. here is an example: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMAAW8B5wUtBUIJuw18DlwRLRFQFVAV1xhWGmwbJRzcHRQgbiFgIvQo-imlLJwsvzWSNbk26ECgQYdBlkSrRX5Gt0lRSbFJ1UuuTLNQMFWuVmNXyVivXGteE18_X2phUmSdaHRq-mwLbRlvO3TtdPF4DXloeu98g35Zf8aCEILHhEiGYIaujmSPGo9Gj6aP-pMnm6Gdrp_LoS-nCKcrpzCpbq6ztfK2-rc-uJO-isAawQTBxcNt0B_Q0ND102_Xz9i92VvaYt-K37Di9-kC6-7r9ewY707viO_r8NXyHfNv96b3wffX-Tf56P4K?accountName=ballsonfire&characterName=farmfarmwitch in the slot just below duelist you should out a +12%es unique jewel to convert life to ES and get the extra regen and put another ES jewel in the slot between shadow and scion. i have respecced some nodes as you can see. i think that way you will be able to asess the build and its potentioal and not break the bank. also i think that with the above gear you will be in a good spot and not feel like you are far behind. Vaal Pact path is also an option but i find it not the same at all, especially without the shavs ring. i currently have witch specced in ZO and Shadow specced in VP and with the same exact gear except for gloves i still prefer my witch tree. let me know how it goes. and worry not, i have never ever had a tier 1 unique drop for me and all currency is through trading, and i am a fairly inskilled player too so i tried to make the most powerful build that requires no skill. |
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Im a bit tired and going a bit mad on mjolner stuff, partly on your recommendation i added double cures to my life based mjolner and its worked well for me in uber, i think i can finally finish the fight now (am a bit of a crap player).
But yeah i will try your build in my other acc where i have a lvl 89 maruadder, bandits are life/all/end. What do you think about atziri sacrifical as chest piece i often like to buy a unique and 6s5l till i get lucky keeps my costs down. I have voidbriners etc 300+es shield would even think about a +1 rainbow striders. |
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Is this a joke? You can have almost as much es with shavs and 2 more defensive auras with more damage from clear mind and pain attunement. I mean you can get 11k HP with legacy kaoms. And chaos damage is not a problem when you're capped in chaos resist (it is actually the weakest damage type when resist capped) and have high regen. And kingsguard builds can totally tank vaal smash, they have like 50k more armour than you.
And if you're deadset on tanking vaal flameblast, use rise of the phoenix. You can get like 108% fire resist. You can mitigate damage with resists and high armour & taste of hate & lightning coil or get enough life and regen to tank damage before the next big hit. They both work. Last edited by siodine#5327 on Sep 3, 2015, 12:10:18 AM
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what kingsguard build u talking about? the one with 26 pages cant tank vaal smash, cant do a lot of map combinations like crematorium with - max resists, or - max resists and ele reflect u are asking to get screwed, there are more just cant remember right now, they lie to your face when they say u can face tank everything forever.
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