[2.0] CI/ZO/IR Mjolner (res 94/88/95 before Safells)12K ES 1.4k es/sec UBER Vaal/trio facetank
" there are 680+ ES atziri splendours out there for reasonably cheap, and they give great resist and EV/ar too! and you can get the colors you need easily. they are just like my ES/EV chest i started this build with, so this is certainly a good option! i approve ! i considere +1 rainbows and i think that would be a GREAT choice too! that +1 is a great asset! i would then probably respec a bit and run 2 purity auras with lvl 4 Enlighten and Empower to reach atleast lvl 23 purity to get the +1 max resist. you cant reach +2 sadly but you need the Empower there even though the extra levels go to waste. also you need enlighten to lower mana reservation. but to run 3 auras you might have to respec 1 jewel cluster and spend point in reduced mana reserved because Empower raises mana cost. i do not have the math, i will run it later to see at what point you have enough mana. 125 mana multi is very high though. if you put lvl 4 enlighten in +1 rainbows it becomes +1. a lvl 5 enlighten is 84% multiplier, i am not sure how it is calculated with 125 Emower multi. but is seems you will need to respec 1 or even 2 jewel nodes to get the reduced mana node on tree. there are other uses for this though, i would run discipline here with Determination or grace if you got the DEX (but that is too hard) with Empower and Enlighten, that way you could have more ES and DEf. but the best thing is to run curses here! especially when you reach lvl 100 and get the curse effect nodes. that will make curse THAT much more powerful!! lets take a lvl 21 Enfeeble for example (i take this as an exmple because this is hands down the most important curse). lvl 21 has 31% less damage curse. with +1 rainbow and Empower lvl4 you get lvl lvl 26 curse if i am correct. that puts us at 33% less damage. 33*.4 is 13.2. that means that pre investing in curse nodes the damage is 13.2 % less. but with curse nodes unique bosses have the 60% reduced effect of curses reduced to 30%. so 33*.7= 23.1 that is 23% more EHP! now to put this in to perspective, keep in mid that by reducing incoming damage your leech and sustain improve. so what you are looking for is for incoming damage and ES recovered to break even. this is when tanking becomes possible. but reducing incoming damage is better then increasing ES because your leech stays the same. so if you have 1000 ES and heal 100 ES per second gaining 1100ES and keeping 100regen is worse then stayong at 1000ES and reducing damage by 10%. say you are hit for 100ES per second. in first scenario you regen as much, but in second you actually take only 90 ES damage. i hope that makes sense!! maybe i am wrong, i am too tired, had a busy day. correct me if i am wrong! however the best setup is still +1 voidbringers here. so if you really want to gable currency, i would rather get a few uncorrupted voids and corrupt them. that way if you get +1 you win, or if you get curse corruption you also win. but i tend to think that with this gear VP version is probably the way to go for uber. and with +1 Rainbows being so cheap i would go for +1 rainbows, try to corrupt +1 voids, and get splendour. that way you get to run both, empowered curses and Voids get you the necessary lvl 23 Purity of fire and light so you dont have to Empower them and loose points on that. i am sorry if i am not very clear, really tired,, but i tried to answer the best i could. dont hesitate to challenge me and my conclusions, all criccism welcom! except for the type of reply below which clearly comes from a poorly informed person and is more of a troll comment rather then a legitimate attemt to challenge my conclusions. " i dont even... are you trolling? you have no understanding of the mechanics of this game and what it actually takes to make a good all around ballanced build. if you are not trolling and really do not understand i would probably advise you to run a kingsguard Mjolner for an uber run (it is not that expensive of a build) and tell me what you think then. once again, i can go back to kingsguard any time i want, i have the gear for it (which is cheap anyways), but for me it feels like a step back. and you completely fail to understand the purpose of this build: a good all around tank with moderate damage which is able to do all content. if i were to respec my build for uber runs specifically i would improve it even more, but that would TAKE AWAY from the flexibility i currently have to do all content. and the facts you mention are simply untrue.. just to be clear, Kingsguard is not what you think it is. i described in great detail the flaws of that build and why they can not be adressed with the current meta. and availability of gem slots is a very big problem here too, which you completely ignore. actually you ignore so many things in your assumptions that i almost ignored your comment completely. you bring in Kaom for some reason and a finite resource like Taste of hate (which we can also use), but those are meaningless in this context. well not completely, we can also use Taste of hate for uber trio for a much safer fight, but is is not needed and that flask is expensive. but a solid option for trio fight. so ruby+Jade+Armour+Movement+Taste of hate is probably the optimal setup. i dont need it though because this fight is no longer a problem. i however kill Tentacle first, then Dual striker and Then cycloner. i prefe this order and for me Dual striker is harder in the ned. Last edited by ballsonfire#3687 on Sep 3, 2015, 5:01:07 PM
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Thank you for that, one question kind of unrelated but do you know if weapon swap works for uber double flameblast, since i have 100%res with safellis/flask and l21 pof in alphas, i was wondering if i could tank it with 103% fire res (using rise of the phoenix), + enfeeble (l20/20 at present +10% effect from coh) and arctic armour. Kind of silly since i should learn to reliable outrun it but all these options fascinate me about poe.
