[2.0] CI/ZO/IR Mjolner (res 94/88/95 before Safells)12K ES 1.4k es/sec UBER Vaal/trio facetank
" i would say average. dont get me wrong, stuff explodes around you like it is supposed to, but for low/medium level mapping i would pick a ranged build probably, like SA/PA ranger or something. melee just cant compete with ranged clearspeed because there is always that 1 mob that you have to chase if you want to fullclear. compared to other Mjolner builds, i would suppose a bit slower, but i do not build for high clearspeed, but to clear highest lvl maps with almost any combination of mods. that is one way to save dem chaos orbs i guess. i am still finetuning the build, but playing with that much ES is just what i have been missing in my life :) i played lowlife ST with loath bane last league, to compare, this feels much better to me, and much safer. i would probably go as far as calling this build hardcore viable. been working on the tree, literally spent hours and hours playingaround and this is the best tree i can do with my gear to meet the stat requirements and cap resistances. headhunter would free up 2 points or 3, but i covered before why i run auxium for now. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMAAW8HHgthDXwN0Q5ID6sQexEvEVARlhVQFdcWvxhdGS4abBslHNwi9CepJ-0o-isKLKYsvzLRNAo1uTbFN2Y8LTzvRUdJUUmxS65VtVZjVw1XyVxrXfJfP19qY0NknWhlaPJsC20ZbWxwUnDVf8aDX4RIhq6J04t6jxqP-pDWkc6TJ5UulmyZmp2uns2fy6EvpwinK6cwrfGvbLQMtUi297iTvjq-isBmwQTDbcT2xq7K09DQ0iHXz9gk2VvZYdsa34rfsOL353TpAuq662Pr7uv17BjviPDV8h3zm_fB-Tc=?accountName=ballsonfire&characterName=farmfarmwitch |
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I'm playing your build in my way, still got 3'5k ES(so low) cause i'm trying to find a nice chest, helm and shield to buy, so i got now 280 es shield, 200 helm and tabula rasa.
With this low ES I'm able to run normal maps lvl 71-74 (im 71) with just a problem, reflect, i think with more ES all will be ok, the problem is to color a full int chest with rrrggg (i do fortify molten strike, multistrike, FA, GMP, and mana leech, swap to lightning strike sometimes) Thanks for post your build here, I'm doing critk version based on yours, taking much ES as possible, and then critk chance, just wanna test if it's optimal or not, wanna do it uber viable:D I'll check this tree you posted in your reply, can't right now :p I aslo wanted to play a build with tons of ES :p My final tree got 269% increased ES Did you try cyclone with this? I'll try lot of gems when i reach 10k ES at least (buying 700es chest and better shield I'll reach it i think) and then I'll give my opinion here, i hope it can help you a bit, not same build, but maybe can help:p |
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a few things to note:
you can run different gear options untill you find perfect gear for you, now, i am not saying you should run all the below at the same time since you will not cap resistances and es will be low. this is just some ideas as you progress. belt: i run auxium, but the best one is probably magnate since you can keep your flask charges up 100% and be freeze immune that way. magnate increases flask charges gained when you crit by 50%. but i run auxium because i a play just with the mouse and i just point and click, otherwise using flasks is much better obviously. also magnate gives STR, which is nice. shield: you could either run . both work ok, but high ES shield i still prefer. for all the reasons i listed before in main post. highere ES higher regen, etc. now if only damage source was elemental i would pic safells as a solid alternative. also if you run uber you probably would want safells and witch flask nodes. i have not tested yet, will try it soon. right ring slot: i run ventors gamble for mapping, but as a place holder here you could use either very high resis ring, or as you progress and if frezze is a problem, but in theory you should never have this problem with magnate and flask charges always full. gloves: i would either run very high ES gloves like in my first post, or , and in that case i would run vaal pact untill i get high enough ES to drop it or Acuity. boots: Rainbowstrides as the cheapest one probably, but any high ES rare will do. tips: If you are struggling with gear and capping some stats i would buy some chep high ES gear with no or little resistance so it is cheap, and a free crafting slot to craft +Strength or the missing resist. you do not need 6L or 5l, all you need is 4l you put Molten+GMP+Multi+Faster, this is it. and you can have vengece + vigilant strike linked to trigger fortify buff. and like i mentioned in my 6l last gem is mana leech, but it is really not needed and is only but a small mana source. i would much rather get +mana gained per enemy hit by your attacks Jewel (1 or preferably 2) to cover all the mana needs, i just cant find good ones. |
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a few things to note:
you can run different gear options untill you find perfect gear for you, now, i am not saying you should run all the below at the same time since you will not cap resistances and es will be low. this is just some ideas as you progress. belt: i run auxium, but the best one is probably magnate since you can keep your flask charges up 100% and be freeze immune that way. magnate increases flask charges gained when you crit by 50%. but i run auxium because i a play just with the mouse and i just point and click, otherwise using flasks is much better obviously. also magnate gives STR, which is nice. shield: you could either run . both work ok, but high ES shield i still prefer. for all the reasons i listed before in main post. highere ES higher regen, etc. now if only damage source was elemental i would pic safells as a solid alternative. also if you run uber you probably would want safells and witch flask nodes. i have not tested yet, will try it soon. right ring slot: i run ventors gamble for mapping, but as a place holder here you could use either very high resis ring, or as you progress and if frezze is a problem, but in theory you should never have this problem with magnate and flask charges always full. gloves: i would either run very high ES gloves like in my first post, or , and in that case i would run vaal pact untill i get high enough ES to drop it or Acuity. boots: Rainbowstrides as the cheapest one probably, but any high ES rare will do. tips: If you are struggling with gear and capping some stats i would buy some chep high ES gear with no or little resistance so it is cheap, and a free crafting slot to craft +Strength or the missing resist. you do not need 6L or 5l, all you need is 4l you put Molten+GMP+Multi+Faster, this is it. and you can have vengece + vigilant strike linked to trigger fortify buff. and like i mentioned in my 6l last gem is mana leech, but it is really not needed and is only but a small mana source. i would much rather get +mana gained per enemy hit by your attacks Jewel (1 or preferably 2) to cover all the mana needs, i just cant find good ones. Alternative Scion tree with high regen https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwAABg4HHgn2C2EMXw18DkgQexEvEVARlhXXGFYYXRkuGmwbJRynHU8i9CepJ-0o-ilPKwospiy_Nbk3gzwtPO9Bh0VHSVFJsUuuU6VVtVZjVw1XyV3yXz9famhlaHRo8mwLbRltbHBScNV_xoLHg1-DzIauidOMdo_6kNaRzpMnlKCVLpZsmZqePJ7Nn8uhL6brpyunMK3xr2y0DLUEtUi297cxtz6-Or6KwGbBBMRYxPbGrsrT0NDSIdR818_YTdlb2WHaYtsa5CLndOkC6rrrY-wY74jw1fOb9kj3wfk3-eg= |
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Thanks for these advices
I run this:
Got this life crafted on ring cause have not elderon 7, mine is 6'5 ;( Voidringer got high ES, the problem is mana cost, so i have to use mana leech, i tested to run maps without it, but it's so hard to keep spamming molten strike or any skill. My skill gem setup isn't finished yet as you can see Aslo got (random gems on it) ready for atziri :p Tryed instead of voidbringers, but i really need this 200 ES, it's a lot for me (ofc it's more with tree) Edit: Oh, so i think my ele reflect problem can be solved with vaal pact, but it's a bit far from my tree https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMABUINfA5IES0RUBVQFdcYXRkuGmwbJRzcHRQi9CepJ-0o-iycLL8y0TW5N4M8LTzvPQ9BlkVHSVFJsUuuUEJTNVZjVw1XyV3yX2po8mwLbRlwUnDVfIN8u3_GghCDX4auidOOZI9Gj_qTJ52uns2fy6Evoi6nCKcrpzCt8a9sr6e0DLb6uJO-isBmwcXE9sWKxq7K09DQ0PXSIdfP2VvZYd-K37DpAuq66-7sGO-I8NX3pvfB-Tf60g==?accountName=Charly6596&characterName=Chupiguay but maybe is worth to take off this int to dex gem and put this gem that makes life in radius aplly to ES (best gem slot to put it i think). I'll try to get some points for that, thanks! Last edited by Charly6596#7326 on Jul 31, 2015, 7:33:32 AM
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Small update, guide needs complete rework though
Last edited by ballsonfire#3687 on Aug 11, 2015, 7:49:57 PM
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Build Reworked a bit. needs cleanup and some videos, but thats a start
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Updated tree for marauder with IR! stronger version of the same build
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greetings, i am try to setup character according your build, and i have a question about jewels, could you link most important? And how you sustain mana?
And could you link flasks? Last edited by watson1337#4574 on Aug 23, 2015, 12:20:36 PM
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" Flasks linked in the new marauder section. also explained jewel setup a bit. some aditional explanation added too. just ran a no mana/life leech and Regen 79 map to test. cleared no problem. so far i have not seen a map i could not run. i alch vaal 77-80 maps and run them al day as i lvl up my maraude. so far no problems with any mod combinations and i do not expect any. i run all tem chain, reflect, -max res (hardly possible with kingsguard), anything. and like i mentioned i run all maps without Shav ring and with IQ gem in mjolner for Extra rarity and quantity, but i had to put the ring back on for no regen map. otherwise putting the ring and leech gem back in makes the build that much stronger. so if your gear is not that good, probably stick with the gem and ring. point i am trying to make is also that kingsguard has higher damage output probably (depends on gear, but since they tend to run iron will or lightning pen in mjolner it is likely, but then they dont have crit and high Spelldamage on shield if they run Safells frame. also they run voidbringer for high crit chance instead. all in all it can be pretty close. in the end of the day i can actually also run iron will) but has more weaknesses and playstyle allows less room for error. |
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