Boring maths
so far as i know uber is 80000 with 10% fire pen with my coh enfeeble she would do - 12.4% dmg sp 70080 then -93% from 103% fire res so 4956 dmg, im guessing -14.64% from arctic armour l20 (and aura effect nodes) = 4230.4416 dmg.
Last edited by Fhark#5469 on Sep 3, 2015, 5:03:58 PM
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" if i was dead set on being able to eat up that double blast consistently i would probably explore the same options. i cant say if enfeeble affects the fire pen value applied though. i have not specifically looked into how overcapping max resistance works either but i assume it does. why i like swap as an option in general is because it is near instant, and can really be used strategically. i can be mistaken but if i remember correctly after double flameblast she can attack right away, so you are at a risk of being hit hard by the spear if you do not swap back. i mean on paper that sounds feasible but you have to be quick to switch back probably. there are a few other things you could maybe try as well. like have a pre charge vaal grace on the wearpon swap shield and pop it to improve your dodge chance. or use smoke mine but you have to recast it every 16 seconds i think. smoke mine can get you close to the edge fast and give your movespeed boost to. you could have phase run but it takes time to cast. and is less effective then move flask or movement skill. thing about double flameblast that kills you can be not so much the damage from the blast given that you were able to absorb it, but the follow up damage when you are low on HP. so keep that in mind. especially if she moves and you cant reash her to leech back to full hp fast enough. another problem here is molten strike. there is some time between you first land the hit and the projectiles pprocing. that leaves you vulnerable unless you know exactly where she will be after the blast and you attack in anticipation. all in all that means that even though it sounds like a plan, you could be out of position and not ready with follow up. while i was testing some version of my build i had a similar problem i think, where i could eat the blast, but not the follow up damage. i cant remember the exact situation though. i do think it is better to run away for blast though but once again the problem here is that once you run away you are out of position and you need to close the gap again to start attacking her to heal. the problem with most builds that seem to be damage immune is that they are weak untill they can close the gap and move from pack to pack since they do not build the extra buffer because they are designed to be damage immune once you start attacking. well, fair enough, but you have to take this into consideration. dang, i got to stop with those "wall of text" replies though. |
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thanks for the reply (i like the wall of text) yeah running is best, i watched a ci test of uber dmg with 101 fire res (anywhere between roughly 5000-8000 dmg getting through and noticed she always that if its double flame blast hand is up, small flameblast is hand down. Think i will practice with that i noticed the fight uber is very easy with alphas pof/pol/arc armour and grace but between multistrike animation and i guess my only check was flameblast getting bigger then standard it was very hard to outrun more then 50% of the time.
Last edited by Fhark#5469 on Sep 3, 2015, 8:54:56 PM
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Actually this build is amazing and smooth, but you should invest some time to order up your jewels and flasks. And it is expansive - yeap. I am tracking this topic and ballsonfire (thx m8 - great job with guide) provide for me alots of advices and help. 16-17k with good gear, decent dps - for me - sounds like success formula. I am personally using Mana flask with "charge then you deal critical strike". Gear is not perfect, and most expansive part - es shield with spelldmg+es+spell crit - but its huge part of the all dps. Gl to all who spent time and money to investigate this possible build to be immortal :)) Last edited by watson1337#4574 on Sep 4, 2015, 1:15:21 PM
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And one more thing - Abaxoth, The End of All That Is. Pain in the ass :)) You should aware this man :))
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" really appreciate your feedback! really happy to see i was able to improve ever so slightly someones experience of playing poe! as you mention, this build has some flexibility so anyone can adjust the playstyle and experiment with different tree variations and gear options. as you upgrade your gear you will also be able to "upgrade" your tree and i find that this build has a reasonably smooth curve in its upgrade path and plenty of offensive (curse combinations, Valla pact or ZO, different options for jewels, auras) and deffensive options to play with as you are upgrading. i try to cover as many variations as i can with my guide, but there are just too many and i am very happy to see others improve on my build and make it their own. eventually you will get a good feel for what tweaking all those options brings and will settle on the version best for your playstyle AND best suited for your current gear. i find that with all the different options available to play with you can really compensate for some of the weaknesses in your current iteration of the build that are due to gear/jewels and gem levels to have a smooth gaming experience. there are so many different paths to take: get more ES , skip on acuity and by doing so make regen and leech that much more evvective. or go Vaal pact, skip on regen alltogether and concentrate on damage to make the leech effect impactful enough vs single target. or be hybrid like me and kave regen and instant leech by using acuity. all those combinations youse different means to achieve somewhat similar results. i tried them all and so far settled for the latter, but i like to know there is not just 1 single path. i wish more people give this build a shot and share their experience like you have! i know it can be a little prohibitive in terms of cost, but i do think the different gear choices i suggest give plenty of possibilities to anyone willing to get started and will put you on an upgrade path which is smooth and rewarding! (unlike some builds where you need exact stats on most pieces of gear to make them work, i am looking at you Kingsguard. i know i know, i've been b1tching about Kingsguar for a while, but that is not the message i am trying to send. i am just saying that with kingsguard you are locked into a vertain playstyle which i find too intense for a filthy casual like myself, and that i want more options. and Kingsguard is a great build! but as i stated numerous times, the upgrade path is not rewarding at all and very rigid. well i will not be repeating myself over and over any longer, ou get the idea.) i enjoy a moderately paced style of gameplay where i can just walk up to the middle of the pack, absorb some damage with multiple defensive mechanicks that kick in and replenish back the ES before i procede to erasing those pixels from my screen. |
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Thx m8 for your feedback. Really appreciated to read this.
I am try to go kigsguard right now, and what I should say to compare this builds: Kingsguard: better with dps, but lets say - quality of life .... Depends on couple of things. For life - high fire res: Righteous Fire rocks with kingsguard. Dps strong, but you should located thery correct. One mistake - and you will fire. With CI, If you have lvl 94+ character - you will have 6+ jewels which allow you to have lots of ES + crit multi. Dps not high enough to do bosses fast. But my personal experience says (for maps bosses) - that our fast regen ES allow us to move safe and bring him down. I don't say about regular atziry - she is week in any build. But I should say about 81-82 bosses. ES build safer for me. I can control my high ES pool better then even 6.5k life kingsguard. Actually we need some feedback from other ppls - which are using this build or something familiar. |
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" after reading your message i decided, since there are not that many contributors, to take matters in to my own hands. got bored so decided to 6 l some stuff and voila, less then 400 fuses (on both) later: (total budget to buy both 6 ex, kings was 6s) Edit: recoloured it to mjolner colors. i did not even need either really but felt like gambling, sometimes you just get that itch. biggest error of gambling though is when you start to believe you can actually make profit that way in the long run. gonna make another kingsguard char to do more comparison, maybe i will try a shadow this time. that way i will be able to accurately describe the difference to anyone who wants to get a better experience with their Mjolner and give CI a try. it is true that damage wise it is better, i always said that (but i can close the gap by alot with perfect gear), but i just cant handle the quirkiness in everyday life. really not to fond of having to do this, but i want to settle the debate. not like anyone was really arguing with me and disputing my conclusions, i just want to make a more accurate comparison. not sure when i will start though, since i already spent alot on regrets and whatnot and now i need to use another full respec to achieve this. also i dont get much gametime lately, too busy, but i will get there eventually. Last edited by ballsonfire#3687 on Sep 4, 2015, 7:02:04 PM
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How much damage does the Uber Vaal smash do? Can you post a bit of an analysis (your buffs, other mitigation etc)? Thank you.
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